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Worst ride "neuters"

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Ummm, nuff said.


Worst wooden coaster in the world is a bit harsh, but worst neuter? You bet, trimmed and modified to be as tame and featureless as a wooden coaster could get. This may get edited, but my co-worker summed up a ride on Grizzly best as "making love to an 80-year old woman you once thought was good".





Grizzly doesn't have any trims, and from what I've heard CGA has tried everything they can (short of completely re-profiling the ride) to make it less sucky...

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I don't think so... Its actually almost identical to Grizzly at KD. The only differences are the settings and the trains they use (KD uses PTC and CGA uses Morgan), although I personally believe that if CGA switched to the lighter PTC trains then their Grizzly wouldn't be a complete snooze-fest and most definitely wouldn't be rated as one of the worst wooden coasters in the world...

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I don't think so... Its actually almost identical to Grizzly at KD. The only differences are the settings and the trains they use (KD uses PTC and CGA uses Morgan), although I personally believe that if CGA switched to the lighter PTC trains then their Grizzly wouldn't be a complete snooze-fest and most definitely wouldn't be rated as one of the worst wooden coasters in the world...


Grizzly at KD is a near-mirror-image, but they are quite different in terms of the stretches between the turnarounds (they actually have hills on the KD one.) I think Wild Beast at CW is identical to the KD Grizzly, though.

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The original Rattler from 1992. Lowered first drop from the top and raised from the bottom. Trim into and out of the helix added. Fan Curve after first drop lowered and altered over the years......


Thank god for RMC bringing this coaster back to life.

A simply perfect response and sums up my opinions.
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Mean Streak


It was a pretty boring ride to begin with...at least the roughness gave it something. Now it is boring and has no feeling. Even if you don't like rough wooden coasters, it is surely worse now since it's just a 3 minute, slow, boring coaster.

Also, I tried my hardest to ignore...but I know those trims are on the drop and can feel them. Total buzzkill.



Never rode the original, but Cyclone at SF:NE was lame. That drop felt non existent and it moved dreadfully slow throughout.

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SFDK's V2. I rode it during its opening season before the modification and it instantly became one of my favorite coasters. The park violated the city's 150 foot height restriction so the 186 foot tall front and back spikes were lowered to 150 feet with the front tower at a 45 degree angle and, while the back tower is still vertical, the front row of the train doesn't hit the 90 degree angle anymore. Damn that height restriction! I'm not even going to elaborate on how ugly it looks too.


I actually liked the 45 degree angle tower. The hangtime on the barrel roll was my favorite part.

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Having now ridden Raging Bull, I wonder why they would put that horrible trim there? It could be an insane ride if the camelback trim, MCBR, and final trim did not grab the train, but instead the ride is neutered. At least the first drop trim doesn't activate... Why is the ride trimmed so much? Do trims really decrease maintenance costs on steel coasters by THAT much?

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I heard that they sometimes trim coasters to decrease wear and tear on the ride, but in the case of Raging Bull, it's only 15 years old, so I can't see why there would be a need to trim it for that reason. I'm pretty sure it's just the park being cheap about maintenance.

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I'm going to go with Raging Bull, Mean Streak, and American Eagle. That trim on Raging Bull's camelback just destroys the entire rest of the ride. I can't think of any trim in the world I want removed more than that one. It's not like the ride is rough!! It has a bit of rattle, but nothing that warrants having a trim, let alone one that heavy.


Mean Streak really ran pretty well this season. The trim on the first drop should really be turned off at this point. It really doesn't jackhammer nearly as much as it used to, so there's not really a reason for the trim anymore.


American Eagle. It rode so rough this year I totally get why it's trimmed to death before the big and final helixes. Eagle is an ok coaster when it's smooth and not trimmed. It was way too rough this season. It needs a retrack in spots, then the trims can be turned off and it will be decent again. With the trims it's just boring. Combine that with the roughness and you have one crappy cpaster!


I went on American Eagle a few weeks ago several times. I found it to be the smoothest it's ever been. Granted, I probably only get on it every five years or so. The ride to me felt just like Viper.

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I know that The Beast has been trimmed since day one, but just imagine if some of those trims were removed? I could only imagine how much more amazing an already amazing ride can be. From the few reports I have seen shortly after construction from some of the contractors/park employees from KI indicate an absolutely insane coaster before the trims were added in time for the ride's opening.


It would be scary going into the double helix. Imagine 80+ mph. They say they all turned white the first evening they rode it and vowed to immediately add trims the next morning.


Money cannot buy that experience they had. Luckies.

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Surprised no one has said mamba. From what I have heard, it did not use the mcbr at all the first year it opened. I can't imagine how awesome the last five hill would be. From what I have noticed mamba operates the best on cold days. The brakes are much lighter and offer holy crap airtime. So go either at the start of the season or at the end. The other day we went it was about 85 and it offered absolute zero g airtime. It lifted off your seat but didn't touch the lap bar. Yes mamba is the most underrated coaster I have been on!

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I forgot to mention one up there. Triple twist at great wolf lodge in kc. When the ride opened they allowed single tubes and the second funnel had a big drop into it. Yea some people flipped, and that's not good. But now, it's a slow helix into no drop at all.. The helix actually went down to far so at the bottom of it water accumulated and slows you down even more.

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  • 4 months later...

Even though this technically might not be considered "neutering", Viper at SFGAm slows to a crawl at the top of the lift hill where it's barely moving. I think this is mainly done for dramatic effect rather than neutering, but I'd still love to see how much better it would be if they sent it off the lift hill at a faster speed .


Excalibur at Valleyfair has four trim brakes on the first drop, but it is a pretty jerky ride, so this one instance where trims are not necessarily evil.

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The Cyclone at SFNE before it was Wicked Cyclone. First the drop was shortened, then retraced many times changing the ride completely then adding trim brakes, more retracking, more trim brakes, and making the brake fins stronger.

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  • 11 months later...

The trim brakes on The Beast at KI really take away a lot of that coaster's potential. The Beast is already a great ride, but it could be absolutely nuts if it was untamed.


Flight of Fear is also pretty bad. The mid-course brake practically brings the train to a complete halt.

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  • 5 months later...

The trims on Intimidator at Carowinds were biting fairly hard when I rode it. While I still got airtime on the main airtime hills, it was relatively weak compared to Diamondback's air.

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The trims on Intimidator at Carowinds were biting fairly hard when I rode it. While I still got airtime on the main airtime hills, it was relatively weak compared to Diamondback's air.


OMG, it's ridiculous how much they trim the ride. Incredibly boring!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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