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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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The Horror Nights theming reminds me of some of the set elements that were built for the Avengers movie.


So I'm assuming the fake train engine will be going away and that space used for a real train station? Will be interesting how smooth going from one park to the other via the train when this is done. I imagine it will just have some attendants and turnstiles like the entrance to the park does.


Maybe this could turn out to be an example for building a monorail station in place of the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire building, but I doubt it.

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some updates



Spring 2013 - Project 971 / Simpsons - (9/10/12) According to Screamscape sources, we can expect to see the International Food Festival food court eatery next to The Qwik-E-Mart closed in the next few weeks in order to undergo a major transformation to become Simpsons themed. Rumor has it that we will see the addition of a true Krusty Burger and Moe’s Tavern appear here in time for late Spring 2013. I can only assume that we will see Universal take what they learned about adding custom food and beverage items from the Wizarding World and bring some tasty edible Simpsons items to life. Who else is up for a Flaming Moe?

Backing up this rumor is the confirmation from ParkScope back in late August that Universal filed a building permit for “Building 72” that would result in some partial demolition and area development. According to the permits, Universal has dubbed this as Project 971. Between the new themed restaurants and the Simpson themed midway games project, all blended in with the existing Simpsons ride and Kwik-E-Mart, Universal is going to have a rather nice little piece of Springfield.



Wish I lived in FLA, so I could get a Flaming Moe or Krusty Burger

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^ So it'll be JUST like Harry Potter.....great atmosphere, bad ride. Sounds about right.


I really wouldn't consider Forbidden Journey to be a bad ride. Sure it's not quite as cohesive as Spiderman, but it's still one of the coolest darkrides I've ever ridden. The Kuka Robotic Arm system alone makes it one of a kind.

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I remember going to Nick Studios back in 1995. I got to see the Allegra's Window set (which apparantly used to be Clarissa's old home) and the Hidden Temple set. In 1998, my brothers went to see the Figure it Out set.


Who remembers:

Nick Arcade

Guts (Do you have it?), they even made a SNES game based on it

Clarissa explains it all

Legends of the Hidden Temple

Roundhouse (my brother liked it)

Weinerville (a weird show)

What Would You Do?, featuring the infamous Pie Coaster (was it made by Vekoma or Arrow?)

Double Dare / Family Double Dare

U to U (you could even connect to it on Prodigy)

Solute Your Shorts

Hey Dude

Wild and Crazy Kids

"This show was recorded in front of a live studio audience at Nickelodeon Studios at Universal Studios in Orlando Florida"

i remember all of those shows

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^I wonder if Coke makes the butterbeer syrup?


Even if you're not a fan of all these projects, you have to be excited that Comcast is willing to spend so much on a business everyone thought they would neglect! All of these projects cannot be cheap...

Edited by Jew
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Even if you're not a fan of all these projects, you have to be excited that Comcast is willing to spend so much on a business everyone thought they would neglect! All of these projects cannot be cheap...


Now if they would just invest in the neglected parts of IOA outside of Potterville.

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Just got back from USF/IOA. Early fall is the BEST time to go! Light crowds and cooler weather!


On to the pics!


The wait times at IOA


New HUGE crane on site at Harry Potter Part 2


The Gringots Bank building (I think!)


Across the lagoon you can see the crane and building on site.


And vertical construction has begun at Transformers

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember reading back when The Forbidden Journey at IOA opened that there were a lot of complaints about larger people not being able to ride, then I also remember reading somewhere a few months later that there was some sort of upgrade in the works for the ride vehicles to accommodate larger guests. Does anyone know of this ever happened? Did they add some type of "Big Boy" seat?


(I know this question is kinda out of the blue but I'm planning a trip some friends and am curious if we can all fit)

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I just came back from staying at the hard rock for 7 nights. No lines! Everything but dudley do rights, hollywood rip rocket and forbidden journey was a walk on all day!


Does anyone else wonder why they never moved the woody wood pecker coaster and fiefles playground to toon lagoon. It doesn't make sense to me.

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Does anyone else wonder why they never moved the woody wood pecker coaster and fiefles playground to toon lagoon. It doesn't make sense to me.


You had to keep a kids area at Universal Studios. That's what I always figured.


Of course, I would love it if they re-did the area with new characters. I believe there is a SpongeBob store in the same area. How about a SpongeBob play area? But then again that area of the park is all that's left unchanged really.

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Does anyone else wonder why they never moved the woody wood pecker coaster and fiefles playground to toon lagoon. It doesn't make sense to me.


I'm more surprised they haven't re-themed that area. I think it fits in that area, however I'm surprised its not something modern kids would know about. Do kids nowadays really know Woody, or Fifel?

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