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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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CoasterLou wrote:


Hmmm... I listened to the 30 second sampe of each track on iTunes when it came out and was NOT impressed. If I remember correctly there were covers of Hot Stuff and Feeling Good? Grr. Anyway, I don't think they portray themselves in a very positive way either... Bring back the Spice Girls! I kinda liked the 411 though, they were billed as the British Destiny's Child which was perhaps a slight exaggeration, but they were pretty good!


How do they portray themselves? I don't think I've ever actually seen them. I don't watch TV or read magazines. I think I did see them once, now that I think about it, and it looked like there were 35 girls in the group.


As for the British Destiny's Child, I thought that was Misteeq?

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How do they portray themselves? I don't think I've ever actually seen them. I don't watch TV or read magazines. I think I did see them once, now that I think about it, and it looked like there were 35 girls in the group.


As for the British Destiny's Child, I thought that was Misteeq?


It's probably just my opinion but I'm not keen on the girl bands who come across as overtly sexual in interviews and videos. It doesn't offend me as such, I'm just very aware of how much of an influence these artists have on young girls. My 7 year old niece knows all the Don't Cha dance moves for example... And yeah, I've only never noticed maybe 5 of them in their videos but I'm sure there were double that on Top Of The Pops! Do quite like the new song though.


Mis-Teeq were often referred to as the British Destiny's Child but I never got why. Mis-Teeq were total garage to me, with a hint of RnB thrown in. There was none of the soul that DC have. If you get chance, Between The Sheets (411's first album, and only so far) is worth a listen if you like that kind of music.

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