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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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  Arthur_Seaton said:
^ Cool!


I've never been on one of those rides. Are they super nauseating?


From my experience they are suprisingly not nauseating. I guess it's because you don't feel like you're experiencing a lot of repetitive motions.

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  julioot said:

From my experience they are suprisingly not nauseating. I guess it's because you don't feel like you're experiencing a lot of repetitive motions.


It's probably that and the fast speed of the motions that contibute to no nausea im guessing since surprisingly the HUSS Boosters aren't very nauseating either, and they also share those features.

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Why does everyone think it will be a coaster?


There's a reason that a boomerang is in that spot. It's doesn't take up any space. Nor did corkscrew. Unless they're getting rid of that building next to it, there will not be enough room for a coaster. Much less a massive dive machine that takes up 2 car rides and an apatheater of space. (CP)


The problem with a 200 foot coaster is you need enough room to kill the momentum. And Knotts just doesn't have the space.

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What about something like Pusar? It would be a nice homage to both Boomerang (forwards and backwards) and Perilous Plunge (huge water ride with airtime). It would also fit nicely in the small space, while still fitting with the theme of the Bordwalk.

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Xcelerator is 205 feet and they kill that momentum without any issue. You can apply brakes to any speed.


Silver Bullet takes up a lot of space, but most of that space is over midways and other things.




Knott's can fit just about any coaster into their property if they are creative about it.

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  ToNC said:
Why does everyone think it will be a coaster?


There's a reason that a boomerang is in that spot. It's doesn't take up any space. Nor did corkscrew. Unless they're getting rid of that building next to it, there will not be enough room for a coaster. Much less a massive dive machine that takes up 2 car rides and an apatheater of space. (CP)


The problem with a 200 foot coaster is you need enough room to kill the momentum. And Knotts just doesn't have the space.


It could be RMC Raptor. and not T Rex. Raptor is the same "monorail" system as T Rex concept at lower price point. Raptor is a smaller coaster. Also, at IAAPA interviews with RMC they hinted at Raptor being somewhere and that it would be built before a TRex. Raptor is TRex on smaller scale so makes sense to test out and sell a Raptor before building the more expensive Trex.

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  ToNC said:
Why does everyone think it will be a coaster?


There's a reason that a boomerang is in that spot. It's doesn't take up any space. Nor did corkscrew. Unless they're getting rid of that building next to it, there will not be enough room for a coaster. Much less a massive dive machine that takes up 2 car rides and an apatheater of space. (CP)


The problem with a 200 foot coaster is you need enough room to kill the momentum. And Knotts just doesn't have the space.


The space argument just doesn't fly, if Knott's wants to put in a new coaster, they will find a way to make it fit. Remember, it's not only the Boomerang space that is available, they also have the Riptide space as well. Plus, as others have pointed out, the Boardwalk area has a lot of open space compared to the rest of the park.


I just don't see the park removing a popular coaster (and it was very popular with the GP) and not replacing it with another coaster. The date is especially curious too since they are removing it prior to the busy summer season. If they were simply going to scrap it, then they probably would've waited until after Haunt to shut it down. Plus, 2017 was a smaller capex year for Knott's, and there are several rumors of a major construction project at Knott's beginning in April. All these factors point to Boomerang being replace by another coaster.

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  ToNC said:
Why does everyone think it will be a coaster?


There's a reason that a boomerang is in that spot. It's doesn't take up any space. Nor did corkscrew. Unless they're getting rid of that building next to it, there will not be enough room for a coaster. Much less a massive dive machine that takes up 2 car rides and an apatheater of space. (CP)


The problem with a 200 foot coaster is you need enough room to kill the momentum. And Knotts just doesn't have the space.


What year is it, 2003? Knott's has proven that they can fit in a ride wherever they want.

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  ToNC said:
Why does everyone think it will be a coaster?


There's a reason that a boomerang is in that spot. It's doesn't take up any space. Nor did corkscrew. Unless they're getting rid of that building next to it, there will not be enough room for a coaster. Much less a massive dive machine that takes up 2 car rides and an apatheater of space. (CP)


The problem with a 200 foot coaster is you need enough room to kill the momentum. And Knotts just doesn't have the space.

I think you're severely underestimating how much room it was taking up. With both Riptide and Boomerang gone, that opens up a plot about 350 feet long by about 100-150 feet wide. If they built into the path in front of Boomerang, they could extend that first figure up to about 400 feet.


That's about the size of Xcelerator's footprint. It's more than enough room for a major coaster, even if Knott's was only limiting themselves to just that plot of land.

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I should have said I don't think it will be a Dive Machine. (Unless it's a small one)


You guys are right. There is enough room for a coaster there. Say a B&M hyper only needs room for a station and brake run. I could possibly see them going the Goliath SFOG rout and have it angle itself out around the park. I really don't think it will be any type of RMC either. CF will see how Mean Streak and KD Hurler go over with the GP before they go spend happy with a company they've never worked with before.

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  ToNC said:
I really don't think it will be any type of RMC either. CF will see how Mean Streak and KD Hurler go over with the GP before they go spend happy with a company they've never worked with before.


LOL. You're acting like this is RMC pre NATG..RMC has a proven track record of success not only with their many Six Flag parks converts, but with ground ups like Goliath, Wildfire, etc...

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I can say that I was just at the park a little over a week ago and the amount of space that is available extends from the fountain in front of Johnny Rockets down to the Sky Cabin (which seems rather doomed). It seems plausible that this space could fit a station with a coaster going over Xcelerator into the open space across La Palma from the park. I don't know how the zoning in this area works, but the "K" on top of the Sky Cabin could be attached to a support where the Cabin is now, keeping it in its designated landmark spot.

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LOL. You're acting like this is RMC pre NATG..RMC has a proven track record of success not only with their many Six Flag parks converts, but with ground ups like Goliath, Wildfire, etc...


Yeah and eveyone thinks Intamin Pre Fabs are perfect too. Until Colossos (Heide Park) Closes down for an entire year because now it feels like a jackhammer on your spine. NTAG is only 6 years old. People thought Arrows were smooth when they opened. We have NO IDEA how RMC's age. They could end up as the worst rides on the planet (Highly unlikely but still possible)

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  ToNC said:
LOL. You're acting like this is RMC pre NATG..RMC has a proven track record of success not only with their many Six Flag parks converts, but with ground ups like Goliath, Wildfire, etc...


Yeah and eveyone thinks Intamin Pre Fabs are perfect too. Until Colossos (Heide Park) Closes down for an entire year because now it feels like a jackhammer on your spine. NTAG is only 6 years old. People thought Arrows were smooth when they opened. We have NO IDEA how RMC's age. They could end up as the worst rides on the planet (Highly unlikely but still possible)



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  eugjackson said:
It could be RMC Raptor. and not T Rex. Raptor is the same "monorail" system as T Rex concept at lower price point. Raptor is a smaller coaster.


Raptors are also 1/2 capacity as T-Rex--Not a good idea for a major new coaster at a major SoCal amusement park--especially during Knott's Scary Farm. Raptors were designed for smaller parks. I see MiA getting a B&M Giga before KBF gets an RMC Raptor.

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  CaptainUnknown said:
  eugjackson said:
It could be RMC Raptor. and not T Rex. Raptor is the same "monorail" system as T Rex concept at lower price point. Raptor is a smaller coaster.


Raptors are also 1/2 capacity as T-Rex--Not a good idea for a major new coaster at a major SoCal amusement park--especially during Knott's Scary Farm. Raptors were designed for smaller parks. I see MiA getting a B&M Giga before KBF gets an RMC Raptor.



The Boomerang leaving has a capacity of 760/hr...clearly capacity is not a priority.

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  eugjackson said:
  CaptainUnknown said:
  eugjackson said:
It could be RMC Raptor. and not T Rex. Raptor is the same "monorail" system as T Rex concept at lower price point. Raptor is a smaller coaster.


Raptors are also 1/2 capacity as T-Rex--Not a good idea for a major new coaster at a major SoCal amusement park--especially during Knott's Scary Farm. Raptors were designed for smaller parks. I see MiA getting a B&M Giga before KBF gets an RMC Raptor.



The Boomerang leaving has a capacity of 760/hr...clearly capacity is not a priority.


Removing a 30-year old, low-capacity shuttle coaster for (potentially) a B&M with a theoretical capacity of 1500 riders per hour. Doubling Capacity.


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  CaptainUnknown said:
  eugjackson said:
  CaptainUnknown said:
  eugjackson said:
It could be RMC Raptor. and not T Rex. Raptor is the same "monorail" system as T Rex concept at lower price point. Raptor is a smaller coaster.


Raptors are also 1/2 capacity as T-Rex--Not a good idea for a major new coaster at a major SoCal amusement park--especially during Knott's Scary Farm. Raptors were designed for smaller parks. I see MiA getting a B&M Giga before KBF gets an RMC Raptor.



The Boomerang leaving has a capacity of 760/hr...clearly capacity is not a priority.


Removing a 30-year old, low-capacity shuttle coaster for (potentially) a B&M with a theoretical capacity of 1500 riders per hour. Doubling Capacity.


Clown boy..There is a reason KB has not gotten anything for years and years and years and CP. KI, Carrowinds has... Now let's see how long it takes you to figure out why before you have to be told

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Knott's actually has a higher EBIDTA (profit) number than any Cedar Fair park not named Cedar Point. (At least they did in the last annual report I read.) So to say that there's a financial reason Knott's hasn't gotten a shiny new B&M wouldn't be factual. CF has been spending about $175 million annually in capex expenditures the last two years, so there's certainly room in the 2018 budget for a B&M at Knott's to go along with the RMCs at CP and KD.

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Knott's has gotten a pretty decent chunk of capex the last few years. Iron Reef, the refurbs of Calico and Timber Mountain Log ride, Ghostrider rebuild etc; The park receiving "nothing" in comparison to the other big CF parks is incorrect.


I love this pie chart, gives a great perspective of why certain CF parks seem to get "shafted" while others seem to lavish.


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