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The "Picture Of Me" Thread


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Ok, it's been a while since I signed up and posted here, and the one picture I used had a huge beer obscuring me, so here's some newer ones from this month in Orlando.


I get called Dopey a lot, cos of my bald head, blue eyes and big ears??? But he's cool so I don't mind!



A photo sans beverage! On the boat between Disnet's boardwalk and DHS

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some pics from me at my restaurant tonight.

we had a french night, because our city´s university gave a welcome party for french exchange students that arrived today at my place.


me with two of my waitresses, paula(l) and irena(r, she´s our conciergée)


joe(l), my closest buddie (and my chef de bar) and me® before the party started

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Yea I got it at Kohl's. As you can see it's not my size, but it was only $7 and the last one. I couldn't resist!


^^If you go there, make sure you try the "fry bread" stuff one of the vendors sells.



It was like funnel cake only much better. That's my best memories from that park.

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Ok, last one is an old photo of me in my very red Alton Towers staff coat, and all the others are photoshopped versions of me done by various people...


(its at the end, not the start because I'm not used to this forum style


Me in the rain and wind


Mmmmm, Fish precious


The REAL me



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