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Sky @ EarthQuest Adventures [RCT 3]

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Happy New Year! I'm very excited about the upcoming year and all the exciting things I have planned (in my head, at least).


One thing I want to increase this year is my activity on Twitter and Facebook. If you haven't already done so, you can like/follow me on Facebook and Twitter:


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cd5productions

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/coasterdude5


I want to use social media to share my projects so that I am sure not to leave anybody out. People are using Facebook and Twitter more than ever to subscribe to the things they are interested in.


I'll also be sharing a few things that I don't include in forum updates!


You can also find all of my videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cd5productions


Below is a preview of what I'll soon be working on over at EarthQuest Adventures in the coming weeks. I'll have a normal update tomorrow.




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I have been disappointed in the past about new theme parks, but is this for REAL! EarthQuest Adventures's Facebook have not been updated in a very long time, and their website has been stagnant thinking over the past several years.

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That is one HUGE station! This park seems like it will be better than SFSC. You are super incredibly talented at this game!


I won't go that far yet... This looks amazing, but SFSC is more than a park, it is probably the greatest rct3 park ever made! If he can outdo himself, well, I will hail you as a god!

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This park sucks...


Kidding obviously, this looks great so far. I love the brake run on that coaster for some reason, it screams "intamin" to me. I can't wait to see this park grow... if it's anything like Six Flags South Carolina it's going to be amazing.

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After looking at that again, why not try a bunny hill or heartline rather than a straightaway coming out of that first element (Similar to Storm Runner)? It looks a little strange as is.


Other than that, this thing is awesome though.

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Thank you all for the feedback!



grrt and coasterbill, the above coaster is what I'm modeling the Intamin after. As you can see, there are an abundance of straight sections. I've tried to make the layout a little more interesting (and realistic). I think once I add the decorative supports and lanscaping/foliage, the layout won't look as bare.

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Great Park, Great Video Only strange technical bit in the video is the first text segment.. where the text waves around and then just stops. You should let it wave until it completely dissappears. But thats just me being "woow I followed 2 tutorials about After Effects, so now I'm an expert"


haha no seriously, great video! Following this with pleasure

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Found this site by Googleing "Six Flags South Carolina" , still getting used to though (my first post)


the video is magnificent! It showed barely anything and still it's better than half of the other rct3 projects.

What I'd really like to see is you focus on the supports because for me it was one of the few weaknesses of SFSC.

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Great Park, Great Video Only strange technical bit in the video is the first text segment.. where the text waves around and then just stops. You should let it wave until it completely dissappears. But thats just me being "woow I followed 2 tutorials about After Effects, so now I'm an expert"


haha no seriously, great video! Following this with pleasure


I've had issues with my PC rendering the effects.


Either way, great little video. I thought the music was perfect!

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Thanks guys!


AlmereStars, that text effect goes with the actual "CD5Productions Intro Music," but since I was playing the video's music, that's probably why it seemed a little off.


BTW, the actual EarthQuest Adventures project is still moving forward, therefore this one will as well.

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More Progress


Hello again! I hope you all enjoyed the video.


You might have heard some bankruptcy talk surrounding the EarthQuest Adventures project. Let me tell you firsthand that, as of this posting, the project continues to move forward, therefore I will as well.


Let's start off with the iconic mountain at the center of EarthQuest Adventures. There's still a considerable amount of landscaping to be done on the mountain, but I'm pleased with how the texture is looking so far.


The AeroWing station is almost complete.


Smaller details are being added to the interior of the station.


I'll be moving over to the "land" section of the park in the next couple of weeks. Don't worry, the "sky" section is nowhere near completed.


- Greg

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^ Thanks!


Boeing arrives at EarthQuest


Hello all! You may or may not know that Boeing is sponsoring the AeroWing coaster, so naturally it's only appropriate that guests find Boeing material throughout the ride and surrounding area.



I've been working closely with the Boeing people on designing the in-park Boeing store. I'll show you more in future updates.



As I stated earlier, guests will learn more about Boeing's products and initiatives while waiting in line for AeroWing.


More to come soon!



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