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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I kinda surprised that nobody has yet to go out to the park to videotape it testing and then post it to YouTube or CoasterTube. It is currently testing like mad right now from the looks of the live cam on Six Flags' website.

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I kinda surprised that nobody has yet to go out to the park to videotape it testing and then post it to YouTube or CoasterTube. It is currently testing like mad right now from the looks of the live cam on Six Flags' website.


Thanks to an "Andrew Roberts", someone DID post it to Facebook and to Youtube today.


It's very interesting that it doesn't "pause" over the crest. Perhaps they are still working on that feature during testing. It's very quiet too. Thanks Andrew if you're on TPR too!


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Was at the park yesterday and got some pics of it testing. They were running the white train empty and it was crawling through the course. They were running the black train full of water dummies and it was going much faster. No, it wasn't flying through the course but I think once the trains get worn in and heat up and the train is full of people then I am sure they will haul. It was really cool to watch it test. They just kept running them over and over the whole day. As Scott said before me, there is not much of a pause at the top, it just crawls over and then is released pretty quickly. Can't wait for media day!

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Seems a lot slower than Anubis The Ride in Plopsaland Belgium (same layout, but launched!)

I'ts a great Layout, but it needs the speed...


Perhaps you should check out RCDB.com for a speed comparison here. Per RCDB, Dare Devil Dive's drop is at 52 mph whereas Anubis' launch is 55.9 mph. That's not much of a difference; clearly it has the "speed" aspect covered. We are just thankful that our park is getting something new this year; we have no concern that it's 3 mph slower than Anubis.

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Perhaps you should check out RCDB.com for a speed comparison here. Per RCDB, Dare Devil Dive's drop is at 52 mph whereas Anubis' launch is 55.9 mph. That's not much of a difference; clearly it has the "speed" aspect covered. We are just thankful that our park is getting something new this year; we have no concern that it's 3 mph slower than Anubis.

I don't say it will not be a good ride! And if the speed aspect is covered, the ride will be amazing So you may be verry thankful indeed! Gerstlauer is a great coasterbuilder!

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never judge a ride based on testing videos. Sure, it looks slow, but I would bet that they are still tweaking a lot of things (lift speed, brakes, wheels, etc).


Besides, I'd rather it be too slow, than to be fast and beat you to death like Huracan

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TPR Members!


Six Flags Over Georgia is looking for extras to be in an upcoming commercial shoot for Dare Devil Dive on Wednesday, May 18. We need individuals 18-30 to serve as extras on both DDD and Goliath from 8am until 6pm. If interested, please e-mail a headshot to sfogpr@sixflags.com with your name, age, phone number and e-mail address.


We will reach out to the individuals that are chosen by the end of the week.




Edited by ernierocker
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Oh man, must have skipped over the part in which we had to include a headshot? I sent a reply to my previous message with a picture, is that okay?


That is fine. We will notify the individuals chosen for the shoot by Friday evening.

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Posted on SFOG's facebook


From the looks of these photos, SFOG has done a terrific job with Dare Devil Dive! Fits right in with their great collection of coasters! I'm extremely excited to come back to my favorite Six Flags park this year!


95º drop


An immelman


Flames on the bottom of the first drop


Third and final inversion


Looking straight down the vertical lift hill

Edited by robbalvey
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