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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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What I don't understand looking at the photos is, why did they need to take out the Parachute tower in order to put in this ride?


The coaster doesn't look like it's anywhere near the parachutes!


--Robb "With this ride's shorter height and length, it reminds me more of Walibi World's Goliath, which could be a good thing!" Alvey

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  SharkTums said:
Hmmm...that's kind of a bummer that that's the reason they took out the parachute tower. I mean I almost would have understood if it was in the way..but now knowing that it was a red tape issue...that kind of sucks.

I have only one word for that.....





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I think they didnt think the coaster would make a huge impact when you have something much taller right next to it. But still, I think it was a bad move also!


Jarvis "laughs at everyone saying it was gonna be a 225, more or less, drop thru tunnels and other crap!" Morant

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So after watching that video, it does remind me a LOT of Walibi World's Goliath. Lots of hills and a helix. Not as tall as most other hypers, not as long as most hypers, but shows a lot of promise. If it has a ton of airtime, it will be GREAT!


I just hope the ride doesn't peter out over most of those hills like it shows in the video.


--Robb "I guess SFOG is on the list for 2006!" Alvey

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I was just thinking, after looking at the layout (the overhead version) and after reading that it starting where the great gasp was AND the fact that this coaster is basically built over everything I think in order for this coaster to work the way they wanted it to, great gasp had to go. Now looking at a business stand point, I can see how they felt that they didnt want to "work" around great gasp and instead it was more efficent to scrape it then to work around it. Now as the GP I think they could have worked around it but after looking at how conjested that area is....


Jarvis "hey, if SFoG can build a hyper over existing rides and buildings...why cant IOA?" Morant

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When will we get a hyper in Denver...


I know wishful thinking but seriously... We have plenty of parking lot and stuff to build over...


We deserve a unique ride one of these years right? I mean I just want something we can call ours other than the Twister2...


Still that said it looks like a decent ride. I'm not quite as positive as Robb and the others are about the airtime... Somehow the hills look a little tame to me. That being said it looks like a pretty good ride. I still want to see B&M throw an inversion in one of their hypers though... They could definitely pull it off.

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  coasterking said:
Well that was just the rendering, it will probably be better in real life. Also if B&M put in an inversion then it wouldn't be a hyper coaster.
Um how would it not be a hyper coaster... The understood meaning of a hyper coaster simply means the coasters height exceeds 200ft. At least that was my understood meaning. Besides if the person doing the rendering is worth anything they have the exact measurements and put everything in accurately... I don't think it will be much different. Heck it could run slower when it first opens if the bearings aren't fully run in...
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  coasterking said:
Well that was just the rendering, it will probably be better in real life. Also if B&M put in an inversion then it wouldn't be a hyper coaster. Also, this is weird, the second drop is 5 feet higher than the first drop.


probably because if the land elevation and the height clerance...remember it has to travel over existing rides and buildings inside the park but only has the road to worry about outside the park...

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  kenshinmac said:
  coasterking said:
Well that was just the rendering, it will probably be better in real life. Also if B&M put in an inversion then it wouldn't be a hyper coaster.
Um how would it not be a hyper coaster...

The definition of a hyper has always been, at least as far as I've known, to be a non-inverting coaster. So Coasterking is correct.


Although, it's not like there is any real "webster" defintion so it could whatever you make it. But for example, "Magnum XL-200" was considered a "Hyper Coaster" but Steel Phantom was not.



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So then why have I heard Steel Phantom refered to as the only hyper looping coaster? And why is Son of Beast sometimes refered to as a Hyper Woodie... (sorry it couldn't be helped)


I'm seeing no consistency... No consistency at all... And it frightens me.

Edited by kenshinmac
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I'm just trying to understand robb... I mean I have been under the impression that Hyper was just a term whipped up to make the crossing of the 200ft mark more impressive. Kinda like how they whipped up Giga and whatever the heck they called Top Thrill Dragster...


Wait I just remembered... Top Thrill Dragster was called a... wait for it... Strata Coaster...

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  GAcoaster said:
That's the park's entrance/exit road to the original parking lot.


Goliath look like it will be a solid coaster...best of Apollo and Nitro put together.


Thats exactly what I was thinking. It has the Hammerhead like on Nitro, the same type of helix as Apollo. There's no doubt in my mind this is going to be a great coaster.


A couple of things I noticed in the video.. TREES!! Is Six Flags actually not going to clear cut the entire area? Add trees to the nice ponds, this is far from a parking lot/SFA SROS, coaster. Good job Georgia.


Is this by the Badnitrus guy? He has the best job ever and probably knows all these layouts months before most everyone else to make these..


Eric "I hate excessive fake screaming" Geiple

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  CoasterEricHP said:

A couple of things I noticed in the video.. TREES!! Is Six Flags actually not going to clear cut the entire area? Add trees to the nice ponds, this is far from a parking lot/SFA SROS, coaster. Good job Georgia.


They actually mention that in the press release, about how it will interact with the trees:

Giant oak trees, a unique feature to Six Flags Over Georgia, and natural treasures of the park will remain as more than just beautiful landscaping. GOLIATH will actually send riders up through the treetops and race back down within feet of two giant ponds.
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  kenshinmac said:
I'm just trying to understand robb...

Right. And I was only trying to help you understand. But you responded with something obnoxious, so forget it, I'm done helping.


--Robb "Remeber, I've been on every freaking hyper coaster the planet has to offer!" Alvey

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I must admit, I was expecting something a little more spectacular in terms of layout and overall ride size. I was expecting to see a track length of at least 5,000ft. This sounds like it could be one of the shortest traditional hyper ever built. The layout is also pretty uninspiring and plain. They really should have made the helix hug the lake to make it more exciting along with some nice changes in direction.


But, its still exciting to see another hyper being built in my neck of the woods. Any hyper is better than no hyper at all! Congrats to SFOG and its fans.



Edited by cgodsey
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Yeah, there really isnt any consistancy, especially between the different companies.


Isnt Hyper just the way Arrow classifies their tall non-loopers? B&M and Intamin both seem to classify their 200ft+ (in intamins case 200-299ft) inversionless coasters as 'Mega.' Alot of the elements between companies are the same, just different names for them. I guess there really isnt a major need for more consistancy, but it would be nice.


Hyper is just the easiest way to describe a tall non looping coaster no matter what the company.


EDIT: And before someone says it, No, Sheikra isnt a Hyper.. Its a Dive Machine.

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