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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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While nothing really jumps out at me, I think this will be VERY popular with the general public (not the band!)


I for one will be rockin' out on my first ride to KC and the Sunshine band!


Just because...


What will you all pick for your first ride?



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Ugh, I don't know, I guess I was hoping for some Boy Bands or something a bit more 'younger pop'!


Nothing like rocking to Nsync while riding!!!


Too much Fergie and Black Eyed Peas, I mean seriously, how cheap must they have been to license!!??


For my first ride, I think I'll choose, ugh, I don't know...I guess Bring Me To Life?!?!

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All I know is that if there is ever a fatality on this coaster they BETTER have been listening to "I Will Survive" just for the ironic nature of the whole thing.


  RctInfinity said:
...Anyone else find it weird that there are two Beastie Boys songs and two The Crystal Method songs?

Probably got a good deal when licensing the songs.



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  SharkTums said:
Ugh, I don't know, I guess I was hoping for some Boy Bands or something a bit more 'younger pop'!


Nothing like rocking to Nsync while riding!!!


Too much Fergie and Black Eyed Peas, I mean seriously, how cheap must they have been to license!!??


For my first ride, I think I'll choose, ugh, I don't know...I guess Bring Me To Life?!?!


Frankly, I'm not a fan of Black Eyed Peas with fergie at all. Before she came, they hadan eccentric vibe to them--now it's lost.


If I were riding, my choice would be for some B-E-A-S-T-I-E. WITHOUT A DOUBT.

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I guess I'd have to go with "Kickstart My Heart" first followed by "Sabotage" and then "Rock Star". A wide assortment, but nothing that really jumps out at me as an "OMG, that song would be awesome to listen to on a coaster!"

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  robbalvey said:


No love for KC and the Sunshine band? C'mon!!!! That's the way uh-huh, uh-huh I like it!



I'm dissapointed there is even a list to choose from when CLEARLY this is the best choice.




No no no no no






I'd like to see this as a poll

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No Final Countdown = Fail. So it's totally KC & The Sunshine Band for me!


I suspect that a lot of these songs are ones either owned outright by some Universal-owned company, or ones with an already existing/cheap licensing agreement. Which is why I also suspect why there are repeat artists.


At least the playlist isn't clogged with American Idol rejects and winners you've already forgotten about...



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  Meteornotes said:
No Final Countdown = Fail. So it's totally KC & The Sunshine Band for me!


I suspect that a lot of these songs are ones either owned outright by some Universal-owned company, or ones with an already existing/cheap licensing agreement. Which is why I also suspect why there are repeat artists.


At least the playlist isn't clogged with American Idol rejects and winners you've already forgotten about...




Now thatyou put it like that, I do love the playlist that they have on HRRR.

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