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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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Always wondered:


Do peeps wear anything under their hoodies?


Like a t-shirt or... a tanktop undershirt?


Or is it usually a "hoodie-on-skin" kind of thing? Or is it maybe, "depending on the weather"...?


Just curious of the bear....


(EDIT: I've never had one... until my 'TPR First Encounter' last year, lol.)

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^ When I wear a hoodie there is always something underneath it. I don't like the feeling of hoodie-inside on my skin.


Now for my randomness: Hooray, added bonus to the UK trip! I might get to see one of my friends from college! I had no idea he was over there, either.


Why do all my Jewish friends seem to take a semester abroad at Oxford?

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Eh, anybody know today is 4/20?


So, anyways, I was doing the school announcements today and I made a crude drug reference at the end.


"Have a high day"


Surprisingly, I made the entire school laugh, teachers scared, and NOT get in trouble!


And for the record... no, I don't smoke pot or do any drugs for that matter.

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I don't even have a hoodie.


But I do have taquitos waiting at home for dinner!




Yay for the taquitos!


We're baking pork chops, potatoes and steaming some veggies.


Mmm yum.

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