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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

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I have never understood the complaints of Dominator's "rattle" I've ridden every row, many times this summer, and ALL of them were glassy smooth, except for one strange kink in the helix before the brake run. Seriously, it executes every element perfectly, even the cobra roll.


Completely agree with this statement. For whatever reason it was glass smooth when I rode in July. The year before though, it did have a rattle, but barely noticeable and certainly not enough to complain about personally.


^^I feel like the IntaRide coasters like I305 actually should keep the OTSR's, and I think they're a bit necessary. The extremely quick transitions tend to shuffle your torso left and right so it helps to have a restraint that actually keeps your body in place... at least, that's my reasoning. I don't have any statistics to support this but I can't even imagine I305 with lapbars for better or worse.


On an unrelated note, I'm glad this thread has finally calmed down from what happened a while ago. I can finally read without cringing

I wonder if it's because the first train is used a lot more than the other ones, so it's worn down more perhaps? You might have gotten one of the other ones that aren't used as much. Also, I 100% agree with you on keeping the OTSRs on I305. I wouldn't find it too comfortable if a turn whipped me into the person next to me

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I've got a really cool theming idea for a wing coaster:


It's called Arson, and it's themed to a dragon (who blows fire out of his mouth). The station can be themed to a mossy stone (kind of like in How To Train Your Dragon) or a Chinese/Japanese building, if you're going that route. The track can be dark green with dark red supports and orange accents.

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If CF keeps going with B&M, I can definitely see a Wing coaster popping up at KD.

Easily marketable as there is nothing else like in in the park or region. They are, in my opinion, the perfect balance of high-thrills & great overall experience, and easily give the average park-goer one of their favorite rides of the day. I don't see any other large scale coasters out there on the market that can capture such a wide demograph, and still match each ones preferences. Just all around fun & solid coaster for anyone looking for a thrill, but not be made sick.

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If CF keeps going with B&M, I can definitely see a Wing coaster popping up at KD.

Easily marketable as there is nothing else like in in the park or region. They are, in my opinion, the perfect balance of high-thrills & great overall experience, and easily give the average park-goer one of their favorite rides of the day. I don't see any other large scale coasters out there on the market that can capture such a wide demograph, and still match each ones preferences. Just all around fun & solid coaster for anyone looking for a thrill, but not be made sick.


Also when they come for the coaster, they'll also experience the improvement Kings Dominion has made since I305 and will be more likely to come back.

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If CF keeps going with B&M, I can definitely see a Wing coaster popping up at KD.

Easily marketable as there is nothing else like in in the park or region. They are, in my opinion, the perfect balance of high-thrills & great overall experience, and easily give the average park-goer one of their favorite rides of the day. I don't see any other large scale coasters out there on the market that can capture such a wide demograph, and still match each ones preferences. Just all around fun & solid coaster for anyone looking for a thrill, but not be made sick.



While I do think a wingrider would be a great fit, I think a hyper coaster is another choice that would be better IMO. B&M hyper coasters balance thrill and ride experience, it's something both enthusiasts (the ones who don't whine about B&M's being forceless anyway) and the GP can enjoy. They are immensely popular, and would give KD a great airtime machine. Plus, it's sister park KI and CW have one, so I don't see why they can't add one here. And to say that it wouldn't make sense because I305 is taller is nonsense. CP has MF and now Valravn. (I'm aware the scenario is different because of the time span and the marketing of the dive coaster, but they're essentially similar when looking at the fundamentals). The only thing I'd be concerned about is BGW having one so nearby.

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While I do think a wingrider would be a great fit, I think a hyper coaster is another choice that would be better IMO. The only thing I'd be concerned about is BGW having one so nearby.


Exactly why a wing coaster seems plausible, more so than a dive, invert, or hyper. KD should offer guests attractions that can't be found at BGW if they're trying to compete for visitors. There is still the flying coaster concept too.

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Exactly why a wing coaster seems plausible, more so than a dive, invert, or hyper. KD should offer guests attractions that can't be found at BGW if they're trying to compete for visitors. There is still the flying coaster concept too.



The only problem is the invert, dive, and hyper are B&M's best coaster types.

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Exactly why a wing coaster seems plausible, more so than a dive, invert, or hyper. KD should offer guests attractions that can't be found at BGW if they're trying to compete for visitors. There is still the flying coaster concept too.



The only problem is the invert, dive, and hyper are B&M's best coaster types.

And they are B&M's most forceless coaster types. I rode Wild Eagle, and that was very intense for a B&M coaster. I would LOVE to see a wing coaster come to Kings Dominion. Also, there's already a dive and a hyper over at BGW, so I don't think that would be the best choice for the park. I think an invert would be pretty awesome, as long as it isn't forceless! I can definitely see a wing coaster or an invert as KD's next coaster.

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^Maybe the dive, arguably the hyper, definitely not the invert. Especially considering Stengel's older designs, the invert is by far the most intense B&M coaster type. Also, most of the wingriders aren't very intense either. Especially with roll transitions, they have to be very slow to accommodate the trains

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With BGW so close by, the only B&Ms that would make sense at KD are a wing or a flyer. The best thing they could do would be to step outside the B&M bubble and get something from S&S, Premier, Mack, Gerstlauer, RMC etc;


After riding Hurler, I beggggg them to please let RMC do something with it. I'm sure they wont though

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