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Unique Coaster Combinations

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I was having a bit of a procrastination from work looking at the ride selections at several parks I've yet to visit. I was having a look at which parks had the most B&M coasters (SF Great Adventure it turns out), and then I noticed that there are some roller-coaster combinations which seem to be rather rare.


It turns out that there are no theme parks that have a stand-up rollercoaster and a B&M Dive Coaster. This made me think if there are any other combinations which are rare or non-existant.


Here were a few I found:



-The only park you can ride a Dive Coaster and a Floorless B&M coaster is Janfusun Fancyworld


-The only park you will be able to ride a Dive Coaster and an indoor rollercoaster is Efteling (well, will be as of this summer)


-The only park you can ride both a Vekoma SLC and a B&M Inverted coaster is La Ronde (there were a lot to search through, so I might have missed some...it's rare anyway)



Any others people have found that are unique or rare...as you can clearly see I've barely made it outside of thinking about Dive Coasters!

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^^Just shows how easy it is to trick the GP ... But in all seriousness, I don't blame them. As someone who's been to that park quite a few times, I can say that, while Ednor (SLC) is probably not a very good ride (never actually done it) compared to Vampire (B&M... & best coaster in Canada IMO), I have to say Ednor looks way more enticing to ride just based on appearance alone (which is what the GP I know usually base what they'll ride on). The ride looks great; nice colour scheme, in addition to being placed over the water with the Montreal skyline in the background.

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Heide Park is the only park in which you can ride a Wing Rider and a Bobsled-style coaster, and also the only one with a Dive Coaster and a Bobsled.


Cedar Point of course knocked down a Bobsled to build a Wing Rider!

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Arrow suspended generates a few more since so rare.


B&M wing and Arrow suspended is uniquely found at Cedar Point

B&M flying and Arrow suspended is uniquely found at Magic Mountain


I'll leave out...

Intamin inverted and Arrow suspended is uniquely found at Cedar Point

since "Intamin inverted" is a less distinct and more commonly duplicated ride type than the B&M designs.

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You cannot ride a B&M Dive Coaster and a Gerstlauer Eurofighter in the same park (this, in part, is due to the distribution of Eurofighters and the avoidance of parks having more than one vertical drop)

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Kings dominion...3 style of launched coaster (family, inverted and multi looping)

universal orlando resort...a launched coaster from 3 of the top manufactures (premier, B&M and intamin)

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Himeji Central Park is the only place you can ride an inverted B&M and a Togo of any kind.


I'm not sure if this counts but SFGAm is the only SF park that has 4 wooden coasters.

More surprisingly, SFStl is the only SF park with three woodies.

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The only park where you can still ride 5 Arrow Dynamics coasters is Cedar Point: Corkscrew, Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Gemini, Iron Dragon and Magnum XL-200. Honorable mention for being able to ride 3 Arrow Dynamic Coasters UNDER 2500 feet long is Valleyfair with Corkscrew, Excalibur and Mad Mouse.

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