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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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What - a - dump.

So said Bette Davis, once in a film, long time ago.

Back yard looks like this, with much wind and rain.

That's all I got .... 💮

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I kicked influenza's ass in just a couple days. I went back to daily exercise less than 24 hours after my last fever. 

Pro tips:

1) MAKE yourself go outdoors and get some sunlight, for at least 20-30 minutes. I don't care how cold it is.

2) Double dose vitamin C and zinc.

3) MAKE yourself do some form of light exercise. Get your blood pumping. Even a 10 minute walk helps.

4) Recognize what real food is and consume it. Meat, selective fruits, and selective vegetables.

5) Water. Lots.


Bonus points if you have the balls to get your blood rushing first thing in the morning by taking an ice cold shower for a couple minutes. I'm back to my asshole self.

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