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Lewa Happy World Discussion Thread

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  • 2 months later...

Some photo updates... Shibaomerang is done, the mine train is done and there is a weird family coaster that looks like a custom designed one.


Shibaomerang doesn't look that horrible IMO because the original Boomerangs are already horrible.


This weird family coaster... Can anyone identify if this is a custom design or another rip-off of some lame layout?


OMG what the hell is going on here?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok people, I finally found out why Lewa dropped from owning a huge amount of promising coasters to a knock-off collector. This is surely the most shameless thing I've ever heard of in my entire life. It would be great if someone can clarify if it's true.


Lewa originally bought a real Vekoma Boomerang and started building it, Shibaolai contacted them and said they would like to buy that Boomerang from Lewa and give Lewa a Shibaolai Boomerang for free. Lewa agreed with this so what stands in the park now is the park's second Boomerang. After Shibaolai did every dirty thing to the real Boomerang, they sold it to Fantawild.


I really feel sorry for Vekoma, they were trapped by this trade, I hope they can get the justice they deserves. This case probably explains why those Intamin, Maurer, Mack projects were cancelled, they might realized there is something wrong. If this is indeed real, I sincerely wish every quality manufacturer stay from Lewa Happy World as far as possible. Your hard work deserves much better than that.


As for me, this park is dead to me.

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Lewa originally bought a real Vekoma Boomerang and started building it, Shibaolai contacted them and said they would like to buy that Boomerang from Lewa and give Lewa a Shibaolai Boomerang for free. Lewa agreed

Just... why?

They get a free Boomerang, the boss probably didn't know what he/she got himself/herself into.

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Ok people, I finally found out why Lewa dropped from owning a huge amount of promising coasters to a knock-off collector. This is surely the most shameless thing I've ever heard of in my entire life. It would be great if someone can clarify if it's true.


Lewa originally bought a real Vekoma Boomerang and started building it, Shibaolai contacted them and said they would like to buy that Boomerang from Lewa and give Lewa a Shibaolai Boomerang for free. Lewa agreed with this so what stands in the park now is the park's second Boomerang. After Shibaolai did every dirty thing to the real Boomerang, they sold it to Fantawild.


I really feel sorry for Vekoma, they were trapped by this trade, I hope they can get the justice they deserves. This case probably explains why those Intamin, Maurer, Mack projects were cancelled, they might realized there is something wrong. If this is indeed real, I sincerely wish every quality manufacturer stay from Lewa Happy World as far as possible. Your hard work deserves much better than that.


As for me, this park is dead to me.

That's just..... sad.

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Lewa originally bought a real Vekoma Boomerang and started building it, Shibaolai contacted them and said they would like to buy that Boomerang from Lewa and give Lewa a Shibaolai Boomerang for free. Lewa agreed

Just... why?


I would imagine they wanted it to ensure they could do the best (worst) possible job in ripping it off.

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Kind of good that the other manufacturers cancelled the plans with the park in the end as this knock-off manufacturer probably would've done the same thing. In the end, it makes the park look pretty bad to the point where they probably won't be about to get many, if any, credible manufacturers to do work for the park. They pretty much shot themselves in the foot on this one.

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Kind of good that the other manufacturers cancelled the plans with the park in the end as this knock-off manufacturer probably would've done the same thing. In the end, it makes the park look pretty bad to the point where they probably won't be about to get many, if any, credible manufacturers to do work for the park. They pretty much shot themselves in the foot on this one.

Now I'm really happy for not having an Expedition GeForce clone.

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^DisneySea's Togo ride is just a kiddie coaster (Flounder's Flying Fish). I don't see any other outside ride manufacturers listed for the Japan parks other than Intamin and Vekoma.

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It doesn't specify what they supplied. Wasn't part of the deal that Disney use some local contractors? Perhaps they are supplying or fabricating something else. I highly doubt Disney would put a ride in the hands of a no-name knock off Chinese manufacturer.

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