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Lewa Happy World Discussion Thread

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Yin, I am impressed. Hopefully this will lead to an outbreak of Expedition GeForce clones.


Yeah. Hopefully ones that work. Thanks, btw, for breaking it last year, hahaha!


See you in 2016 Mr. Intamin Mega!


Stop forcing me at gunpoint to give you money!

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Yin, I am impressed. Hopefully this will lead to an outbreak of Expedition GeForce clones.


Yeah. Hopefully ones that work. Thanks, btw, for breaking it last year, hahaha!


Don't worry, I'm staying the hell away from GeForce. To top that off, it broke in 2010 before I got within 12,000 miles of the thing.


Let's hope Expedition ChiForce gets off the ground (don't worry I'll stay away from that one too Kyle).

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Yin, I am impressed. Hopefully this will lead to an outbreak of Expedition GeForce clones.


Yeah. Hopefully ones that work. Thanks, btw, for breaking it last year, hahaha!


Don't worry, I'm staying the hell away from GeForce. To top that off, it broke in 2010 before I got within 12,000 miles of the thing.


Let's hope Expedition ChiForce gets off the ground (don't worry I'll stay away from that one too Kyle).


Do we know for sure it's an Expedition GeForce clone, or is it speculation?

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Well it'll be worth every penny of it!


Just wait until the Chinese people starts to see the difference between high quality attractions, and Chinese knock-offs, then they can feel very comfortable with their choice knowing that their park only has quality A material.

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  • 1 month later...

Looks like this park has run into a couple of legal issues.



or here



Sounds like the park hasn't sorted out its land zoning issues and permits and the local authorities have now opened an Investigation.

although hopefully someone who's Chinese is better than mine can translate that page well enough to get a better idea.

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Basicaly it said that the government hasn't confirm some of the required datas, documents, contracts etc. The company (Lewa) has nearly no background in real estate but they promised huge amount of profit on their advertisement in order to sell their stores, houses, apartment etc and it is somehow illegal in the weird Chinese law. Chinese law does not allow to promise about the profit of purchasing real estate and making advertisement before all the contracts, documents and datas being approved and confirmed by the government.


The company had an issue that their licence were not completed so they sold some of their stores in an illegal way(Probably only illegal in China and North Korea )


The promotion said their shopping center would have a lot of luxurious brands like Hermes.


The way they sell the houses(rent back from you after you buy the houses) is still not enough to reach what being promised in their advertisement and the profit can hardly reach 9% per year. The population on Xi'an is only 8 million but they said 10 million visitors would visit there every year for their amusement park(I'm so buying flash pass!!!) But some business expert said it is impossible for that amount of visitors because most of the locals might not visit the area more than once and most visitors are coming for historical things in Xi'an instead of an amusement park.


The reporters are trying to contact with the company's management to gather news about things being reported but they haven't been responed yet.


Firstly, Chinese law might be different from the rest of the world so it might be weird to see something totally fine being illegal. Secondly, the price of freehold raise in a crazy speed in China so people are trying to buy as many houses, stores, land as they can. Thirdly and mose importantly, I don't think our Intamin god would be delayed too much.


It's completely a normal thing in China and shouldn't be a big problem. We have a lot of things that are much more important to do.

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Great! I've been looking for a reason to bring one of the TPR Tours over to Xi'an and this will certainly do it! See you in 2016 Mr. Intamin Mega!


What, the Emperor's Tombs and the Terra Cotta Warrior's were not enough?

You WILL regreat it if you visit there. Just like the Great Wall, Forbidden City etc, all you can see is people and things that you can easily find in Google and Wikipedia

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Great! I've been looking for a reason to bring one of the TPR Tours over to Xi'an and this will certainly do it! See you in 2016 Mr. Intamin Mega!


What, the Emperor's Tombs and the Terra Cotta Warrior's were not enough?

You WILL regreat it if you visit there. Just like the Great Wall, Forbidden City etc, all you can see is people and things that you can easily find in Google and Wikipedia


Besides, as we all know from that last Mummy movie, those Terra Cotta warriors are dangerous!

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Great! I've been looking for a reason to bring one of the TPR Tours over to Xi'an and this will certainly do it! See you in 2016 Mr. Intamin Mega!


What, the Emperor's Tombs and the Terra Cotta Warrior's were not enough?

You WILL regreat it if you visit there. Just like the Great Wall, Forbidden City etc, all you can see is people and things that you can easily find in Google and Wikipedia


The forbidden city was over rated (basically the same rooms over and over again), but the Great Wall was one of the most impressive "culture credits" I have seen thus far. Google and Wikipedia can't even come close to showing you the scale of the Great Wall.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not a good news for most coaster enthusiasts and probbaly German people! It is possible that Alpinabahn and one of the two Wild Mauses are coming to this park.


I feel kind of upset about this news. I think Alpinabahn and Wild Maus belong to German fairs and they should stay in the fairs! Second handed coaster certainly have a good price plus Uncle Anton's coasters are famous for the reliability and high capacity. But these coasters had been on he fair ground for a long time! Even though they are not as famous as Olympis Looping, I would definitely say that they are also important for their historical value.


From my perspective, after the possible Expedition GeForce clone, losing Alpinabahn and one of the Wild Mauses is another bad news for Germany.


What do you think?




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