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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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I've removed the post with the press-release fragment for now. The announcement was not meant to be made until next week, and I don't think it's cool to be jumping the gun.


Please do not repost it.


Thank you.

Edited by cfc
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I've removed the post with the press-release fragment for now. The announcement was not meant to be made until next week, and I don't think it's cool to be jumping the gun.


Please do not repost it.


Thank you.

I agree 100% (and I’m not just playing teacher’s pet). Coaster forums should be a safe haven from leaks. You don’t see movie spoilers on movie forums, so please don’t post them here for those that want to be surprised. If you want to see them, they are not hard to find.

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I've removed the post with the press-release fragment for now. The announcement was not meant to be made until next week, and I don't think it's cool to be jumping the gun.


Please do not repost it.


Thank you.

I agree 100% (and I’m not just playing teacher’s pet). Coaster forums should be a safe haven from leaks. You don’t see movie spoilers on movie forums, so please don’t post them here for those that want to be surprised. If you want to see them, they are not hard to find.


My feeling can be summed by what this one redditor said:


Whoever leaked this is an *******

That being said, thank you very much you beautiful *******

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I've removed the post with the press-release fragment for now. The announcement was not meant to be made until next week, and I don't think it's cool to be jumping the gun.


Please do not repost it.


Thank you.

I agree 100% (and I’m not just playing teacher’s pet). Coaster forums should be a safe haven from leaks. You don’t see movie spoilers on movie forums, so please don’t post them here for those that want to be surprised. If you want to see them, they are not hard to find.


My feeling can be summed by what this one redditor said:


Whoever leaked this is an *******

That being said, thank you very much you beautiful *******

I have a feeling someone got fired before this leak.

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I think it's completely fair game to "discuss" what has been seen as it is all over the internet, but out of respect for the park and the hard work that I'm sure has been put into the official announcement, we will keep any of the leaked images off the forum.

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As much as I like seeing stuff early, it’s a real shame that this got leaked, especially since Six Flags and Cedar Fair have done such a great job keeping things sealed up this year. That being said, we can still look forward to seeing the layout and hopefully some special events (#SHEEEEEEED).

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Shivering Timbers, Mystic Timbers, Soaring Timbers, Twisting Timbers.


Timbers is the new "-Hawk"


Mean steak to become Mean Timbers? Lol


I want a rollercoaster to be named "Mean Steak" more than anything in the world right now!

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Shivering Timbers, Mystic Timbers, Soaring Timbers, Twisting Timbers.


Timbers is the new "-Hawk"


Mean steak to become Mean Timbers? Lol


I want a rollercoaster to be named "Mean Steak" more than anything in the world right now!


Haha oops, seems like the perfect name for a coaster somewhere in Texas lol

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Shivering Timbers, Mystic Timbers, Soaring Timbers, Twisting Timbers.


Timbers is the new "-Hawk"


Mean steak to become Mean Timbers? Lol


I want a rollercoaster to be named "Mean Steak" more than anything in the world right now!


Haha oops, seems like the perfect name for a coaster somewhere in Texas lol


New Mean Streak Giant

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Everything that we *want* to know is out there based on the current construction.


Low 100' tall, mid 50 mph, barrel roll drop, tons of airtime since it's a RMC.

Very intersted to see how it goes out and back in the rectangle footprint that it occupies.


Themed huss top spin + giant Intamin drop + unique Intamin invert launch + B&M floorless (top tier) + Giga + RMC = A park I need to be at NAO

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Themed huss top spin + giant Intamin drop + unique Intamin invert launch + B&M floorless (top tier) + Giga + RMC = A park I need to be at NAO

It was great seeing you at your home park three years ago. Time for you to make the journey east to mine!

I don't know what parks you've been to but maybe you should do a mini-East Coast trip next year.

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Everything that we *want* to know is out there based on the current construction.


Low 100' tall, mid 50 mph, barrel roll drop, tons of airtime since it's a RMC.

Very intersted to see how it goes out and back in the rectangle footprint that it occupies.


Themed huss top spin + giant Intamin drop + unique Intamin invert launch + B&M floorless (top tier) + Giga + RMC = A park I need to be at NAO


What's sad is even with all those awesome things (and more) in that park there's a lot of locals who demand so much more. I don't even really know what more I could want at KD? Maybe more flats? I love having it 40 minutes down 95.

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What's sad is even with all those awesome things (and more) in that park there's a lot of locals who demand so much more. I don't even really know what more I could want at KD? Maybe more flats? I love having it 40 minutes down 95.



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Themed huss top spin + giant Intamin drop + unique Intamin invert launch + B&M floorless (top tier) + Giga + RMC = A park I need to be at NAO

It was great seeing you at your home park three years ago. Time for you to make the journey east to mine!

I don't know what parks you've been to but maybe you should do a mini-East Coast trip next year.


That was an awesome time! I haven't really...ever done a East coast trip. I've just completed my first NE visit, so I totally need to do an East coast trip. KD has been a park that warrants a visit even without a RMC! 305 looks amazing and ever since KI lost Tomb Raider, KDs looks like the next best thing.

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