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Erik & Smisty's Florida Oddventures

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Even though I was only 6, I remember my visit to the Citrus Tower in 1973. When surrounded completely by orange groves it was an impressive site for a 6 year old. Unfortunately I couldn't find any pictures of it in the family photo album.

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  bean.zilla said:
Did the coin make a ton of noise all the way down the tower?


Yes. Well, I think so anyway. The lady who worked there said that it goes all the way to the basement, and you can hear it "hit bottom." But we never actually *saw* anything, and it could quite easily be a deception.



  BeemerBoy said:
  robbalvey said:
Wow, I too am shocked this is still there. I think I have pictures of me there about 30 years ago!






If I haven't mentioned it already, you two continue to rock.


Robb and Elissa? Yes they do.


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  Electerik said:

Yes. Well, I think so anyway. The lady who worked there said that it goes all the way to the basement, and you can hear it "hit bottom." But we never actually *saw* anything, and it could quite easily be a deception.


I think a deception would be a lot more work. All this takes is a pvc pipe down to the basement, which would be a more convenient location to collect the money from as well.


The physics geek in me wants to know if you timed the coin.

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Considering the fact that it went down a small pipe, timing the drop wouldn't be very accurate at all. Every time the coin would hit the wall of the pipe, significant deceleration would occur, meaning it would seem like the coin fell a greater distance than it actually did if you were to calculate using a basic kinematic equation.


Just a thought

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  firstbase11897 said:
Considering the fact that it went down a small pipe, timing the drop wouldn't be very accurate at all. Every time the coin would hit the wall of the pipe, significant deceleration would occur, meaning it would seem like the coin fell a greater distance than it actually did if you were to calculate using a basic kinematic equation.


I use the basic kinematic equation everyday. Why didn't I think of that? It makes perfect sense now.


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I have not been up in the tower yet, but I DID record the cast CD for Halloween: The Musical in Clermont! So now it can be famous for three things! (maybe!)


But what about the creepy thing next door? Mystery Hill perhaps??

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  firstbase11897 said:
Considering the fact that it went down a small pipe, timing the drop wouldn't be very accurate at all. Every time the coin would hit the wall of the pipe, significant deceleration would occur, meaning it would seem like the coin fell a greater distance than it actually did if you were to calculate using a basic kinematic equation.


Just a thought



I feel a slight bit smarter tonight for reading your post and somewhat understanding it!!

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The Citrus Tower!!! I haven't been up in that thing since about 2003 or so and even then there were few citrus trees around it anymore. I do remember going up in it when I was a small kid (late 70's) and it was surrounded by the groves and it was awesome! You could even go up on the top level observation deck with just rails back then (my mom wouldn't let me go up on top with my dad because she was scared of heights). Last time I went that part was closed off. Still waiting to see your trip report from the neat place next door!

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  zztop said:
there is another t-rex cafe located right near me in kansas city at the legends


I met the guy that owns the t-rex in KCK, nit sure if its the same guy that owns the one in Florida tho. When the Legends was getting ready to open, they hired my dad to install all the graphics for the area. T-rex was not ready to open yet, but Dave and Busters was. The Legends management decided to plaster the construction wall in front of T-Rex with D&B signs. While I was out there installing them, this tiny man runs out of the building in a three peice suit, and a T-Rex baseball cap on. He starts cussing and screaming at me for putting up the D&B signs in front of his store. It was very hard not to laugh at himas he stammered around in his Italian suit and baseball hat!

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Okay, we've made you all wait long enough. It's time now for Clermont's other tourist attraction--an attraction which represents, in a very real sense, the reason that this thread exists in the first place. It is that epic.


An attraction known as...


The House of Presidents


...or, possibly...


The Presidents Hall of Fame


It's not really clear.


Almost literally in the shadow of the Citrus Tower.


No, really, it's world famous. We didn't know about it until we walked by, but still.


I could stare at this all day.


This "parade limo" was allegedly used by Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter.


Actually, Mr. President, Mount Rushmore was in National Treasure *2*. So there.


The Lincoln figure in the back is animatronic. Kind of. He moves around, and his lips move, but he doesn't actually say anything. I think it's an attempt at political humor.


The clear-as-mud pricing list.


You're given tokens, which you then take two feet from the desk and drop into the turnstile in order to gain entry.


Hey, I'm all for showmanship.


The first display once inside. If it seems a bit random, hold onto your hats.


A model of the construction of the White House.


I like the little black dude driving the carriage. Sure....


A photo of the guy who owns the place, along with his wife and President and Mrs. Ford.


I'm not sure if this display shows some political bias, or if it was just put up before the election actually took place.


I swear these photos are in order. The place is just like this.


Come sit on an American flag and watch George W. Bush try to complete a sentence. It'll be fun.


Note the restroom, back-left.


John McCain is watching you defecate.


This is just...wow.




A "Believe It or Not!" display about the guy who owns the place. He apparently spent 20 years working on a highly-detailed model of the white house--which is not here.


Smisty, presidential china displays, and faceless first ladies.


Presidential Fact: Washington was so vain that he put his own face on the white house china. Fact.


43 presidents in wax. Also, Laura Bush (I guess). Black man gets a cardboard cut out.


I like the weak attempt to tie Mark Twain into the place. And also the Green Lantern symbol.


(Actually, that last one was my fault. But it's still cool.)


Hillary Clinton's first foray into government work.


An endless array of awesomeness.


Presidential Fact: Though it was often hidden from the public is his day, Thomas Jefferson was an incredibly tiny man. Small enough, in fact, that he frequently sat on book shelves unnoticed. Fact.


Recreations of each president's arrangement of the oval office. And also, a video of Reagan telling jokes.


This photo is not actually blurry. It is just being distorted by the raw power of PRESIDENT GREEN LANTERN.


The Presidential Bed--where all straight presidents up until Clinton were serviced by four presidential "hand maidens" who then got the F#$% out.


The President and The King. And then some guy named King. Whatever.


Well, I guess if Elvis and MLK can be in the Presidents Hall of Fame, so can H. Ross Perot.


Yes, you can even have your fortune read by George W. Bush. FOR FREE!!!


These cookies are old. I do not want old cookies.


Well...maybe just one.


"The Circus--True Americana!" Or, in other words: "Screw it, anything goes!"


Sure, why not?


This is, like, some kind of English birdhouse or something. But we've pretty much given up on the presidential thing at this point anyway, so who cares?


We, of course, exit back into the gift shop. Note the woodcarver sign behind Misty.


Ladies and gentlemen, the woodcarver.


I have no explanation.


Yes, it's a talking Woodrow Wilson action figure. And then some other stuff I can't even begin to make sense of.


"Bob Dole is not happy about being here. Bob Dole would like to go home now and watch Matlock."


...and we're still paying for it!


Ladies and gentlemen: President Al Jolson!


"The World's Smallest Curiosities of Americana" is going to be the name of my next band.


God, I freaking love this place!

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I'm not sure if you guys are fond of adult beverages or not, but in the case that you're not, I owe you both an ice cream instead for treating me to tours of the places I'd never think of reaching into my wallet for.....and making them hilarious in the process.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure we visited the President's Hall of Fame along with the Citrus Tower in 1973.. Then again I was only 6 so I might be confusing it with my first viewing of the Hall of Presidents at WDW.


I'm betting that the President's Hall of Fame didn't win the lawsuit against Disney for stealing the idea.

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