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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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^ I completely agree that ride ops shouldn't be having races or making it a competition to check restraints. That's not safe. Though it was probably too much, at least they showed some initiative to avoid stacking trains and the glacial dispatch pace that many Six Flags ride ops operate by.
Slow doesn't equal safe. There's is nothing wrong with "racing" while checking lapbars, especially on a Schwarzkopf! We did it at Lagoon ALL the time on Fire Dragon when running 2 Trains. Used to do it on Roller Coaster at Lagoon as well and we used to check em by pushing down AND pulling up.



Actually, there's some of truth to this. On the Scream Machine, one attendant in particular was going very slow, and not checking the seat belts AT ALL. She just checked the lap bar. By contrast, another ride op earlier in the day was doing an excellent job with the seat belts. She was tightening everyone's belt weather it needed to be tightened or not. To add to that, they were pushing all the way down and pulling up. There were times in which one guy had to stop and help someone. They weren't being negligible in the slightest. They were doing an excellent job.

I understand what you're saying. In terms of the quicker ops, it seems that they were focused on their job and doing it well, which allowed them move quickly but effectively. Whereas the slower ops just didn't really care. I don't think there's really any disagreement here. Good ride ops can work quickly and safely, that doesn't necessarily mean its a race, but rather that they're paying attention and doing their best to keep the flow of people moving.

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Quick question all knowledgeable TPR forum members... I will be heading to SFOG for the 1st time this year next week and I'll be using my Gold season pass also. How early are Gold members being allowed into the park? I planned on going on Tuesday (ERT after park closing for Superman) but I might have to shift it to Wednesday (no ERT for anything Boo!). Thanks for any info you guys can provide. Six Flags site is very vague about the early park entry and other sites don't seem to know either. If no one knows, I'll call the park to try and get an answer for those folks. Thanks again in advance!

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^^ You'll have to check the SFOG schedual, but I think it's 10 minutes before everyone else on a normal day, and I think the ERT starts at 9 or something like that. The ERT time may change depending on the day, rides open, ect. I think that if you get in 10 minutes early, you may not be able to ride much becuse they may still be testing everything at that point, but you will be able to get there and be at the front of the line as soon as they do finish testing.

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So yesterday I made a trip out to the park with some friends. Given that there have been several great trip reports recently, here are just a few quick and minor notes on the day:


-The park definitely had a healthy turnout, though it wasn't crazy. Wait times for Goliath, Superman, and Dare Devil Dive were all in the 80-90 minute range throughout most of the day. The line for Batman was long enough to be out of the tunnels, though I don't recall exactly how long that is in approximate minutes. Great American Scream Machine, Georgia Cyclone, and Georgia Scorcher were in the 50-60 minute range. Mind Bender was 35-45 minutes.


-Dare Devil Dive in particular does indeed seem to be the most popular ride in the park as the queue was entirely filled basically all day long. DDD did not open with the park at 10, but rather opened around 11:15. Not sure why there was a late opening, but I seem to recall someone else mentioning DDD opening late in a previous trip report recently.


-Mind Bender was running excellently. Props to the ride crew as they were working very efficiently and I didn't see a single train stack all day long. I just wish other rides could be run as well. Ride ops were focused, safe, and efficient, and it made for a great experience. Mind Bender's shorter wait times were largely due to excellent operations, not any lack of queued people.


-I definitely noticed some B&M rattle on Goliath on the second drop, particularly at the bottom of the drop and up into the third hill. It wasn't particularly bad, but to anyone paying attention to how the ride feels, it is clearly there. I believe I was on the second train for that particular ride.


-GASM and Goliath both broke down during the day. In both instances the rides were stalled on their respective lift hills, but their issues were apparently minor and resolved in 10-15 minutes.


-As several have already stated in past reports, they have done a nice job with retracking more of Georgia Cyclone. The retracked sections feel very good, though it is a bit jarring to go from new to old track. The ride has been made reasonably comfortable again, and when lines aren't too long I would reride.


-No activity on or around Ninja. I assume they're waiting on parts as the chain is still clearly out of position.


-Sky Screamer was testing with empty seats all day. I never saw it spin, but it was consistently going up and down throughout the day. Also, the lighting package looks very nice at night. It's nothing particularly different from what I've seen on other Sky Screamers, but the ride is a nice addition and should be a lot of fun when it opens.


That's about it. It was a good day at the park and I look forward to getting back again in a few weeks.

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^Pretty sure it is 15 minutes.

Appreciate it! Will be at the park tomorrow! We're shooting to arrive at 9:30am for a 10:30am opening. Figure it might take a bit of time to enter the parking area, park and make the hike to the front gate. We've been the past few spring break weeks and the crowds are usually not too bad. With the staggered spring break weeks this year it might be even better!

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Does anyone know why they have a globe on top of SkyScreamer? It seems out of place with the whole Six Flags theme. I was expecting something more like what Acrophobia has.

Isn't the Six Flags theme supposed to represent the whole world coming unto one area? I think the globe makes a ton of sense.

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I wouldn't hold my breath for something you read about in a survey, but SFOG could definitely use a shooting dark ride.

It would be a great addition to the park especially during the summer.

I got the same survey. I wouldn't hold my breath either, but we could really use more dark stuff. The park could use the variety and the people could use the AC in the summer heat. Sounds like a win win to me.

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I wouldn't hold my breath for something you read about in a survey, but SFOG could definitely use a shooting dark ride.

I agree SFOG needs a shooting dark ride, but they may already coincided Monster Mansion as a dark ride. Therefore they could also say that they don't need a dark ride.

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Isn't the Six Flags theme supposed to represent the whole world coming unto one area?

I don't know about the whole world, but definitely the parts of Georgia or the parts of Texas (SFOT).

I mean in that the Six Flags represent the areas of the world that affected the area the park is in. We have a French and Spanish section for a reason, they both represent one of the flags and were a part in Georgia's history. The globe is a perfect representation of this.

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I wouldn't hold my breath for something you read about in a survey, but SFOG could definitely use a shooting dark ride.

I agree SFOG needs a shooting dark ride, but they may already coincided Monster Mansion as a dark ride. Therefore they could also say that they don't need a dark ride.

Another indoor ride would be wonderful, actually. With that, allow certain places in the park to get AC (or air flow) as well. Last time I was there, the queue for Batman: The Ride was a sauna.


It wouldn't hurt the park to implement something like a shooting ghost dark ride, wherever they could put it.

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I wouldn't hold my breath for something you read about in a survey, but SFOG could definitely use a shooting dark ride.

I agree SFOG needs a shooting dark ride, but they may already coincided Monster Mansion as a dark ride. Therefore they could also say that they don't need a dark ride.

Another indoor ride would be wonderful, actually. With that, allow certain places in the park to get AC (or air flow) as well. Last time I was there, the queue for Batman: The Ride was a sauna.


It wouldn't hurt the park to implement something like a shooting ghost dark ride, wherever they could put it.

They used to have Shake, Rattle and Roll before they removed it to make room for DDD. They used to keep the temperature in there around 50 degrees in the summer, no joke.

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^They turned it into a Thomas The Train area for kids, if I remember correctly.


^^I remember seeing that ride. Never really knew what was inside that building the last time I saw it operating. Kinda wished I would have experienced it at least once, but I feel I didn't miss out on very much still.

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