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^ We are roughly the same age, and I totally agree.


Not just for schoolwork, but we are finding as our daughter is looking at colleges it's much easier for her to narrow down her list of schools and much easier to find grants, scholarships, etc than it was in our day.


Back in our day (1993) we had to **gasp** go to the Library to find stuff like that.

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Didn't know where to post this, so I felt like here was appropriate.


Everyone has their own battles. Whether big or small, they do exist. And the things that shape us most as a person are not how many people we've dated, or how good your grades are, or even how many times you've been to Disney World. It's the decisions that make the person. Who they date, how good they look, money, anything. Those aren't what makes a person good, or bad. For one mistake, it could seem like it would ruin somebody's life. But, it's every decision that makes a person. And every decision is a battle. And the victories of those battles make a person better. But in the end, everyone loses a battle. Nobody wins them all. But those losses shape a person. They build them up, preparing them for the next challenge. Most battles are known, yet insignificant. The biggest battles are the ones that nobody ever knows about; the wars that are fought underground. The biggest wars are the ones against ourselves. And in the whole battle of life, everyone wins theirs. It's impossible to. And even when it seems everything is ashes, everyone has the strength to win. The strength to win the battle of life. Because once the war is over, it's done forever. And even if you don't recognize the sacrifices you made to win, somebody will. Somebody will always see the battles you had to endure, and that person will only then understand the how you had to rise for victory.

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My boyfriend hates rollercoasters and while discussing potential theme park visits, I got real mad at him and slammed the netbook closed and kicked it off the table. The netbook's not mine, it's my mommas, I only use it because the net connection on it is better than my pc for chatting, (my bf and I are long distance) and now I'm mad at myself for getting mad at him over nothing and potentialy breaking things that aren't mine. I feel like I spend my life apologising.

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After watching a video about the Sandy Hook shooting conspiracies, I think it is a hoax as well. I'm not going to dwell too much about it, but it does make you think about it.


I'm sorry, I think I misread, for a moment I thought your post, said it was a hoax...

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I haven't heard much either way at all about windows 8. Normally you hear how terrible it is, or that it's the greatest thing ever. Windows 8 is talked about as much as the Wii U, which is virtually never. I don't like the way it looks, but what makes it so terrible. I'm still using XP on most of my windows computers.

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I don't like the way it looks, but what makes it so terrible. I'm still using XP on most of my windows computers.


I think the main problem that people are having with it is that it's REALLY based on touchscreens, not trackpads. It's gotten so many bad reviews because most, if not all of those people are upgrading from Windows 7, which was a really good computer OS. It feels really weird to use the live tiles with a mouse, but I've found that it's near impossible to use the desktop interface with a touch screen. It's almost like Redmond said "Hey, we've got two interfaces here, one for tablet and one for desktop, let's combine them! Two is better than one!" But in the end it feels fragmented and awkward, especially when you consider Windows RT as opposed to Windows 8 Pro.


Anyway, I'm currently taking a course called "Theory of Knowledge" or TOK. It's a requirement for the IB Program, and I thought that it would be interesting to figure out how we know what we know. But in reality, we know nothing. It's probably one of the most annoying classes I've ever taken. To give you the gist of it, here's a model conversation:


A: I found this cool website called "Theme Park Review" on the internet today!

B: But how do you *know* that you're using the internet, or that it even exists?

A: Because it's on my computer screen!

B: But how do you know that you're using a computer? And how do you know how to use it?

A: Because my sense perception tells me so.

B: And how can you tell that you're on TPR? How do you know that other users exist? For that matter, do you exist? Do I exist?

A: ....

B: And how can you be sure? Which way of knowing applies? Which area of knowledge does that connect to? Where does it fall in the TOK hexagon? Does the TOK hexagon exist? Does TOK exist? Is it an illusion? Is this the real life, is this just fantasy?


And on, and on, and on.....

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The job market in Reno. This is my quarterly complaint about it. Out of about 120 people, I made the top ten, but didn't get a call back for a second interview. Oh well. Got to just keep trying. Still have my part time business at least.

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A bus riding complaint...


Why is it that some males who ride a bus, either in the two-seaters

or with other people beside them, always sit with their legs apart?

It's ridiculous to sit that way, considering the seat space is usually small as it is.


Put your damned legs together, and make some space for other people to ride!

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Gas prices annoy me, they always go up for no reason and not to mention never return to less than $3. The worst part is that the price is controlled by tycoons who will raise the price of oil when a tornado touches down, or when they are "not making enough money" and they wanted gas to $5 a gallon, when all it takes is $4.11 to crash the market. Let's tell Congress they need to set gas prices lower and set a maximum price.

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