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The "GP" of Theme Parks Facebook Thread!

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Here is one I grabbed of off KI's Facebook page yesterday.


Kings Island has started to go downhill, the windseeker is a bust, Son of beast is still down, vortex beats the hell out you, they turned the backwards racer around, diamondback is ok but it just goes up and down, flight deck blows, stunt track coaster is ahhh, where is the adult coasters, where is the excitement? I forgot, we're talking about Kings Island not Cedar Point.


One from Canada's Wonderland's Facebook page.


how did u get a pic of Leviathan without building it yet?

did another amusment park already build it be4 u guyz?...

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  robbalvey said:
One of the compliments we get from parks all the time is (paraphrased) "Thank you for keeping the idiots off TPR - and making the forums legible!"


Seriously, as much as people give us crap for our strict posting rules when it comes to grammar and not posting for posting sake, I really don't want TPR's forums looking like some of these Facebook pages.


I hope you all agree!



Robb, the save Deja Vu idiot who siad he's going to chain himself to the roller coaster says this:


I asked him:


"Hey, do you know what your current number of posts on TPR is right now. I mean, you sad you not a GP so I was just wanting to test that theory. Thanks "


He responds first off with:


I have 0, I am not registered, but I have read every single page, all 2064 pages of the SFMM thread!


So I then ask:

"Interesting, how long did that take you. I'm sure Robb Alvey is MORE than happy to know that a religious TPR reader is creating such a great cause"


He says:


It took a few hours


I'm glad he isn't a member!

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  TheSchwitek said:
it is bringing us one step closer to the movie "Idiocracy." If you have not seen this movie; you need to. It's the future.

Dude! We were just taking about this very thing last night!!!


I swear as much crap as people give TPR for banning people who are obvious morons, I don't care. If you be bothered to write something that is somewhat intelligent and legible, I don't want you here!


--Robb "Who also believes Idiocracy is the future!" Alvey

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On SFMM's facebook talking about how Deja Vu is closing:

they should take tatsu or ninja down. those r the worst rides there.
1 second later
and x2 is the best ride there for now til i ride the green lantern.


Looks like someone has their mind set on GL as the best ride ever.


Oh and this: (Still talking about Deja Vu leaving)


The ride will NOT go away, it will just be closed due to maintnence checks, DeJa Vu will open early spring again.
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  robbalvey said:
One of the compliments we get from parks all the time is (paraphrased) "Thank you for keeping the idiots off TPR - and making the forums legible!"


Seriously, as much as people give us crap for our strict posting rules when it comes to grammar and not posting for posting sake, I really don't want TPR's forums looking like some of these Facebook pages.


I hope you all agree!



I agree with this, there are some other coaster websites that I like, but one of the (many) reasons I like TPR best is because 95%+ of the posters are well-informed and knowledgeable, some of the other sites have intelligent people mixed in with GP and people that generally don't know what they're talking about.

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  osm said:
  robbalvey said:
One of the compliments we get from parks all the time is (paraphrased) "Thank you for keeping the idiots off TPR - and making the forums legible!"


Seriously, as much as people give us crap for our strict posting rules when it comes to grammar and not posting for posting sake, I really don't want TPR's forums looking like some of these Facebook pages.


I hope you all agree!



I agree with this, there are some other coaster websites that I like, but one of the (many) reasons I like TPR best is because 95%+ of the posters are well-informed and knowledgeable, some of the other sites have intelligent people mixed in with GP and people that generally don't know what they're talking about.


I agree with all of this and I will add TPR is a very classy site. I think if the posting rules were not followed here it would be in a shambles and nearly impossible to read.......just like Facebook!

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Apparently Facebook isn't the only site where people post dumb things. I was watching the Drop of Doom B roll on Youtube and some of the comments are pretty idiotic.


wtf they removing deja vu >:[ my favorite ride oh and im nvr going on that s**t


so they're getting rid of deja vu? D: i heard were getting pandemonium from new england.


What happens if you die on this ride?


This is replacing De Ja Vu? A simple ride that can be found at any damn carnival is replacing De Ja Vu... I don't care if its a huge drop. De Ja Vu is the best ride at Six Flags! >_<


I'd probably go to the fair more often if they had Intamin drop towers there.

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  osm said:
  robbalvey said:
One of the compliments we get from parks all the time is (paraphrased) "Thank you for keeping the idiots off TPR - and making the forums legible!"


Seriously, as much as people give us crap for our strict posting rules when it comes to grammar and not posting for posting sake, I really don't want TPR's forums looking like some of these Facebook pages.


I hope you all agree!



I agree with this, there are some other coaster websites that I like, but one of the (many) reasons I like TPR best is because 95%+ of the posters are well-informed and knowledgeable, some of the other sites have intelligent people mixed in with GP and people that generally don't know what they're talking about.


I'm just glad that I can read this site without having to deal with all the comments from the Facebook/YouTube idiots on every thread.

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I've got two good reasons DeJa Vu WONT go away: 1) If DeJa Vu goes away SFMM will lose the coaster capital, I don't think SFMM wants to lose that record 2) The site says "DeJa Vu will be closed for a short time due to rebuilding maintence" so CALM DOWN PEOPLE!!!


Maybe this person didn't read SFMM's status. Haha.

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Random 'jeep' posts:

Hey Six Flags Magic Mountain, u guys should build a Captain America ride. It should be a Stand-Up coaster and it should be next to Green Lantern. Like if u agree

Hmm...Marvel Comics....DC Comics....nope, not going to work! Did they forget Riddler's Revenge is back there also? Though we are seeing some strange stuff this season...2 B&M Hypers to exist in 1 park, 2 Vekoma Boomerang-like coasters in 1 park...next: 2 B&M Standups? Next to each other? Come on now...use some sense!

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These ones are not from Facebook, but rather a

on YouTube.


This ride is an upgrade to Behemoth. I'm actually disappointed. If you want to see a sick collection of awesome coasters, look up Cedar Fair in Ohio. They have a 20 year old coaster which is taller than this one.
is it a standup coaster?
yea i wish they made more this one more unique. It's pretty much like behemoth except it's taller and the name is different. I wish it had like loops, corkscrews, barrel rools etc. :/
this ride is just like the behemoth i would like it more if they were some loops

Talking about restraints...

they are the over your shoulder kinds.
Actually no they aren't, they are lap bars.
oh ya sorry that actually makes the ride 100 times worse for people who are afraid of falling out... thanks

This roller coaster is built using the design of Millennium Force from the Cedar Fair park in Ohio.
yeah but this one looks like its going to be a B&M instead of a giga coaster...
Behemoth is nothing, hopefully this is better.
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Here's a bit of genius from the BGW page:


Okay, I have a suggest. I think y'all need to close Mach tower for about a week or two, lower tue resistance of the brakes, test it a bit, then open it back up, the fall is very short for a drop tower, and it slows down too quickly.


Brillant! Hire this man as a consultant!

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