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Baby's First Theme Park

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This Sunday, Kristin Connolly and I took our son Bean to his FIRST.THEMEPARK.EVAR. Since he probably won't remember it, what better way to document the day than a TPR trip report. Bean- When you are old enough to sign up for TPR, please don't hate us.


Hershey Park has a Christmas event called Candylane. It's strictly for the little ones as all of the coasters are closed. It is a great value at $12.50 per person (Bean flys free). He met Santa, his reindeer, and got his first flat ride ride credits... Ok, enough talk- on to the pictures.


Bean's first attempt to "measure up" to go on the big rides. He kept telling everyone he was a "kiss" due to his stroller, but he is clearly a "miniature"


Bean just learned that eating poinsettias is not a great idea.


This is Bean's first amusement park ride ever. Years later, he'll look back on this and wonder why he couldn't ride storm runner.


"Dad, I'm not afraid of heights, but you promise this isn't a drop tower?"


Moments before CPS was called.


I had forgotten to mention that Herhey Park was opened up solely for us. This Trip Report includes less people than Chad's Mount Olympus Report.


Yes- This is the least fun Bean had at Hershey today. Yes- I'm outfitted with more "dad' stuff than I feel comfortable sharing, but Kristin liked this photo so here you go.


"Dad, I don't think I'm ready for a coaster yet!"


We told Bean this was Rudolph. We are terrible parents.


Bean meets his first theme park character. The expression on his face says- "Yeah, that gingerbread man is sketchy"


Clearly not impressed with the "kissing tower" ride, Bean goes for his first scrambler credit.


5 minutes after this photo was taken we were forced to give Bean his first "the birds and the bees" talk.


This photo only exists, to show Beemer Boy that I'm terrible with a camera.


Bean is clearly a carousel enthusiast.


See!!! I told you!


"I'm not sure I'm ready for this yet, Dad"


Via Bean= "Seriously guys, I'm not a prop. I'm a person!"


Exclusive photo of Santa and his reindeer enjoying ERT on Comet. Hopefully this photo will convince LarryGator to tell me where they are building "dark ride paradise"


Thank you bronze statue for creating this park. (Seriously Milton Hershey was probably one of the best philanthropists of his time... Google that ish)


Bean had so much fun that he was entirely wiped out at the end of the day. Thanks for reading!

Edited by Chroniq
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Bean is quite possibly the cutest baby ever... Not that I've said it before or anything. You really have started him off early! I expect to see him riding El Toro and the like in the near future! Nice to see you had what looks like a positively happy family day out. Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. Anyhow, it looks to be a nice event for the youngsters and Santa enthusiasts alike. Thanks for the TR!


Edit: And to think that it feels like yesterday I was walking around the Statue of Liberty with a heavily pregnant Kristin. Time really does fly.

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This photo only exists, to show Beemer Boy that I'm terrible with a camera.

Ah, I don't think that's entirely true. I was able to make out everything in the report just fine. Knoebels looked great, and that baby girl of yours is adorable.





Seriously though, nice work! At least Bean wasn't dressed in Jets gear like his Dad.

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And to think that it feels like yesterday I was walking around the Statue of Liberty with a heavily pregnant Kristin. Time really does fly.


And to think that just a few months ago we were all on the NE trip enjoying a nice day at SFNE. I seriously thought Kristin was going to go into labor after that day. I'm looking forward to more Bean adventures.

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