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What is your non-theme park travel bucket list?


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Mine are mostly golf related as it is really the only other reason I would travel someplace besides theme parks and rollercoasters.I would love someday to see the masters in person if I the tickets weren't so expensive and hard to get. Would also like to play pebble beach and since I am in the area spyglass hill. Would also like to see hawaii someday but the lying on the beach thing is just not my style and I am afraid I would get bored.

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Would also like to see hawaii someday but the lying on the beach thing is just not my style and I am afraid I would get bored.


LOL. . see my post up above re: Hawaii (only one thing is really 'lying on the beach' related).


there truly is SO much to do -- heck just on Maui, there is the Maui Ocean Center Aquarium, Tropical Plantations tour, and the Botanical Gardens (off the Road to Hana).. those are all full day things.


the only islands were there isn't anything much to do other than lie on the beach are Lanai' and Kaua'i (tho there are tons of Waterfalls to look at there).


highly recommended if you ever get the chance to go.


(oh, and here's the link to the Polynesian Cultural Center. . it really is like an Epcot, just without the rides)


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Great Topic!!!


Since we had our kids so young we really haven't been able to do much as far as international travel, but within the next 5 years we should be able to start doing some "couples" things. So because of that, most of ours are countries other than specific cities. And since my wife is unable to do coasters anymore due to her back issues, most of our trips won't include any theme park elements (other than Disney).


Some of the trips we've talked about:


Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece are at the top of our lists although eventually we'd like to see more. Already talking about spending at least a month in Europe in 2017)






Trans-Atlantic Cruise

Alaskan Cruise

Visit all 50 states and all national parks. Already have about 1/2 the states and most of the western national parks.


And lastly, we've talked about doing the "visit all MLB stadiums in a summer" thing the year my son graduates HS.

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- Visit all the NHL Arenas - Love hockey

- Visit all the AHL Arenas - Love hockey

- Visit all the ECHL Arenas - Yet again, love hockey

- Visit all the Barclays Premier League Stadiums - Love soccer

- Visit all MLB Stadiums - Love baseball

- Visit all the ACC, Big10, Big12, Big East, C-USA, Pac 12, SEC Stadiums - Love College Football

- Visit all the NFL Stadiums - Love football

- Toronto, Canada - I LOVE Canada, my favorite place of all time!

- Niagara Falls, NY/Canada - Such a beautiful site and partially in Canada!

- Boston, Massachusetts - A city rich with history from the American Revolution.

- London, England - Never been there, and it seems like a really cool place

- Tokyo, Japan - Such a technologically advanced city and seems really cool!

- Maui, Hawaii - Gotta love the beach!


Sorry, I went a little overboard. I just didn't want to have multiple posts for the places i want to go.

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Would also like to see hawaii someday but the lying on the beach thing is just not my style and I am afraid I would get bored.


LOL. . see my post up above re: Hawaii (only one thing is really 'lying on the beach' related).


there truly is SO much to do -- heck just on Maui, there is the Maui Ocean Center Aquarium, Tropical Plantations tour, and the Botanical Gardens (off the Road to Hana).. those are all full day things.


the only islands were there isn't anything much to do other than lie on the beach are Lanai' and Kaua'i (tho there are tons of Waterfalls to look at there).


highly recommended if you ever get the chance to go.


(oh, and here's the link to the Polynesian Cultural Center. . it really is like an Epcot, just without the rides)




I agree...I LOVE laying on the beach and swimming, but we had so many things to see and do during our week there that we didn't get to relax and even watch a sunset on the beach until our last night there!


If you stay on Oahu, ask your hotel about day trips to Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve. We got round trip transportation with a great guide, snorkeling equipment and as much time as we wanted to spend in the water checking out the tropical fish and coral reefs. It's almost like Discovery Cover at Sea World, but only about $15 per person ($5 if you drive, park and bring your own gear)!


But they do only allow so many people in the park per day and the parking lot is not very large (we were dropped off and picked up in a shuttle). It was definitely the favorite part of the trip for me!




Also make sure to hit up one of the shrimp trucks on the North Shore (if you get up to that end of the island) and get to the Dole factory for Dole Whip on the drive up!

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Wow! You guys had some awesome ones.... so awesome in fact it reminded me of a few more of mine!


Climb Mt. Fuji - I *really* want to do this and get the dorky climbing stick that they brand at each stop and then make it to the top at sunrise. If I plan a trip back to Japan during climbing season, I am going to make this happen!


Olympics - I'm not a huge sports person, but I really enjoy the olympics and would love to see it in person just to be part of the atmosphere. That being said, I don't think I want to try until I can do it right and see an opening or closing ceremonies.

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Australia/New Zealand (even moreso now that I have several friends there)







Costa Rica

Czech Republic



Rest of Canada (Only been to two other provinces)





Events/Things to do:

Polar bear tours in Churchill

Glacier Express in Switzerland

Game 7 of a championship game (MLB or NHL)


Do again:

European Tour

Malta (yes, part of Europe, but just want a strictly Malta trip)


These are just off the top of my head; I could go on for awhile if I think harder.

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A few large scale things:

-Visit all 50 states (only have North Dakota and Hawaii left)

-Visit the 50 largest metro areas in the US (Sacramento, San Jose, Austin, Jacksonville, Raleigh, and Salt Lake City left to visit)

-Travel to the Southern Hemisphere. I would love to go to Argentina, Peru, Australia, New Zealand...


And some more specific things:

-Machu Picchu

-Iguassu Falls




And, just for fun, some of the most amazing places I've ever been (add these to your bucket list!):

-Seoul, South Korea

-Islamic Cairo

-Meteora, Greece

-Mezquita de Cordoba, Spain

-Angkor Temples, especially Beng Mealea

-Lisbon, Portugal

-Yellowstone National Park

-Dalton Highway, Alaska


-Mekong Delta, Vietnam

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I've been to most of the states in the entire country. Might as well make it all 50. My bucket list is relatively long because I haven't traveled outside the country too much.


Hong Kong



Austrailia/New Zealand

South Pacific Islands (Fiji, Bora Bora, Cook Islands)

The rest of the Caribbean islands I haven't visited yet


South Korea






I'd love to check out the usual touristy sites and wonders of the world (Pyramids, Taj Mahal, Great Wall, Great Barrier Reef, Mt. Everest) in person. Along with a few cool things (zipline through the rain forest, jump off a waterfall, swimming with dolphins, snorkeling through a reef, exotic cruises).

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Olympics - I'm not a huge sports person, but I really enjoy the olympics and would love to see it in person just to be part of the atmosphere. That being said, I don't think I want to try until I can do it right and see an opening or closing ceremonies.


I have no desire to ever see an opening ceremony ever again. I attended Lillehammer 1994 with a ticket in a 30,000 seat venue. However, the King of Norway (Harald possibly) decided the morning of the ceremony to allow all Norwegian citizens into the venue for free. We had to get there 3 hours before the event to ensure that with could get in with our tickets and eventually officials crammed an extra 30,000-50,000 people into the venue. You were unable to sit, so 5 hours of standing in extremely cold weather.


Know the real fun started after the ceremony as the venue was a top a hill. A snow and ice covered hill where the street de-iced. Me and my girlfriend had lots of trouble getting down that road falling multiple times. We heard stories of dozens of elderly with broken wrists, arms and hips from falls on the ice.


Wonderful experience but not one I want to relive.

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Okay, I read all these bucket lists and now it's time to write my own.


Japan - Not just for the theme parks, but also for the sights, food, culture, neon lights, arcades, trying out the different forms of public transport, the quirky vending machines, etc...


Tahiti - I want to stay in one of those huts that is on the water. This would be a great honeymoon place if I ever get married.


Italy - I want to taste every corner of the country, or at least Rome, Milan, Venice, Pompei, The Vatican (okay it is its own country, but it's landlocked in Italy), the Alps in the north, and possibly Sicily and Sardinia. And since BeemerBoy brought up the Concorso d'Eleganza Villa d'Este in Lake Como, I'll add that to the list. I don't care if I visit any theme parks in Italy. Japan is a different story though, I definitely want to visit several parks there.


Cuba - For exactly the same reason disneyfan1313 said. I gotta visit it before they put in Knott's Berry Farm Cuba


Dubai - This city intrigues me with all they've built being where they are. I have to see it for myself.


Hong Kong - I love the way this city looks, with the futuristic looking tall buildings and the mountains and water surrounding it. I want to a do a food tour of this city as well trying the different street foods, dim sum, and other Asian cuisines offered here. I definitely want to go to Ocean Park too (I would go for the views alone).


Switzerland - I would like to visit it in both in Summer and Winter to see the contrast. I want ski and snowboard (both - separate days of course) in the Alps and ride some aerial trams, funiculars, and scenic railways.


Australia - I've always wanted to go down under and see koalas and kangaroos in the wild, snorkel or scuba the Great Barrier Reef, go on an Outback safari, and see Sydney.


Visit every National Park in the US and well as many National Monuments as I can (or I feel are worth visiting). While I'm at it visit every state as well and not just landing in an airport for a connecting flight.


Go see a World Cup match in a country that is hosting it. See more than one match if possible.


Go to a city that is hosting the Winter Olympics and see some events (preferably skiing, snowboarding, and hockey). I've already seen Summer Olympics events in 1992 (though I wouldn't mind going to a Summer Olympics again).


Go on a cruise in the Carribbean and a cruise into Alaska (two different cruise experiences). A cruise to Mexico doesn't interest me (too close to home).


I could add more things but I will end it here. I would have put Hawaii on my list before 2003 (my first visit there). I've been there twice and have been to the four main islands, but would definitely go back as there are things I missed such as Pearl Harbor, the Dole Plantation, snorkeling in Molokini, and certain spots of the Big Island, plus certain things worth seeing/ doing again such as snorkeling in Hanauma Bay, taking the Road to Hana, seeing Hawaii Volcanoes NP, and seeing waterfalls in Kauai. Plus I haven't been to Molokai nor Lanai. The Polynesian Cultural Center was a one time deal for me though. For those who think Hawaii is simply about lying on the beach, think again. Besides Waikiki, I can't think of a day in Hawaii where I spent more than 30 minutes lying on the beach doing nothing.

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Visit all 7 continents. Antarctic would be the tricky one to get to but there are cruises there that start around $10,000. Most take off from South America so that would leave only Africa to visit. Probably make it there when TPR plans a visit to South Africa!


Visit all 50 states and see the fall colors in New England. I'm only about half way there. Have been to all the Western and Southern States. Really want to go to Maine for some reason.


Drive the passes in the Alps in my own car like the Gross Glockner. Almost got to do it last September but an early snow closed the pass on the day I had planed to do it.

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I'm surprised to see a lot of people mentioning Antarctica . It just doesn't interest me, and I'll go almost anywhere. I've seen Greenland from a plane with all its ice and it was cool seeing it from above but I have no desire to ever visit it. I would go to Tierra del Fuego in Argentina but that's the closest I would want to get to Antarctica, and I think they have penguins there. Seeing ice glaciers in Alaska would more be my thing. I guess freezing my ass off in the Antarctic is not my thing

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1) I have always wanted to but am currently have a trip planned for Italy in August

2) Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef

3) Visit Hong Kong- I would love to try all the unique foods

4) Japan- Want to go and would still enjoy it even w/o amusement parks

5) Bali, Indonesia- Looks beautiful and so peaceful

6) Stay in Dubai at the burj al arab

7) See Monchu Pichu in Peru

8) Stay at a hotel on the water on stilts

9) Do an Alaska Cruise

10) Visit the places from LOTR and The Hobbit in New Zealand.

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Because of a health issues, I don't go to theme parks and ride roller coasters anymore. So lately, I've been going to different parts of the United States just to see the scenery, and visit several cities. Went to New York City in 2008, Chicago in 2009, Maine in 2010, but then in 2011, I had to skip traveling because I fractured my kneecap(ouch). Ventured to West Virginia in 2012, and I'm thinking of going to North Carolina this year, in early May. I take bus tours, because the company takes you right to the hotel and the sites, and you don't have to worry about the driving! I can't wait for the spring to arrive!

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3) Visit Hong Kong- I would love to try all the unique foods

5) Bali, Indonesia- Looks beautiful and so peaceful


I spent almost a month in Bali last summer, and some time in Hong Kong as well. You are absolutely right to want to visit those two places.

I loved Bali, and I'll be returning this year for research. It is definitely beautiful, but it isn't what I thought it would be. It can be peaceful, but not in most places. I found it to usually be very loud, bustling, crazy, and dirty. It is a third world country, but that is part of its charm. It just isn't for everyone. I really hope you get to experience it though! I highly recommend it.


As for Hong Kong food.... OMG. You are dead on. I miss it on a consistent basis. They have amazing cuisine, in high class restaurants and as street food. I have to go back someday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something just came up and I', not sure if I will do it this year or not. My cousin has invited me to do RAGBRAI this July. That stands for Register's Annual Great Bicycle ride Across Iowa. Over 400 miles in 7 days from one end of Iowa to the other. He is on a team whos motto is" Meat you at the first bar on the left unless it is on the right!"

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Hopefully maybe...


Next year (2014) is the 50th anniversary of an old original Canadian musical comedy - "Anne of Green Gables". This is during the annual Charlottetown (Prince Edward Island) Festival...and I was in the 10th Anniversary production of "Anne", way back in....1974! Had the fourth lead, Anne's 'suitor' Gilbert Blythe. And this Festival is what got me my Actor's EQUITY card, too! Fun times....


Anyway, am considering heading to the other side of Canada, to take part in whatever they have planned, next summer. That would be cool, running into people you haven't seen or worked on stage with, for .....40 years???

I am hoping, also, my health is good too. Which makes it a sort-of Bucket List thing to want to do, heh heh.


(EDIT to Add the pic of the Festival poster below. Have it framed in the house, upstairs.)


Musical theatre in rep - it was an awesome learning experience. And we visited Toronto too, doing a show at the O'Keefe Centre.

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There are so many places I want to go. I had opportunities to go to several of these places, but due to either financial or timing issues, I missed out. In no particular order, they are:

London-so many interesting-looking things to do

Scotland-looks really pretty

Ireland-also looks pretty

Greece- I was big into mythology when I was younger, and would love to see all the ruins. Plus I want to see the islands like Santorini.

Italy-again with the mythology and ancient things, along with the fact that everything is gorgeous there.

Japan-so much culture! And they have tons of crazy-looking candies that I want to try.

Hawaii- Palm trees, beaches, Mt. Kilauea... enough said.

Amsterdam-to see the Anne Frank House

Portland, Oregon- Voodoo Doughnuts


more tropical/ Caribbean countries.


I've been to Mexico and the Bahamas via cruises, and would like more time to explore there, and I've also been to Israel (and would LOVE to go back), and I also spent over a month in Trinidad and Tobago for a study abroad during college.

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1. Great Barrier Reef

2. Italy

3. Bahamas

4. Ireland

5. Poland - to research my last name

6. Egypt


Just my opinion, but I went to Nassau and you can find much better places to visit. Outside of the Atlantis area, not worth it at all. Go to a place like Cozumel or Grand Cayman Islands.

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^ What if he wants to indulge in offshore fishing, world class diving, etc. etc.? I know what terms you were thinking along, and I obviously won't speak for him, but I'll stick up for the Bahamas and say that for some folks there's more to the islands than crappy cruise ports.


For instance, give me a week here or here, and I'd be a happy man.

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