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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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^^ Fron what I've heard so far, you get in 10 minutes before everyone that doesn't have the pass and I think there was something about parking in there also. I remember what I was first hearing about it that it was seeming a lot like what Cedar Fair has been doing for years at most of their parks.

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Well, tomorrow's the day. Should get there at or before opening Saturday and Sunday, myself and the other four folks heading out on our little Opening Weekend adventure. Weather is supposed to be unseasonably warm and mostly sunny both days, so I imagine there will be hordes of people, but getting a season pass should offset this by being able to head back several times during quieter parts of the year, ahaha. Given that few trees have begun to leaf out yet, it'll probably be rather warm in the direct sun, though it's supposed to be pretty breezy... sweatiness ahoy!

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^ The high tomorrow is predicted to be 74 degrees. If this is sweat-inducing, how do you manage to cope with the summer next door in Alabama?


I sleep above the covers and sweat at night even during winter, yet find it hard to stay out when it's much below like 50 or 55. I've got like a ten degree comfortable temperature tolerance range. MISERY, I SAY!

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SkyScreamer pictures would be great! I can't imagine they're not at least done with the tower yet, that seems like the easier part. They probably haven't done much in terms of installing the car and electrical and all that good stuff but the tower should definitely be up or almost done. I can't wait to see it. I think the soonest I'll be able to head out there would be on Easter.

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Looking forward to the update on Sky Screamer. For those of you that made it out to opening day, is there any sign that those markings sighted on or near GA Cyclone a month ago led to any changes? My fingers are still crossed for more Topper Track...

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^ I'm not sure of which markings you're referring to, but they probably are for more topper track. Last year during Deep South Bash, Melinda addressed a question someone had about the topper track and she said yes, we are looking to finish the entire ride with the new track. "Right now we only have 30% done in the areas with the most wear, but we are looking to get a lot more done in the off season and coming years." Hopefully information on this will appear along with the SkyScreamer photos in someone's trip report from today.

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^ Sorry for the ambiguity. I was referring to this comment from a month and a half ago.

I'll be a little more optimistic. On my last visit this past October, I spotted several construction markings on GA Cyclone's track. I would think they are doing something. Why else would the boom lifts be there? Paint? For the record, that would be pretty nice, but it would be turd polishing without more topper track.
I was unaware that there are plans to add Topper Track to the entire ride in the long term though, so I'm glad to hear that comments have been made affirming this. Hopefully there has been progress in the off season.
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Alright, here's a few quick notes from today.

-No new topper track for GA Cyclone . However, the park retracked a few spots including the bottom of the 3rd drop. It honestly rode pretty smoothly by GA Cyclone standards. I just wish they would get rid of those speed-robbing trims.

-SkyScreamer is nearly complete. Even the swings have all been attached. The only thing left is the six flags globe piece, which is sitting on the platform waiting to be lifted into place.

-A few rides were closed (all the water rides, the carousel, and Ninja which won't open til May 17).

Overall, the park didn't seem fully ready for the season. Several rides were breaking down sporadically, and I spotted a neglected sign or two.

More to come later.

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Alright, here's a few quick notes from today.

-No new topper track for GA Cyclone . However, the park retracked a few spots including the bottom of the 3rd drop. It honestly rode pretty smoothly by GA Cyclone standards. I just wish they would get rid of those speed-robbing trims.

-SkyScreamer is nearly complete. Even the swings have all been attached. The only thing left is the six flags globe piece, which is sitting on the platform waiting to be lifted into place.

-A few rides were closed (all the water rides, the carousel, and Ninja which won't open til May 17).

Overall, the park didn't seem fully ready for the season. Several rides were breaking down sporadically, and I spotted a neglected sign or two.

More to come later.

OH LOOK AT THAT! Ninja isn't going to be able to screw up anyone's neck/head or ruin their day because of it. Even though it's closed, it's still not making any money for the park, which is pretty funny. It has suffered from very low rideship for the last few seasons, I wonder what could be in store for it since it's closed. It is too bad they weren't really ready for opening day, hopefully they will get their act together by the time spring break comes around; that's when I'm planning on going. How were the crowds?

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As far as crowds go, it was pretty packed. During the peak of the day (about 12 to 4) pretty much all the lines were 45 minutes or longer. I ended up not riding very many rides because of the crowds.

Also, there was a major cheer leading competition going on in the axis arena, so about half of the crowd were cheerleader troupes and their families. This of course translated to some ear-deafening screaming on a lot of the rides.

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Georgia Cyclone is running better than it has in years. While the topper track is still only on the first two drops, new "regular" track and wood was added to a fairly large portion of the ride. There still are some very rough parts, but most of the ride is relatively smooth now. Fantastic ejector air on the 4th drop!


New track in the front, compared to the old track in the back.

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