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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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How many launches are they generally getting between Zumanjaro dispatches this year?


I know last year they were only getting 1, maybe 2 when we were there so hopefully they've got it to at least 2 on a consistent basis.


I still regularly see two, maybe only one on occasion when there's an extraneous circumstance (walk of shame, etc).

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^Any intentions of running 4?


Unfortunately, there are not. Until the state allows Zumanjaro and Ka to run simultaneously, Ka's 4th train is pretty much useless. Three trains is all the ride needs to get it's max throughput with Zumanjaro in the picture.


That's unfortunate. Thanks for your answer.

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How many launches are they generally getting between Zumanjaro dispatches this year?


I know last year they were only getting 1, maybe 2 when we were there so hopefully they've got it to at least 2 on a consistent basis.


Generally, it's two launches between Zumanjaro dispatches. When we have three trains running, we can get two trains out no problem. When we only have two, sometimes we can only launch one depending on the timing between the ride cycles.

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Yeah, GADV doesn't care at all about weather, during their Spring Break week, we went that Thursday, and it was 37 degrees, cloudy, misty, foggy, etc. Everything was open. Ka was constantly up and down though, because it would start to drizzle for 5 minutes, then it would reopen.


What kind of crappy are we talking about with El Toro? Rough? Because when I went, it rode the same for me as it did back in 2006/2007. At least in my opinion.


As for cold and speed wise, I definitely didn't think the Crossover hill was delivering like it did, but it was also 37 degrees, rides run significantly slower in the cold.



Fun Fact: I was the first public rider (GP but not really since I'm a TPRer) to ride the back row of El Toro. I just so happened to be the first in line for the soft opening on June 11th.

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Not rough I just feel like I've been seeing/reading the operations have been abysmal this year. I haven't been to the park this year yet so can't speak from personal experience. Hearing slow ops and one train operations seem the norm for 2015. Hoping they step it up for passholder night, I'm trying to marathon that puppy for a while.

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Not rough I just feel like I've been seeing/reading the operations have been abysmal this year. I haven't been to the park this year yet so can't speak from personal experience. Hearing slow ops and one train operations seem the norm for 2015. Hoping they step it up for passholder night, I'm trying to marathon that puppy for a while.


One train operations were the norm during spring break but I can assure you the ride almost always runs with two trains now. As for the crew, they just need more time to get adjusted. Toro's crew this year is almost entirely new.

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Not rough I just feel like I've been seeing/reading the operations have been abysmal this year. I haven't been to the park this year yet so can't speak from personal experience. Hearing slow ops and one train operations seem the norm for 2015. Hoping they step it up for passholder night, I'm trying to marathon that puppy for a while.


One train operations were the norm during spring break but I can assure you the ride almost always runs with two trains now. As for the crew, they just need more time to get adjusted. Toro's crew this year is almost entirely new.


I only have been there once so far, but when I was there, even though operations on El Toro were a little slow, you can tell it wasn't a result of laziness or sluggish employees. It was new employees working out kinks and getting used to the process in a real-time environment. Totally understandable in my book. You can have someone sit in a training class or run simulations all you want - there's no true substitution for the real thing, and there are always some growing pains.


If it's like this a couple months from now, sure, there's room to gripe IMO, but until then, I'll reserve judgment.

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I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to trash the park or the crew. Like I said I haven't been up there myself at all this year so I'm only going by hearsay which I normally try not to do. I know there is growing pains every year, but it is lame IMO they have all new ops on the ride with the most unforgiving/tricky restraints. Last year they started off a little rusty early in the season (I was there and rode multiple times on opening day) but then on some of my visits throughout the year were the fastest crew I encountered all day.

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I give El Toro the biggest benefit of the doubt... Between the constant issue with people needing to take the walk of shame, and the station being set up that everyone has to walk past the front rows to get to the back, it's always a challenge in that station to run the ride quickly...

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I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to trash the park or the crew. Like I said I haven't been up there myself at all this year so I'm only going by hearsay which I normally try not to do. I know there is growing pains every year, but it is lame IMO they have all new ops on the ride with the most unforgiving/tricky restraints. Last year they started off a little rusty early in the season (I was there and rode multiple times on opening day) but then on some of my visits throughout the year were the fastest crew I encountered all day.


Didn't want to make it seem like I was accusing you or anything, just trying to back up Ryan's post. I agree to an extent about your gripe on all new employees, but sometimes that's just the way it is. Nothing you can do if most, if not everyone, who worked it the previous year decide to not return to the park, though.

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Unfortunately, I'm now going to be sitting CAD out this year. It's going to be close to freezing down in Jackson tomorrow night, and I'd rather stay home and watch the Rangers instead of risking having my face rip off on Nitro. I was on the fence about going anyway (because the Rangers are really the only thing that matters to me right now) but temps in the 30s made my mind up for me. Hope everyone else has a blast, it's probably going to be a ghost town tomorrow night.

Edited by Genx24
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Where are you seeing 30??? LOL I've been watching all week and the temp at 9pm has been hovering around mid 40's. Right now, looking at the hourly, its only going to 44 degrees by 9pm. Hopefully won't be cold enough for them to justify shutting rides down, but hopefully will keep crowds to bare minimum.

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LOL I hear you. I'm sure its going to be cold as hell but no w/ precip I won't mind at all. Better than a hot summer day. I'll be wearing layers and a winter hat haha. Crossing my fingers cold + Rangers/Penguins game = same lines as last year (none).

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I just hope if hardly anyone shows up they don't cancel it or close early. In 2008 I went to the fall season pass night and it had been raining all day but stopped before 5, when the event started. Multiple people called the park to make sure the event was still going to happen and the park wouldn't close early. At 7:00 they made the announcement the park was closing at 7:30 instead of 10. I later heard attendance was barely over 400 people which I believe. I took the Skyway that day and saw 5 people total walking around that section of the park. It was a great 2 1/2 hours for power riding for anyone that got there at opening but others drove to the park getting there around 7 and got turned away from entering in the parking lot.

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I wonder what the attendance was for last year. There were threats of rain all day that never materialized, and many moments where I felt like we were the only people in the park. Didn't wait at all for any ride we did that night, and they kept everything running til 9.

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Hey Guys! Something that's on my mind: I will visit SFGAdv sometime in the beginning of August. Probarbly on a weekday. And I want to ride as many rides as possible of course. Im thinking if I should buy a flash pass or not, and if I should preorder it online or buy it when arrived at the park. If I decide to buy it at the park and there is many people there, is there any chance that they have ran out of flash pass devices? There must be a limited amount of devices right?

I guess if I preorder it I wount have to worry about that. But than maybe there could be much shorter lines when I get there, and the flash pass I bought is of little use....


So my questions are: Is it likely for the park to run out of flash pass devices on a crowed day? And is there always long lines at the park in early August (week days)?

Would you buy a flash pass online or at the park?


Thank you!

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I think we'll be fine. The park didn't shut down the day I went during Spring Break when the high temperature was 39 degrees, and it was misting the whole day, with periods of drizzle and every ride was open. Even Ka, granted it kept going down when it started to drizzle


It's supposed to be sunny and warmish during the day, only getting cold at night.

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Hey Guys! Something that's on my mind: I will visit SFGAdv sometime in the beginning of August. Probarbly on a weekday. And I want to ride as many rides as possible of course. Im thinking if I should buy a flash pass or not, and if I should preorder it online or buy it when arrived at the park. If I decide to buy it at the park and there is many people there, is there any chance that they have ran out of flash pass devices? There must be a limited amount of devices right?

I guess if I preorder it I wount have to worry about that. But than maybe there could be much shorter lines when I get there, and the flash pass I bought is of little use....


So my questions are: Is it likely for the park to run out of flash pass devices on a crowed day? And is there always long lines at the park in early August (week days)?

Would you buy a flash pass online or at the park?


Thank you!


I have never seen a park sell out of Flash Passes before, even on the most crowded days of the season. I would wait until you get to the park to judge the crowds before you spend the money. Although you'll have the security KNOWING you have the passes, sometimes you'll only end up wasting your money (I've done this a few times).

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