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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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Saw the Smiler's progress today during my visit. It's huge! Looks like it's gonna be an amazing ride and just cannot ride to ride it!


The Sanctuary was also running well today with a few Smiler related changes from when it last ran during 2012's Scarefest. Dr Kelman is awesome though.

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^ If you ask me Colossus and the smiler are completely different. If I look at Colossus I see a easy ride with big parts beteween inversions (Like lift to looping, Looping to Cobra, Cobra to double corkscrew, Double corkscrew to quad inline, and finally from quad inline to final inline). Here it is one inversions after an other, it looks like you can't catch your breath anywhere els then the vertical lift. But I love it thanks to that.



I saw this at TowersSteets facebook just a sec ago, employees jackets on the Smiler:


Simply said: I hate them. Looks like they let a child pick some random cloths.

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Here it is one inversions after an other, it looks like you can't catch your breath anywhere els then the vertical lift. But I love it thanks to that.


That's what's so great about this ride.

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Posted at about 10 this morning:







More safety barriers going in:


New Smiler uniforms:





Another track piece being put up (@ about 12PM)



Making sure them bolts are tight!:



Another piece being lifted into place (about 12PM):



Sensor on the track - interesting:


And a Panorama image for you:



All images taken from The Alton Towers Guide Facebook page.

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Simply said: I hate them. Looks like they let a child pick some random cloths.


I actually like them. They match the creepy demeanor of the ride. Plus they match the color scheme the ride will have once completed (Black, white and yellow).

I don't like how it looks. The arm warmers? Why? Since this ride is kinda like a since lab why not white or yellow lab-coats? With the ride logo on the back. Let them wear the same jackets and yellow pants then I'm okay with it. But this I thinks its kinda odd and childish.

Awesome that the Sea serpent is done. Looking now they need to start on one inversion (which I predict to see soon) and finish of the Drops. Looking at it maybe next weak work on one of the lifts?

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Posted at about 10 this morning:


Sensor on the track - interesting:


All images taken from The Alton Towers Guide Facebook page.


That could be a scenery sensor. When the train passes by it, the giant Smiler contraption activates a section of its arms or whatever the thing is, ahead of the train passing by it. Could be more along the track that's not seen yet.

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Two things...


1. I don't get why the sensor is so interesting? Like others have said, it could be for anything and there are tons of these on rides.


2. At least the park is giving the ride unique uniforms! Let's not complain over little things like trying to theme a ride. Most parks would love to have that!

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