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Lewa Happy World Discussion Thread

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^ Not that I am aware of.

It's my mistake in how I wrote it, sorry.


I meant that Hong Kong (Ocean Park and Hong Kong Disneyland)

will surely (hopefully) be part of a 2016 tour to China. In addition

to touring the coasters (new and old) and parks of China.

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Are you sure it is going to be a clone? On these scaled models they sometimes just place whatever coaster they want just to point out 'this is place where there will be a coaster'. Unless more details become available, I'd say there's a 50/50 chance between an Expedition GeForce and a Mega-lite.

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WOW this is huge! I think such thing only happens in Dubai…
Yes, Dubai also has a lot of those scale models.



Anyway, some more artwork...


The name of this park will be "Lewa Happy World".

(some sites have it written as "Lehua", and Google translates the Chinese to "Leroy", but the parent company uses "Lewa Investment" as their English name)




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