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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I'm really curious why such strong feeling about them. Worse than old arrow loopers? Worn out/unmaintained woodies?

For one thing, the "seating" process is much more involved than it is for a regular coaster. You basically have to hold the seat height in place until the operator at the booth locks the entire train. If it locks when you have it too low, you can't stand up and have to sit awkwardly on the bicycle seat. If it locks when it's too high, you may be riding on your crotch the entire way. I knew this going in so I was able to prepare for it, but whether the seat locking actually gets telegraphed verbally depends on the operator and can really make or break your ride.


Some also think that the [b&M] stand-up coaster was a failed fad considering none have been built since Georgia Scorcher opened in 1999, and several of those existing have been converted to floorless trains. If it's any consideration, B&M will still sell you a new one if you want.


Interesting thing about those floorless trains - they're not "regular" floorless trains like you find on Kraken or Hydra. They actually sit higher than typical floorless trains (which already sit pretty high) to get closer to the center line of the original stand-up coaster layout.

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I'm really curious why such strong feeling about them. Worse than old arrow loopers? Worn out/unmaintained woodies?

For one thing, the "seating" process is much more involved than it is for a regular coaster.


I had no issues with seating the first or any other time.


Hence my query. My daughter's height and build doesn't work well but is it that common?


Wish I could afford one. Lots of "fads" have come and gone, but they weren't all bad. They just get overdone causing burn out.


Interesting bit on the conversions. Makes sense though.

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I've ridden all seven B&M standups.


The only two I dared ride in the last row were Georgia Scorcher and Riddlers Revenge.


The last row of Scorcher had great airtime, the dropping feeling that is not merely being lifted out of one's seat (or off one's feet as is the case here). It was comfortable in every row, unlike the five other stand ups. (The only floorless conversion I've been on was Mantis -> Rougarou, which was a headbanger for me. One and done, especially with the RMC nearby.)


I hope Scorcher isn't converted to a floorless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scorcher is one of the most smoother of the stand ups I’ve ridden but it too has gotten a bit tougher over time. I don’t think it would be a bad floorless conversion and would probably be the best out of the ones that have been converted. My sincere hope however is that it gets a new paint job soon!

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Georgia Scorcher is an awesome standup coaster! And by "an awesome standup coaster" I mean I guess I didn't totally hate the piece of sh*t but I'd still rather ride literally any other coaster in the park except the sh*tty wooden one.

Honestly, I love the pretzel loop, but after being spoiled by Manta, Superman Ultimate Flight is rather boring. I'd rather ride Georgia Scorcher than that. But Superman, Georgia Scorcher, Blue Hawk, and Dare Devil Dive are all about even for me.


Great American Scream Machine is, well, you know. Dahlonega Mine train is boring too, but it's a mine train.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I think it's safe to say that construction has finally started on SFOG newest addition for 2019, Pandemonium. I drove over to the old lickskillet entrance parking lot where the go-karts are located hoping something has started for the ride's construction and I can now confirm there is construction happening. The little building where Thomas' friends would be inside of in the back of whistlestop where the old Thomas Town train would travel around along the tracks is gone, and I think all or most of the train tracks is gone as well as I saw a bobcat machine in that area. So yes, Pandemonium is going in that area as I also saw signs that said "Construction Zone, Hard hats required." on the wood fence blocking the front entrance of whistlestop from the skybuckets.

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Finally found a weekend with no rain so we spent a full day at Holiday! Park was well attended; ride lines were very short except for Justice League with about a 45 minute wait.


Curiously, the Joker (Larson Loop) was closed with the ride vehicle removed. This ride had been getting very loud so it was probably due for a rehab. Also - the railroad was not operating. The coaches were in Marthasville station but the locomotive was nowhere to be seen. I doubt this is rehab though as the Ride to the North Pole is a HitP staple attraction. With the General still damaged to a fire early in the season, the Texas has been doing all the heavy lifting most of this year. Hopefully it will be back in service for my final visits of the year the next couple weeks.


All in all it was a great day to visit!


FINALLY some nice weather! It was a chilly but sunny day - perfect!


Ummm....something is missing

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Did you check to see if the Joker coaster train was on the transfer track?

Turns out that when I went to go check out the Pandemonium construction in the old lickskillet entrance parking lot, the yellow train and purple track that would travel along the loop was in that parking lot behind the go-karts. What is going on with that ride?

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Did you check to see if the Joker coaster train was on the transfer track?


Hopefully I don’t offend anyone but they are certainly welcome to remove it

This is almost certainly a rehab job. Hopefully they will replace the LED lighting package - it looks really bad now.

It is doubtful this ride will be removed anytime soon. The space it occupies does not lend itself well to anything much larger. The only possibility would be if the Axis Arena were to be removed for a new attraction but that too is highly unlikely.


In other news, in the email newsletter they send, they reference opening day for the 2019 season in early March, which is the norm. I am actually surprised the park does not consider opening for a couple weekends before the Super Bowl, when nearly a million visitors will be in town, only 12 miles away.

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^ Unusual to hear about the Joker downtime, especially after it was down for most of the season. And then the park teased us with a few weeks of operation towards the beginning of fall. Maybe they thought they fixed the problem, but upon daily operation again found that they were initially wrong????


I still haven't even ridden this attraction at my own home park yet. I went on one of these Larson loopers at Kemah Boardwalk a few years back so never felt the need. They were fine rides, and certainly feel less confining than the old Fireball loopers that had cages. To me, they still feel more claustrophobic than the former looping starship, or an inverted looper like Aero 360 at Kennywood.


Next year will not be a Six Flags year for me, so I hope to catch up with this park after our cross-country RV trip in a few years.


Peach out ATL.

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So I've never really looked into SF memberships before, but next year I plan to hit up several starting with SFOG in April. Would there be any potential complications with buying a membership through SFOG even though I live in Oklahoma? It will be my first stop so I will activate and pick up the passes there. After the initial visit, there's no reason I would have to go back there, right? Doesn't look like you can get a membership through FC, and SFOT is difficult to get to from Tulsa, so I'm hoping I can grab the pass at SFOG and go.

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Would there be any potential complications with buying a membership through SFOG even though I live in Oklahoma?


No. Your plan is totally fine.

Aren't there some benefits that can only be used at the "home" park?


I grabbed a membership in New England and there was some reason I changed it to Georgia (took some effort to get it cancelled/refunded so I could buy with SFOG as home park).


May not matter to Shavethewhales, but they should be aware of it.

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I guess it's a moot point. I've been trying to two days now to get the website to load so I can buy a membership before the new year's deal expires, but nothing is working. I've tried multiple computers and browsers and even called technical support who were no help. Pretty frustrating. I'm inclined to just re-route to a different set of parks for this year since I have so many to get to anyway. Nothing like spending hours just to try to give someone else money.

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We have used all of our membership bennifits at multiple six flags parks without issues.


Like Bill mentioned, maybe the dinning plan if it's not the chain wide dinning plan. Possibly may have an issue getting your yearly refillable cup as well but not sure.

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