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Efteling Discussion Thread

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To add to the chorus of "impressive" "beautiful", oooh-ahhh...


If we take out the always-impressive, classic "mountain" themed coasters, and also the enclosed variety (although let's be honest, most indoor coasters have ugly/functional buildings), this has to be the best looking in the world, hands-down, no debate, right?


Or am I missing any non-mountain, non-enclosed, themed coasters that compete, purely in aesthetic/theme?

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  I305forever said:
None of this ride is themed but the station and lift hill. Just saying.

That's a fair point, although often the norm for most roller coasters unfortunately. I do think it will be integrated quite nicely into the area though because it comes back past the station, although it's hard to get away from the fact it will be a 'normal' Dive Machine once you start climbing the lift hill. It does look like a fun coaster though and although none of the ride is themed past the lift, the theming on the station and lift does look exceptional

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  I305forever said:
^ I know that most rides only have themed stations and lifts, and Baron has amazingly themed stations and lifts, but I was just pointing out to everyone saying the theming is so amazing that most of it isn't themed.

Yep, and I said that's a fair point

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  Paradox said:
The supportless drop still freaks me out a bit!


haha yeah it does look really off now you mention it


but all the goofing about "the coaster itself isn't themed" is kinda annoying me, as it's really freaking difficult to create coaster tracks in that specific style. It'd need years of testing and designing to even be able to make a track that could be used for a coaster. It feels as if you take it for granted that there's this amazing theme to a coaster, and then start nagging about the fact that the ride itself lacks theme... kinda silly if you ask me Especially since the rides of the Efteling take approximately 4-5 years of actual development until they're built.

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yes its very difficult to theme the track but Nemesis has got an awesome theme throughout and it actually adds to the ride I think.


If you sit at the front it feels like you're just about to hit all the pieces of themeing as you go along.


I could also mention the Swarm which does the same thing at Thorpe.


But I think thats about as much themeing you're going to be able to do around the track.

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I disagree completely. Not only does i have a theme but it has a whole back story!


The station is the monster, the track is steel that holds the monster in, there's a Ribena coloured river and random desolate buses and cages strewn about the place.


So i very much disagree.


The same with Swarm, its supposed to look apocalyptic.

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  Bag_O_Laughs said:

The same with Swarm, its supposed to look apocalyptic.


Its also meant to be a good ride. Both of which it fails at.


Back to this new ride though. While the theming is very very good there is no denying I still find it hard to believe this will be an amazing ride. Fun ride yes, amazing ride probably not.

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  Bag_O_Laughs said:
I disagree completely. Not only does i have a theme but it has a whole back story!


The station is the monster, the track is steel that holds the monster in, there's a Ribena coloured river and random desolate buses and cages strewn about the place.


So i very much disagree.


The same with Swarm, its supposed to look apocalyptic.


The track isn't themed though, it's just plonked in a hole!


I think this is going to be like DvH; great experience, average coaster!

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  Owentaylor121 said:
I have to agree here, I've always said that about Nemesis! The only themed park of the ride is the station and a few random piece's here and there. It is amazing LANDSCAPED, but not amazingly themed.
The Faux Finish on the Columns and Track to make it look "Rusty" SCREAMS theming to me.
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  linearinduction said:
  Owentaylor121 said:
I have to agree here, I've always said that about Nemesis! The only themed park of the ride is the station and a few random piece's here and there. It is amazing LANDSCAPED, but not amazingly themed.
The Faux Finish on the Columns and Track to make it look "Rusty" SCREAMS theming to me.

If the way a ride is painted screams theming to you then I'm guessing you honestly haven't seen much good theming.

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  Owentaylor121 said:
  linearinduction said:
  Owentaylor121 said:
I have to agree here, I've always said that about Nemesis! The only themed park of the ride is the station and a few random piece's here and there. It is amazing LANDSCAPED, but not amazingly themed.
The Faux Finish on the Columns and Track to make it look "Rusty" SCREAMS theming to me.

If the way a ride is painted screams theming to you then I'm guessing you honestly haven't seen much good theming.

If someone is going to pay the money and spend the time to go the extra mile, then I commend them. I've seen plenty of good theming, but Big Thunder Mountain should have as much theming put into it's track as Nemesis.
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  linearinduction said:
  Owentaylor121 said:
  linearinduction said:
  Owentaylor121 said:
I have to agree here, I've always said that about Nemesis! The only themed park of the ride is the station and a few random piece's here and there. It is amazing LANDSCAPED, but not amazingly themed.
The Faux Finish on the Columns and Track to make it look "Rusty" SCREAMS theming to me.

If the way a ride is painted screams theming to you then I'm guessing you honestly haven't seen much good theming.

If someone is going to pay the money and spend the time to go the extra mile, then I commend them. I've seen plenty of good theming, but Big Thunder Mountain should have as much theming put into it's track as Nemesis.



Here is my reaction to this conversation.


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  cfc said:
  linearinduction said:
  Owentaylor121 said:
  linearinduction said:
  Owentaylor121 said:
I have to agree here, I've always said that about Nemesis! The only themed park of the ride is the station and a few random piece's here and there. It is amazing LANDSCAPED, but not amazingly themed.
The Faux Finish on the Columns and Track to make it look "Rusty" SCREAMS theming to me.

If the way a ride is painted screams theming to you then I'm guessing you honestly haven't seen much good theming.

If someone is going to pay the money and spend the time to go the extra mile, then I commend them. I've seen plenty of good theming, but Big Thunder Mountain should have as much theming put into it's track as Nemesis.



Here is my reaction to this conversation.


I know, right? lol
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I sincerely doubt this will be the 'best coaster ever' or the most extensively themed. But, it looks like it's going to be a fantastic way to round off the parks' selection of rides, and what theming there is looks incredible.


RE: Nemesis, sure it's more themed overall, but personally I've found the ugly landscape (I know it's deliberate) just makes it less appealing aesthetically (the track kicks serious arse though). Black Mamba (which I know some people don't rate as highly as a track - though I loved it) is a much more themed roller-coaster than both Baron and Nemesis, but there really aren't many coasters as themed as that outside of your Disney and Universal parks. Once Baron's track is surrounded by trees and landscaping, as basic as it may be, it will look much more the part.


My excitement for the ride is primarily based on it being an addition to my favourite park, thereby rounding off the coaster selection, the theming of the station, and the fact I love the sensation of Dive Coasters. It won't be the best thing ever, but not every ride has to be. Efteling is already a big park, and it doesn't need to make the massive statements that Black Mamaba and Nemesis needed to make in their hey-day, so any ride with this much effort put in is a bonus.

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here here,


When you've got such a fast intense coaster there's not much point themeing around the train I think. Big Thunder is slow enough that you can see all the stuffed animals during the ride.


But this coaster is making me properly consider a visit to Efteling.

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Today, Efteling won eight(!) Diamond Theme Park awards, an initiative of several Dutch and Flemish fansites. After a jury had announced the nominations in the various categories (nineteen in total), the public could vote. They won the following awards: best park in Netherlands and Belgium, best attraction in the Netherlands and Belgium for George and the Dragon, most child friendly park NL/BE, best event NL/BE: Winter Efteling, park with the best service NL/BE, the E-award for best website, use of social media and apps NL/BE, most spectacular park of (only) the Netherlands and the last one: most beautiful park of the Netherlands.

Considering the fact that Efteling is a lot bigger than all the other theme parks in the Netherlands and Belgium in terms of the amount of visitors every year, it is not very surprising that they won (again) a lot of awards, but hey! they get a some attention from the local press, which is good thing.



In other (maybe more interesting) news: landscaping and fences seem to be the number one priority right now on the building site of Baron 1898.


The following pictures were posted by twitter-user @84eric





Another tree!



Queue and... trees!


@vijfzintuigen also posted some pictures today.




Fences going up. They're pretty tall, but that is not very surprising considering the fact that you're so close to the track.


Yesterday a new little shop for groceries and merchandise opened in the Efteling Bosrijk Village.





Oh and before I forget! According to several sources of Looopings.nl, the first train for Baron 1898 will arrive this week. The second one mid-may and the third one two weeks later. Before they can do a testrun they have to wait for the 'green light' of the safety authority TÃœV. The article also says that Efteling now knows the exact official opening date of the coaster, but is still reticent in communicating the date to the public.

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