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Everything posted by bean.zilla

  1. I sold too many of my mushrooms this month and now I don't think I have enough to cook all the things that the Turkey wants me to cook. Boooooo!
  2. Jack gave me a Monster Mask (looks like Frankenstein) and told me to buy the items in the shop that are 1031 so that's how you know they are scary. My shop was selling the....Monster Mask boooo. I'll try again tonight.
  3. I have been saving up perfect peaches from my town to sell somewhere else where they aren't native. I went to Maihama tonight and made over 260,000 bells selling perfect peaches for 3,000 bells a pop. Woo hoo! I now have 1,000,000 bells in the bank/ABD so will get a reward present for depositing that much in the ABD & get the interest from having it in there overnight. First day of the month, you get 0.5% interest or 99,999 bells whichever is more woot woot.
  4. I got my first Gracie's Fashion Check finally! Yay! She told me to wear something Official. I had outfits in one of my Museum rooms waiting. I used this guide to get an outfit of each style ready. Everything I put on was in the Official Category except for my Red Shoes which were "cute". She is just as excited as I was about the FASHION CHECK! HHA jacket, Sailor skirt, Captains hat, Pilots shades, White Stockings, and Red Shoes And I passed! Hurrah! I rarely play during day on weekdays, so I was glad to see her show up on a Friday night around 9pm. I don't have many clothes in the Modern category so I hope she doesn't ask for that one next!
  5. I haven't had a fashion check yet - how does it work? Does she tell you what to dress as and then you run off and change your clothes?
  6. It amuses me how New Leaf has "mini-games" like playing hide and seek with your neighbors and working as a barista in The Roost. Today, a visitor from another town, Savannah, showed up alongside Quillen, Tom, and Tortimer. I'm a bunny barista! Let's see what kind of coffee a duck wants... It's a Zebra! Most of the time only my neighbors show up for coffee...where did you come from? Tom loved my coffee I earned Superb coffee beans from Brewster and a sugar and milk set.
  7. Thanks TPREric, I got my petition fully signed My gates are open now. I did find a few perfect peaches still in my town so if you want a few..
  8. I'm playing today and one of my townspeople gave me a petition to fill out. I need to get 6 signatures from another town. Can someone open their gates so I can get my petition signed? Robdrop visited on Labor Day Hybrid tulips all around
  9. Double Rainbow...so intense..... My gates will be open from 7:30pm to 9pm CST tonight if anyone wants to visit on Labor Day. I have almost every fruit growing if you're looking for some and Ores are selling for double at ReTail today. I collect clocks in game - bring some clocks and I'll trade you for fruit or flowers edited - my gates are open right now and it's 7:39pm CST here - there are a buncha presents just sitting on the ground in front of my train station for visitors - Name: Beanie Friend Code: 3411-1156-1467 and I added everyone on the first page Happy Labor Day from Bibbins!
  10. Thanks Robb Check with Pelly today - I just asked her about gifts and got a Full-moon Vanity! And I stopped at a NintendoZone and got a afternoon tea set. Two free things in one day yay!
  11. Name: Beanie Friend Code: 3411-1156-1467 AC Name: Squidgie City: Bibbins Fruit: Peaches I just grew my first black tulip! And had my first visitor in my campground - Colton the horse. I'm planning on opening my gates this weekend for an Animal Crossing fruit trade party - anyone up for that?
  12. Did they have any of Guinan's kick ass hats? Also - what was the Starfleet show about? Maybe that was the part that the ticket lady said was for kids? *heh*
  13. I totally agree! It was so strange and awesome to be on Raging Bull and almost the whole park around you is dark and you can hear the screaming on Viper and practically nothing else. Somehow it was exciting then peaceful then exciting again.
  14. It says on the trip flyer that rooms are double occupancy - if you aren't going with a friend, they'll pick a roommate for you. If you want a room by yourself, you pay a bit more.
  15. I just called Guest Relations to ask them about the size of their all-day lock.ers and the guy on the phone said "Well the biggest ones are $17 and you could fit a small Volkswagon in them. Or a pony!" hahahahaha
  16. The last few times I went it was in November and then last week of September. That was great because it was still warm enough in September to go to Blizzard Beach, but we walked right on some of the rides. And Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween parties were starting the day after we left so we got to see some of the decorations.
  17. When I was in grade school, I went to Kings Island with my family and Gloria Estefan was performing that night. We saw her walking through the park early in the day. I remember she had on really cool sunglasses. Later that night, when they were performing, you could hear the show while we were in line for Racer. One of the ride ops was singing along and they were doing call and response during one of the songs. "Oh way oh way" "Oh way oohhhh eyeeeee" It was so fun singing while getting on the ride. We could see the show from the ferris wheel too!
  18. I'm guessing we'll be there early enough to get good close parking then since they don't have the lot split up into $15 and $25 anymore. My sister is driving so I'll have to see what she wants to do *hops around all excited-like*
  19. We're staying the night before across the street from the Park, but I don't know if we'll be too tired to walk back to the hotel at night. Or of the hotel would care that we leave our car there all day since we aren't staying that night too. I thought parking was $15. Hum.......
  20. I went to WDW last in 2005 and am planning another trip. It doesn't look very crowded in the pictures - did you find the wait times were pretty good?
  21. The picture after dark from your room was quite lovely. I bet it was nice watching the fountains while inside air conditioning
  22. For those people driving in - is it worth it to buy parking in advance online? Does that make the line to get in the park faster?
  23. I remember going to the park in high school and it rained before noon and so many people left. After about 1, it was clear and they started opening rides back up and we had little to no lines. We waited out the rain in the arcades and watched a show. Then ran around going WOOO! NO CROWDS! WOO! I'm sure
  24. I now want to play cornhole by throwing horseshoes at it! They'd ricochet so nicely off the wood boards. Ping! FWING! CLANG! Here in Iowa people call it "Bags" and that somehow ends up sounding just as dirty as cornhole.
  25. I had another Six Flags dream last night - getting more and more excited! This one I was on Whizzer and grabbed a tree as we went by it and flew out of the coaster, spinning through the air. And then somehow landing in a seat on Viper but facing backwards.
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