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Are There Really Any Bad New Coasters?

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Other than the Fabri Spinning coasters, Green Lantern (of course it's Coasterbill honestly thought Green Lantern was from 2009), and the Flamingoland Volaire, the other coasters how could you say it's a definitively bad coaster? Maybe you're not a huge fan of it and were disappointed but how bad is it compared to raging dumpster fires of yesteryears.


Banshee, Skyrush, New Hulk? I cannot see how these are objectively bad.

Please do not turn this into most overrated coasters


I know people have subjective opinions but what I was trying to get at with the creation of the thread was if there has been a large decrease in fundamentally wrong coasters.

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^^ I think that the "wrong / bad" major coaster is a thing of the past. Gone are the days of Viper (SFGAdv), Windjammer, Z-Force, etc. Modern technology and engineering have pretty much weaned out all necessary guesswork or trial-and-error found on many coasters from the past. Even examples like GL:FF are more of a product of sh**ty maintenance and excessive neutering by park management more than anything else.

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I know people have subjective opinions but what I was trying to get at with the creation of the thread was if there has been a large decrease in fundamentally wrong coasters.


There's definitely been a large decrease but occasionally people are still going to come up with a few steaming turds, especially companies that are willing to take risks and try new things.


As for the responses in this thread, this is by it's very nature very subjective (as Elissa pointed out) but I think we should try to seek out coasters that are disliked by the majority of people and not an isolated few. There's never been a coaster that a few people didn't have odd opinions of (I'm sure somebody somewhere liked Windjammer and somebody somewhere dislikes Fury) but as a whole saying things like Hulk and Banshee are completely ridiculous. You can think they're overrated, but as a whole they're both well liked rides. A ride like Green Lantern has it's fans here and there, but for the most part it's universally disliked.


As for Skyrush, that one's debatable since it's a love-it-or-hate-it ride, but I don't know if you can call it a "bad" coaster when it's about a 50/50 split between people that hate it and people that think it's god's gift to the universe (with virtually no in between).


PS: On the subject of looking for rides that fit the criteria, how does this thing ride?


And yeah... Flamingoland, wtf are you doing?

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PS: On the subject of looking for rides that fit the criteria, how does this thing ride?

From what I've heard it's actually a rather enjoyable coaster and shows that the SLC layout was a good layout that just tracked awful, had horrid trains, terrible restraints, etc. It's not amazing and still has a few bumps here and there but from the multiple trip reports and reviews of the park it's a drastically improved version.

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Let's get this back on track, yeah?


In terms of coasters from the last few years, perhaps the fastest degradation in quality I can think of is Apocalypse at Magic Mountain. Despite being built just seven years ago, SFMM has managed to run Apocalypse into Psyclone territory at a genuinely alarming rate. It's such a shame, especially considering it's a phenomenal layout. It wasn't built terrible, but it arrived at terrible in a big hurry.


If we're counting revamps though, a big shoutout is owed to Hades 360. Mt. Olympus is a dumpster fire.

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Are all of the Intamin ZacSpins as awful as Green Lantern?


After 1 lap on that last year I couldn't believe how god awful it was. Painful, uninteresting, and nothing like what I thought I was going to experience after years of seeing videos of the other models.


Why is that specific one so terrible?

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Per the first post, we're talking about parks in Europe and North America.


The first post said "mainly" Europe/NA; I thought including Japan was appropriate since they normally build reasonably quality stuff (lately anyway) and this ride was closely affiliated with one of the largest US manufacturers. Plus it's just too good of a story to pass up.

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Skyrush looks amazing and honestly even if the restraint isn't the greatest I'll be fine. Only time when I've completely hated a restraint and was is true pain was once on X-Flight where it pressed down so hard and pinned my shoulder and cut off circulation to my arm. Throw in a delayed dispatch on the train in front of us and my arm was very purple getting off.



except I'm not a little b**** and got right back in line because X-Flight is fun

So as long as Skyrush doesn't do something way worse I'll still love it.

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Are all of the Intamin ZacSpins as awful as Green Lantern?



As far as I've heard, no. I haven't ridden Green Lantern, but I've ridden Insane and Kirnu, Insane being the one which GL is a clone of and Insane is just fun, very intense, but fun. If I understand correctly GL has different restraints and spins less (which means more uncomfortable g:s) but I might be wrong.

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