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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Maybe an Intamin rocket or B&M invert or floorless? We'll find out soon e nough though. at Jimmybo's idea!


I doubt you'll see any major Intamin or B&M installations at Holiday World any time soon. Although they're rapidly growing, they've still just reached the 1 million guests mark. This makes $20 million coasters a bit of a stretch.


If I were a betting man, I'd wager that their next coaster will be another Gravity Group. Though I doubt they're installing another coaster so soon after the Voyage.


Personally, I'd like to see them spruce up their flats. A Falling Star, Giant Swing, Giant Frisbee, or even just replacing their bumper cars with some Lusse Skooters would really help them out.

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Personally, I'd like to see them spruce up their flats. A Falling Star, Giant Swing, Giant Frisbee, or even just replacing their bumper cars with some Lusse Skooters would really help them out.


I agree. They should get a high-capacity crowd pleaser, like any form of Huss Frissbee or S&S Screamin' Swing.


They've already had a falling star, so I don't suposse they be getting an other one. However, If they've kept it in storage, then there is a good chance that it will re-open in the near-to-distant future.


I think their next coaster should be in the Independence Day section. They haven't had one since the Firecracker.

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I wish they had purchased Astroworld's Greased Lightning and called it "Plymouth Rocket" (I know thats close to the name of their new restaurant)


Anywho, employee parking can go anywhere, I'd like to see more Thanksgiving stuff or even Easter.. as long as they pay a religous tribute.

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On a serious note, if they do get another wood coaster, I would assume it's along the lines of Tomahawk/Pegasus/these. The park doesn't really have anything between Howler and Raven, yet they're a family park. They seem to have the thrill coasters down, so if it's another one, I'd bet it's similar to those I mentioned.

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The hints do make it sound rather Valentine's Day-ish. Didn't I read somewhere that Will envisioned Thanksgiving as the center of the park? (Or am I just making that up?)


I say it's a Tunnel Of Love!

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^Yes he said in an interview that when it is 'all said and done' Thanksgiving would be the "center of the park".


I still can't believe they haven't added EASTER yet. I mean come on! get your photo with Santa Claus and Easter Bunny in the same day.

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I guess Holiday World doesn't still need to make rooms to put more parking lots. I saw the Voyage video, and I had turned out that they didn't still expand a lot since the dirt places can often be seen. I think they are starting to get on the track to expand the park to build new rides.

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