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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

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  Lameformer said:
Quick Question: Is 4th of July better spent at KBF or SFMM?


I would imagine, Knott's would have a lot more fun activities and other things throughout the day. So to me I think Knott's would be more fun, but this is based on assumption not experience.

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  coloradocoasterguy said:
  Lameformer said:
Quick Question: Is 4th of July better spent at KBF or SFMM?

Without a doubt Knott's. Better fireworks. Better atmosphere. More activities during day for families.

Definitely Knott's. Though Six Flags is also pretty crowded, knotts has lots of 4th of July events bringing in more people.

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  MScoasters said:
  coloradocoasterguy said:
  Lameformer said:
Quick Question: Is 4th of July better spent at KBF or SFMM?

Without a doubt Knott's. Better fireworks. Better atmosphere. More activities during day for families.

Definitely Knott's. Though Six Flags is also pretty crowded, knotts has lots of 4th of July events bringing in more people.

Knott's has better fireworks too. It's just a completely different environment being a smaller park.

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^So on the 4th, Knott's is for the retirement set, while Magic Mountain is for pedophiles. Never really thought of it that way. They should both use those in their advertising campaigns. Try to cater to two crowds that no other amusement parks cater to.


Think I'll avoid both places on this day, and just stick to trying to blow off my fingers at home.

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  johnnyknottsville said:
Knotts is definitely the place to be if you like the White in your Red White and Blue to be in the color of the majority of the guest hair lol, I prefer the younger more lively vibe of SFMM I also prefered their laze lights music and firework show but this is just my opinion

If by younger you mean psycho rude bastard buttholes who will completely ruin your experience then I completely. SFMM as a whole has gone downhill in the ten-fifteen years. But I don't know where you get that Knott's is all old people, then again a little maturity from people who actually know what it is we are celebrating, would a welcome change.


I asked several of my coworkers, all under 30, what July 4th is. I got responses like "independence from the south in the Civil War", "winning WW2", and my favorite "independence from Canada in 1964".

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Lets get this discussion back on track....


It didn't hit me until looking at the KBF show schedule that Ghost Town Alive only runs until 5:30. Do they do anything at night?

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Well with ages 49, 63 and Coloradocoasterguy probably somewhere in between I can see why the white hair reference ruffled your chonies lol Far as peophiles I don't see how that's funny those are sick people and nothing at all to joke about imo and I have a very dark and perverted sense of humor yet a disgusting pedo is far from funny to me .


"If by younger you mean psycho rude bastard buttholes who will completely ruin your experience then I completely. SFMM as a whole has gone downhill in the ten-fifteen years" only something close to 100 years old and retarded would see SFMM in that light. The place is far from perfect we all know that but it's not near about the hell hole you're trying to make it out to be please bye Felicia


Anyways Back to Knotts Ghostrider is giving amazing night rides great job GCI!!!

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  johnnyknottsville said:
Well with ages 49, 63 and Coloradocoasterguy probably somewhere in between I can see why the white hair reference ruffled your chonies lol Far as peophiles I don't see how that's funny those are sick people and nothing at all to joke about imo and I have a very dark and perverted sense of humor yet a disgusting pedo is far from funny to me .


"If by younger you mean psycho rude bastard buttholes who will completely ruin your experience then I completely. SFMM as a whole has gone downhill in the ten-fifteen years" only something close to 100 years old and retarded would see SFMM in that light. The place is far from perfect we all know that but it's not near about the hell hole you're trying to make it out to be please bye Felicia


Anyways Back to Knotts Ghostrider is giving amazing night rides great job GCI!!!

I'm guessing you're one of those youngins. I'm 39 by the way.

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  Jew said:
Lets get this discussion back on track....


It didn't hit me until looking at the KBF show schedule that Ghost Town Alive only runs until 5:30. Do they do anything at night?


The street performers stay for the Hoedown at 5:30 and then they go home. The Calico stage Circus of Wonders show is at 9:00 and it's sort of an extension of GTA (the circus comes to town). There are bands (jazz, swing, soft rock) that play right across from the Boardwalk Circle fountain in the evening leading up to CoW.

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  Jew said:
Lets get this discussion back on track....


It didn't hit me until looking at the KBF show schedule that Ghost Town Alive only runs until 5:30. Do they do anything at night?


Circus of Wonders (9:00 pm) is without a doubt the closest Knott's has ever come to a nighttime spectacular. It has a similar budget to The Hanging, and greatly benefits from the techological improvements in the new facility.

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  CedarFlags said:
  Jew said:
Lets get this discussion back on track....


It didn't hit me until looking at the KBF show schedule that Ghost Town Alive only runs until 5:30. Do they do anything at night?


The street performers stay for the Hoedown at 5:30 and then they go home. The Calico stage Circus of Wonders show is at 9:00 and it's sort of an extension of GTA (the circus comes to town). There are bands (jazz, swing, soft rock) that play right across from the Boardwalk Circle fountain in the evening leading up to CoW.


Still a bummer that a "ghost town" is only alive until 5:30 (except for Haunt of course). It would have been awesome to have a separate set of night time characters out that have a different personality and show what happens when the sun goes down. The day time stuff is awesome and really adds character to the area/tons of awesome interactions with guests.

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  Jew said:
  CedarFlags said:
  Jew said:
Lets get this discussion back on track....


It didn't hit me until looking at the KBF show schedule that Ghost Town Alive only runs until 5:30. Do they do anything at night?


The street performers stay for the Hoedown at 5:30 and then they go home. The Calico stage Circus of Wonders show is at 9:00 and it's sort of an extension of GTA (the circus comes to town). There are bands (jazz, swing, soft rock) that play right across from the Boardwalk Circle fountain in the evening leading up to CoW.


Still a bummer that a "ghost town" is only alive until 5:30 (except for Haunt of course). It would have been awesome to have a separate set of night time characters out that have a different personality and show what happens when the sun goes down. The day time stuff is awesome and really adds character to the area/tons of awesome interactions with guests.

Once everyone leaves, then it really is a ghost town

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Thing about new Ghost Rider that is really driving me nuts and is totally fixable... the programming of the brakes and station. I was timing dispatches while bored in line, and it would take nearly 3 minutes from sending one train to sending the next, partially because the control system on the brakes makes the returning train stop and start about 4 times on its way back into the empty station. It's also super awkward while you're riding. If they could streamline this and make it quicker, I'm sure they could add 5-8 trains an hour to the capacity, which would make a difference to wait times during the busy summer season.


Also, when the train parks, the seats are about a foot off from lining up with the queue gates, leading to a lot of people walking into the wrong row (happened 3 times while I was close enough to see).

Edited by CedarFlags
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As for the brakes, it is definitely annoying. Letting the train just roll into the station would really help capacity.


As for the queue gates, I would give a little leeway. Keep in mind that the gates are in pairs (due to the PTC trains), and since the Millennium Flyers are equally spaced individual cars, some of the gates don't line up well. At least they drew arrows on the ground to direct the rider to the seat.

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I was there on a Tuesday a few weeks ago and the line got up to 1 hour 45 minutes in the middle of the day. Even later in the day around 7 it was still around 1 hour 20 minutes and this was a day the park wasn't that crowded. All the other coasters had 10 to 30 minute waits.

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  Freestyle23 said:
How long has the line been for Ghost Rider during the week on the average? And is it the same throughout the day or does it die down at certain times?


I've seen it hovering right around 1 hour, but I don't even try on Saturdays or Sundays.

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