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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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While queuing for Saw-The ride, I overheard some girls talking about it. Than one of them said that a friend of hers once got stuck at the top when it was tipping over the edge.


Come to england guys! Turns out we have the only gravity defying eurofighter in the world!

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  youngforever said:
What I really hate is when people say let's ride "The Griffon" or "The Alpengeist". Come on people, there is no "The" in the name

-___- Another thing that bothers me is when people say "Oh, this park totally copied this ride from this park."


I always find myself joking around with rides that do have "The" in it's name...

"Hey, let's go ride The The Grizzly!"


Yea, it sounds quite silly when rides even have the word "The" in it. I often just call it Grizzly, Demon, etc. There's some rides that adding "The" in its name leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. "Hey wanna ride The Vertical Velocity?"

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I was in line for Mantis two days ago and apparently a train was launched with malfunctioning restraints or people who couldn't get in properly. They stopped it halfway up the lift and had employees walk up, a little girl behind me said "they wear gonna fly out because they didn't buckle their seatbelts!"

A teenage couple apparently were debating over whether or not to remove the the girlfriends rather sharp earrings, but the girl left them in!

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Wow...this takes stupidity to a new level. From Kings Dominion's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/kingsdominionva/posts/10150968388731875


Now that my girlfriend & I have no means of transportation to & from the park,thanks to a recent falling out with a frined of ours we have season pawsses that are USELESS to us for the remainder of the year.


We both spent upwards of $80.00 apiece last fall for our passes & I for one feel cheated out of that money now that I cannot use it for the remainder of the year & so does she as well.


Response goes on to say:


Should this comment be directed towards the person you had a falling out with? What does this have to do with Kings Dominion? Should they not have sold you the pass in fear your transportation might have fallen through during the course of the season?


..and then the original poster responds:


It is an issue now involving the park Tim.I paid for a season pass & am unable to use it so I & my GF feel cheated out of our money.


I'm not kidding,what good is the pass when I can no longer use it? If I could drive I'd go on my own but I can't & because of that was dependent on my former friend for transportation to & from the park.
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Haven't had a chance to post this yet, but the last time I was in line I was at SFGAM, I overheard two (maybe 15/16) yr. old girls (Who line-jumped by the way to 'catch up' to their friends) discussing how the ride was in an area that Six Flags just built for it. Glad Six Flags was able to construct land that wasn't there to begin with or capitalized on plate tectonics to squeeze XF in there. Yay for us.

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  Her0ofLime said:
On the bus ( The "School Bus" to be prescise) two people were talking about SFOG I overheard this:
The mine train is the oldest coaster in the world
Bzzzzt WRONG


Jesus I've lost faith in humanity. Really? I put my hand to my face at this

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Some Yahoo! Answers questions:


Where are some private places at six flags to make out?


And also, I found a really weird one (Can't find it now) with some person asking about if they should take ecstasy pills before they go to a theme park...

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  molemaster43 said:
Some Yahoo! Answers questions:


Where are some private places at six flags to make out?


And also, I found a really weird one (Can't find it now) with some person asking about if they should take ecstasy pills before they go to a theme park...


You would not believe how often a friend of mine who did security for SFNE from '06-'09 caught teenage couples trying to have sex in the park. Some of the places they managed to find baffled even him.

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  Blind Idiot God said:
  molemaster43 said:
Some Yahoo! Answers questions:


Where are some private places at six flags to make out?


And also, I found a really weird one (Can't find it now) with some person asking about if they should take ecstasy pills before they go to a theme park...


You would not believe how often a friend of mine who did security for SFNE from '06-'09 caught teenage couples trying to have sex in the park. Some of the places they managed to find baffled even him.


What places? And did he catch any of them in the act? Or did he just catch them before they began doing it?

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  GigaG said:
  Blind Idiot God said:
  molemaster43 said:
Some Yahoo! Answers questions:


Where are some private places at six flags to make out?


And also, I found a really weird one (Can't find it now) with some person asking about if they should take ecstasy pills before they go to a theme park...


You would not believe how often a friend of mine who did security for SFNE from '06-'09 caught teenage couples trying to have sex in the park. Some of the places they managed to find baffled even him.


What places?

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I was at Splish Splash (Long Island waterpark) and there were many people in line that were yelling at the ride attendant telling her that she is going to be fired after they tell the management that she is letting the people with the H2Go pass go before the regular people on line. Being one of those H2Go members, this was hilarious. At one point everyone on the line started clapping and cheering because they thought they were letting the regular line go, but it was instead just a large H2Go group. They realized halfway through and responded with "OMG YOU SUCK" and "I hate you! You are going to be fired!" comments.

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This isn't from the GP, but Darien Lake's description of Predator is rather amusing.


Predator is the tallest wooden coaster in New York State and is rated one of the top wooden coasters in the world.


Hmmm... That's the first I've heard of that...

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  CorkscrewFoley said:
On my friend Lisa's FB page, she posted pics of her Wonderland trip, and there was a shot of Flight deck, and one of the guys on the trip said it was an amazing ride...


Not trying to be rude, maybe they like it. I know I actually really enjoy SLC's. Not the painful ones but I love the layout. I always get crap on TPR tours cause I look forward to them.

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Recently on three separate occasions, I've heard three different groups of people share news that Disney and Universal have plans to build parks in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee (Dollywood is our home park). Yep. I just smile and shake my head in agreement with them. lol


Also, my friend was telling me about his recent ride on Intimidator 305. I was asking all sorts of questions like what did you think of it?, and did you gray-out etc. He went on to say he whited-out after the 305ft incline and 140ft. drop. I was like, (straight faced) what did you just say?

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