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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I guess we'll have to wait until August 29th to know for sure, but I'm guessing some slides or other water rides. We want a new coaster, but it does make a lot of sense for SFoG to add some more water attractions. Skull Island is always packed, and the lines are usually pretty long for all of the water rides. Water attractions are also good for families. So it makes good long-term sense, and leaves the door open for a major 2015 coaster!

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I would not recommend a Flash Pass at all if you're going in the middle of the week in the summer, or Easter. (Shoot for Easter for sure). Otherwise, if it's a weekend in the summer or any time during the school year (only open on weekends), I would say a gold pass would be pretty good. I usually like to ride multiple times if there's no line to reduce the amount of time I'm walking around and increase the amount of time I'm riding.

My other advice would be to get into the park as soon as it opens and head for DDD first. If that goes quick, go to Superman. Those will have pretty sizable lines all day, even right before they close. Goliath could be hit or miss on a crowded day. Sometimes it's a pretty short wait, other times it's got a jammed queue. Mindbender is probably the single best ride in the park, but there usually isn't much of a line for it. If there is, come back in an hour or two and it should be down to a walk-on. It's kind of strange.

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I went to SFOG this weekend and had a great time! Yesterday I attended the sixflagscelebration and it was a great concert and the whole day was a lot of fun. The crowds where very high for the amount of rain throughout the day. Most coasters where 60mins+ on the waits.. From 10 am - 3 pm I was only able to ride about 5 rides.. Gave up and headed to the southern star.


Since the concert lasted until after 10 I had got a room for the night. Decided to take a stab at the park again this morning. Great decision. EVERY ride was a walk-on and the ride OPS let us ride several times in a row if we wanted, without getting back in line (Just moved to another seat if someone was in my line). I was so tired at 2 o'clock I called it a day and drove back to Knoxville..


The park was picking up momentum when I left at 2 but rides where still walk-ons


I was able to ride daredevil dive 3 times non-stop, superman 5 times non-stop, cyclone 3 times, thunder river 2 times (Got a bloody finger on this one! Dunno how), and all the others. By 2 I had rode every coaster in the park multiple times. GREAT DAY! Dare Devil Dive was still a walk-on by 2 which was very odd


as for the the southern star area, this is just a stab in the dark, but what if six flags is building a NEW theater area? DONT SHOOT ME YET! The reason I mention this is because they where looking for sponsors for next years six flag celebration during the concert. Does six flags over GA have another area they could even do a concert that big? By the headline show the crowd was over 1,000 People probably a lot more.


On a side note, I know the company that put on six flags celebration did it at one other six flags this year so it may have just been a generic announcement and not intended for Six Flags over GA.. I just thought it was worth mentioning

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I would not recommend a Flash Pass at all if you're going in the middle of the week in the summer, or Easter. (Shoot for Easter for sure). Otherwise, if it's a weekend in the summer or any time during the school year (only open on weekends), I would say a gold pass would be pretty good. I usually like to ride multiple times if there's no line to reduce the amount of time I'm walking around and increase the amount of time I'm riding.

My other advice would be to get into the park as soon as it opens and head for DDD first. If that goes quick, go to Superman. Those will have pretty sizable lines all day, even right before they close. Goliath could be hit or miss on a crowded day. Sometimes it's a pretty short wait, other times it's got a jammed queue. Mindbender is probably the single best ride in the park, but there usually isn't much of a line for it. If there is, come back in an hour or two and it should be down to a walk-on. It's kind of strange.

Thanks for the info!

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I highly doubt they would occupy all this space with a water park? I mean I could be wrong but I hope I'm right. image_1446.jpg

I see what you're getting at, but they don't have to completely occupy the space. Sure it would be a better use of space if they did, but they don't have to.

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I would not recommend a Flash Pass at all if you're going in the middle of the week in the summer, or Easter. (Shoot for Easter for sure). Otherwise, if it's a weekend in the summer or any time during the school year (only open on weekends), I would say a gold pass would be pretty good. I usually like to ride multiple times if there's no line to reduce the amount of time I'm walking around and increase the amount of time I'm riding.

My other advice would be to get into the park as soon as it opens and head for DDD first. If that goes quick, go to Superman. Those will have pretty sizable lines all day, even right before they close. Goliath could be hit or miss on a crowded day. Sometimes it's a pretty short wait, other times it's got a jammed queue. Mindbender is probably the single best ride in the park, but there usually isn't much of a line for it. If there is, come back in an hour or two and it should be down to a walk-on. It's kind of strange.

Thanks for the info!


One tacit I always use is to go right when I come into the park when it opens. It seems everyone goes left to grab DDD, batman area, goliath and Scorcher. I always go right, like heading to cyclone, and go straight to superman and sky screamer. I did that saturday and it was able to hit skyscreamer, superman, and scream machine all walk-ons. After that I went back towards the frot of the park and 60 min wait on mind bender (Turned out someone got sick which caused the long wait), 1hr and a half on cyclone (Even though the sign said 30 mins!). Pretty much the rest of the day was just walking around. By this time, superman also had 60 + min waits. Thats when I gave up, grabbed food, bought a hoodie bc it was rainy and cold, and then went to southern star where the concert gates opened at 3

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I think if we were to be getting any new roller coaster or some new attraction we would have heard numerous rumors and speculations about it. Much like the rest of the sixflags parks that have been teasing there new 2014 attractions. I'd hate to say it but. I'm not gonna look forward to the 29th anymore. It will probably just be some new show or that stupid water park expansion. It's becoming to the point now where I'm not even gonna BELEIVE that sfog will ever do anything else big... Besides I think if we were going to get some new major thrill we would have heard add least something about it and they would have teased it on Facebook like all the other sf parks have been doing...

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I think if we were to be getting any new roller coaster or some new attraction we would have heard numerous rumors and speculations about it. Much like the rest of the sixflags parks that have been teasing there new 2014 attractions. I'd hate to say it but. I'm not gonna look forward to the 29th anymore. It will probably just be some new show or that stupid water park expansion. It's becoming to the point now where I'm not even gonna BELEIVE that sfog will ever do anything else big... Besides I think if we were going to get some new major thrill we would have heard add least something about it and they would have teased it on Facebook like all the other sf parks have been doing...

Honestly, after Sky Screamer this year, an Aqua Twist next year wouldn't be so bad especially with the lack of flats that the park has. I imagine that the demolition of the stadium is also going to take quite a bit of money as well. If anything, I'd wait for the 2015 season for a new coaster to possibly show up.

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In my mind, the big thing that SFOG is missing is a launched coaster. Since DDD is so family friendly (aka forceless), I'd be interested in something more akin to Maverick than Cheetah Hunt.


I mean, I'd love to see something better in the wooden coaster department (either a GCI or an Iron Horse hybrid), but I don't think GASM & Cyclone are going anywhere anytime soon, & SFOG isn't the type of park that would build a 3rd woodie (or hybrid), though it would certainly be interesting to see a park build a hybrid from scratch instead of remodeling an existing coaster.


The only way I think I would like to see a wing coaster at SFOG is if it were a B&M 4D coaster--something to really take the park to the next level.

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Nothing has been set in stone yet no need for debates. Just some food for thought. I worked there in 1998. I worked in parking lot then food service that year so maybe our info wasnt as good but Scorcher was a pretty big secret throughout most employees until the announcement. We all thought Raging Rivers removal was due to really low ridership and that nothing there was better than throwing away money.

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It very well may be a secret. However with the ride surveys that went out about the waterpark and than with the southern star amphitheater being removed which is right by skull island, it's kinda all coming together. But I also remember on the surey something about an African themed attraction and a roller coaster that spins and flips upside down. And also on there Facebook page yesterday stating "wondering why were posting all these southern star pictures, we have a big SUPRISE in store, stay tuned" so idk what to think.

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