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The 2018 TPR Coaster Poll

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  DBru said:
Currently my top 3 coasters are ranked as -2, -1, and 0. Is this a problem?

This is frowned upon but technically will be okay, the ranking system considers negative numbers to be higher ranks than zero.


Also I've had the same issue as someone else where my bottom 10-20 coasters keep randomly placing themselves throughout my list when I refresh (even after I press "save"). Frustrating.

Not sure about this one, we'll check on it.

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Due to a glaring error on my part I realize that somehow Mighty Canadian Minebuster was only ranked as moderately terrible when the poll was due (I don't know how that happened, I must have done something dumb with drag and drop). I've corrected it and given it the recognition that it deserves, but if I'm too late and anyone gets the idea from this poll that the ride is kind of good I sincerely apologize for my actions.

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  A.J. said:
  DBru said:
Currently my top 3 coasters are ranked as -2, -1, and 0. Is this a problem?

This is frowned upon but technically will be okay, the ranking system considers negative numbers to be higher ranks than 0.


What’s the best solution to this? Obviously the numbers didn’t rearrange correctly when I dragged and dropped...but I don’t want to manually renumber every coaster I’ve ranked in the spreadsheet.

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^I see this wasn't just me, then. (I won't be surprised if the accuracy of the polls is appreciably reduced because of this.)


The solution I found out was to sort them first in a note-writing or word processing app/program, and then I used the spreadsheet version of the poll where I changed the numbers for all the coasters to match the notepad list in one uninterrupted session and then saved at the very end.

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  Tanks4me05 said:
^I see this wasn't just me, then. (I won't be surprised if the accuracy of the polls is appreciably reduced because of this.)

You know, if you're just going to bitch and complain about the poll I'm more than happy to disqualify your ballot and throw it away.

Edited by robbalvey
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  DBru said:
What’s the best solution to this? Obviously the numbers didn’t rearrange correctly when I dragged and dropped...but I don’t want to manually renumber every coaster I’ve ranked in the spreadsheet.
  Tanks4me05 said:
^I see this wasn't just me, then. (I won't be surprised if the accuracy of the polls is appreciably reduced because of this.)

Respectfully guys, this is why we let the polls be open for a month (or more), to iron out these sorts of problems. It's really challenging for us to deal with this stuff when these sorts of problems aren't brought up until the last possible moment.


I believe I was able to reproduce your problem. I moved a few of my coasters around and immediately clicked the done button, when the page reloaded none of my changes were reflected.


DBru, what I want you do to do is as follows: In the spreadsheet mode, make your changes the way you want them, and then WAIT. Wait until you see a little green box automatically show up that says "saved your new order, It'll be live soon", and THEN click the "Done Ranking" button. It should show up about 5-10 seconds after you've made your most recent change. See if that works.


And don't worry, we'll do everything we can to make sure the system is working properly before we compile the results.

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  robbalvey said:
  Tanks4me05 said:
^I see this wasn't just me, then. (I won't be surprised if the accuracy of the polls is appreciably reduced because of this.)

You know, if you're just going to bitch and complain about the poll I'm more than happy to disqualify your ballot and throw it away.


I apologize for any misinterpretation. It was just that the last time I listed that long list of errors, the response appeared to implicitly come to the conclusion (which I came to agree with) that they were the result of something weird going on just with my phone in particular, and not necessarily the coding of the poll itself. I'm aware that this is a complex program, I just wanted to highlight that "Error 1" may in fact be an issue with the coding of the poll. Again, I apologize for how it was worded. I have a history of struggling to catch any false, negative connotations that can be conveyed in what I say despite my best efforts to catch them beforehand. My actual intended connotation was to be purely neutral and "diagnostic" for lack of a better term. (And if I didn't catch any negative connotations in this post, I apologize for those, too.)

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  Tanks4me05 said:
I just wanted to highlight that "Error 1" may in fact be an issue with the coding of the poll.

Yes, we get it. You just wanted to publicly point out that you were right and we were wrong. Trust me, we 100% see your motives through all your fake apologies. No need to continue. All will be addressed. You can go away now. Thanks.

Edited by robbalvey
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  tdaun said:
Out of curiosity do you tally the votes manually or is it an automated process?

The process is automated but somewhat curated. For example, we had some testing and adjusting last year because we had certain rides be super-highly ranked but only had one or two people ranking them. That led us to develop the rule that a coaster's yearly ranking is "provisional" (marked with an asterisk instead of a number on the results) when it has less than a certain number of riders. Soaring With Dragon at Wanda Hefei is an example of one of those coasters.

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  A.J. said:
  tdaun said:
Out of curiosity do you tally the votes manually or is it an automated process?

The process is automated but somewhat curated. For example, we had some testing and adjusting last year because we had certain rides be super-highly ranked but only had one or two people ranking them. That led us to develop the rule that a coaster's yearly ranking is "provisional" (marked with an asterisk instead of a number on the results) when it has less than a certain number of riders. Soaring With Dragon at Wanda Hefei is an example of one of those coasters.


Okay very cool,just wanted to say thanks for putting this together. It was a very straightforward & easy to understand method. The only hard part was figuring out what ranking I wanted to give my coasters.

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^ A.J. wrote that lumping middle coasters under a number is also acceptable for the poll. So you could do top ten and bottom 10 and then grouping a bunch of coasters after that so coasters you really like are all 15, then good coasters under 20 and meh coasters under 25 etc.

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  Garet said:
^ A.J. wrote that lumping middle coasters under a number is also acceptable for the poll. So you could do top ten and bottom 10 and then grouping a bunch of coasters after that so coasters you really like are all 15, then good coasters under 20 and meh coasters under 25 etc.


Dang wish I had caught that one earlier. Oh well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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^ That's exactly why we had a "Frequently Asked Questions" as the second post in this thread....

I've ridden so many coasters that I don't feel like individually ranking them all. What happens?

You can rank your coasters in batches if you want! For example, you can give your "best" coasters all tied ranks of #1, then your "awesome" coasters all tied ranks of #10, "good" #20, and so on. Or, you can just choose not to rank coasters you consider as "okay" or "average". Or, you can rank your top 50, and then give your "middle" coasters all tied rankings, and then rank your bottom 10. It's up to you! The poll cares about how coasters compare to each other, not just which ones are ranked first or last on peoples' lists.

Edited by robbalvey
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  A.J. said:
  tdaun said:
Out of curiosity do you tally the votes manually or is it an automated process?

The process is automated but somewhat curated. For example, we had some testing and adjusting last year because we had certain rides be super-highly ranked but only had one or two people ranking them. That led us to develop the rule that a coaster's yearly ranking is "provisional" (marked with an asterisk instead of a number on the results) when it has less than a certain number of riders. Soaring With Dragon at Wanda Hefei is an example of one of those coasters.

This method produced some really good results last year. I appreciate the effort you put into it; certainly it pays off when all the top rides are legitimately great. Looking forward to this year's results whenever you get it done!

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I noticed a large Schwarzkopf traveling coaster in France is missing from the list of coasters on CoasterPoll.com -- Super Railway. I rode it at a funfair in Toulouse, France in 2015 and it's really fun and intense, and best (or worst) of all doesn't have any seatbelt or lapbar or ANYTHING holding you in the car...you just hold on to the bars on the side of the car. I *almost* literally flew out of my seat going down one of the hills, but that just added to the fun of course!:




Here's a video of it from 2019:


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