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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Even if Kings Dominion doesn't get a 2016 coaster, I would be just fine . . . well . . . not really . . . oh forget it . . . PLEASE BE A 2016 COASTER!


You took the words right out of my mouth. Feed. Me. Coaster. lol


After reading the forum I am think a launched B&M would be a great addition to the park, the question is what type. I wouldn't mind a launched wing coaster. Gatekeeper looks way more intense than it actually but a launch might sell me more. I am not sure what KD is doing but I like that they are feeding into the mystery with this latest video being released. Not a fan of Shockwave but I don't want to see it leave but I would not cry.

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Even if Kings Dominion doesn't get a 2016 coaster, I would be just fine . . . well . . . not really . . . oh forget it . . . PLEASE BE A 2016 COASTER!


You took the words right out of my mouth. Feed. Me. Coaster. lol


After reading the forum I am think a launched B&M would be a great addition to the park, the question is what type. I wouldn't mind a launched wing coaster. Gatekeeper looks way more intense than it actually but a launch might sell me more. I am not sure what KD is doing but I like that they are feeding into the mystery with this latest video being released. Not a fan of Shockwave but I don't want to see it leave but I would not cry.

I know right! I haven't been to Kings Dominion as of yet, but if something major is possibly coming to the park next year I will most definitely be there in 2016! I love the fact that it's early in the season and people are already making predictions, rumors, and speculations! I'm loving it all! Not just with this park, but other parks as well.

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So I must admit. . . I just found out I'm going to Kings Dominion for the first time... NEXT year... and even though it's a year away... I can not wait to ride I305. It's BEEN On my coaster bucket list since it first opened. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.

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So I must admit. . . I just found out I'm going to Kings Dominion for the first time... NEXT year... and even though it's a year away... I can not wait to ride I305. It's BEEN On my coaster bucket list since it first opened. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.

The only ways for your I305 ride to be less than a 10/10 are if you are physically unable to ride or if you're going over the second and third airtime hills and some random insect flies in your mouth. Ride this smooth beast once in the front row and once in the back row.

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Since TOGO's been out of business for 14 years, this means that parts for the Shockwave are hard to come by.


If KD wants to keep Shockwave, they can get the parts. One of Premier's specialties is manufacturing parts for rides who were manufactured by defunct companies. Premier does a lot of work with the old TOGO coasters.

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Okay, lets do the math (I hate math):


1. Cedar Fair said a budget for $120 million

2. We know of five POSSIBLE parks at this point: CP, CW, KD, WOF, and MIA.

3. Divide $120 million by 5.

4. You have $24 million for each park.

5. THERE'S NO EXCUSE that these parks could have a 2016 roller coaster.


Heck, you could even get a B&M coaster with $24 million! Take a look at Thunderbird which is the world's first launched wing coaster. That was $22 million! Then you would have $2 million to spend on creating the theme for the ride.


Now I could be totally wrong about these numbers, so don't jump down my throat about how "inaccurate" this may be, but it's something to think about. At this point Cedar Fair is carefully overlooking each park to see what the public may want, and whatever that might be I truly hope it's a ROLLER COASTER! (I also posted this on WOF thread, so . . . yeah!)

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But what if 8 parks get rides? Thats only 18 million per park. But what if the smaller parks get chance gtx coasters that are only 8 million a piece? There are so many if's out that there. Hopefully 120 Million is the budget. The would mean pretty much every park would at least get something.


I thought CF only did 70-80 Million per year?

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Well I know everyone would respond with a "they did at the last two parks" but who says it needs to be that style and design? Something more open and inviting, possibly a bit whimsical would look much better than the gates they have now!


What the guy above me said. The Point's entrance is one thing, but what they did to Carowinds' entrance is just brutal. And if they did it there, they won't hesitate to do it here.


As a former line worker at the front gate and friends with a few that have worked there recently, The Front Gate Infrastructure needs to be retooled and opened up a little bit. The park has done several refurbishments to the Old Virginia (OVA) the last few years with the addition of Dino's Alive attraction refurb. The only major part of the park that hasn't recieved any love the last 5 years is the Volcano side of the Congo. Shockwave, Hurler, Rebel Yell, Anaconda, Grizzly have all received TLC the last few years and i think it may be time to be on the lookout for some new work in the Congo. When was the last time Backlot SC received any work? Its about 9 years old and the ride gets less and less attention every year.


I think that we'll see a 'The Guardian'-style dark ride before a coaster. CP seems to be riding heavy on that.

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But what if 8 parks get rides? Thats only 18 million per park. But what if the smaller parks get chance gtx coasters that are only 8 million a piece? There are so many if's out that there. Hopefully 120 Million is the budget. The would mean pretty much every park would at least get something.


I thought CF only did 70-80 Million per year?

Cedar Fair had a great quarter. I guess they want to splurge a little bit.

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Okay, lets do the math (I hate math):


1. Cedar Fair said a budget for $120 million

2. We know of five POSSIBLE parks at this point: CP, CW, KD, WOF, and MIA.

3. Divide $120 million by 5.

4. You have $24 million for each park.

5. THERE'S NO EXCUSE that these parks could have a 2016 roller coaster.


Heck, you could even get a B&M coaster with $24 million! Take a look at Thunderbird which is the world's first launched wing coaster. That was $22 million! Then you would have $2 million to spend on creating the theme for the ride.


Now I could be totally wrong about these numbers, so don't jump down my throat about how "inaccurate" this may be, but it's something to think about. At this point Cedar Fair is carefully overlooking each park to see what the public may want, and whatever that might be I truly hope it's a ROLLER COASTER! (I also posted this on WOF thread, so . . . yeah!)


Since when did it become official for those five parks to possibly get a coaster? It could be any park.. That's just speculation.

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Also there are other rides than coasters that CF parks install....and waterpark additions too. I'm sure all that's included along with other park enhancements...unless of course it said that was just for rides. With all the parks in the chain 120 million can go pretty fast with all the additions. I don't see five new (big) coasters in the chain in one year. Maybe a a couple large ones, a couple smaller ones and maybe a relocation.

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I finally made the 3.5 hour adventure out to the park for the first time this season yesterday for the Bring-A-Friend discount days and took several of my friends. The park, as they have the past 5 seasons, is really focusing on the details which has created an incredible atmosphere that the park simply didn't have pre-Intimidator 305. Yesterday was the final day of the Spring Bloom festival, and it didn't disappoint for the first attempt at it, I expect this to expand throughout the park similar to the Halloween Haunt food booths are. The parks flowers were absolutely beautiful too.


Being with 4 first-timers to the park, I had to ride everything (which was done in 6 hours with several re-rides on Intimidator, Drop Tower, and Volcano). I must say, the coaster in the worst condition at the park, even though its paint looks good, is without a doubt Anaconda. I usually ride it once or twice a season and it absolutely killed me yesterday. However, I wouldn't be sad to see Anaconda, Shockwave, or Hurler go. If a coaster gets replaced in the Candy Apple Grove, I could see it being a B&M invert like Talon at Dorney. If a coaster gets put in the front of the park or in Old Virginia, I'd expect it to be more of a headliner or record-breaker.


To be honest though, nothing the park builds next will beat Intimidator 305 and leave many enthusiasts disappointed I'm sure. The ride is simply a one-of-a-kind and beats the hell out of Fury 325 and Leviathan still. Even though it goes so fast and is so intense, the ride has managed to stay smooth as glass and absolutely gorgeous in 5+ seasons. I expect Kings Dominion's next coaster to be back on the mediocre intensity similar to what GateKeeper is - and it should be so their coaster lineup is more well-rounded.


Other notes:

- The special touches for the 40th Celebration are even better this season

- Improved and better music throughout the park fitting with the areas more

- ALL ride attendants were very friendly, fast, and efficient even in the heat

- ALL rides were working

- Drop Tower needs painted next season

- The new Soak City, Hurricane Heights, and Splash Island look absolutely fantastic (from the views I got riding DT 5 times in a row)

- Dominator's B&M rattle seemed not to be there, even in the back with a half-empty train

- KD's future is bright in terms of food with new Chef Paul


Favorite shot of the day:


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It might just be me, but does anyone else agree that a Triotech isn't ideal for KD, since they already have a decent shooting ride in Boo Blasters? Some might say that KD needs a family coaster, but they have Ricochet. The only types of coasters that KD could be lacking are an airtime machine (think Chariot) or a bona fide chain-lift invert. I say if not 2016, it's happening in 2017 for sure.

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Let's look at KD since the CF takeover.

2007: Water slides

2008: Dominator (RIP Hypersonic )

2009: Flat rides

2010: Intimidator 305

2011: Minor improvements

2012: Windseeker

2013: Kiddie flat rides

2014: Minor improvements

2015: Water slides

2016: ???

If you tell me that they aren't due for a coaster, you've lost your mind.

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Let's look at KD since the CF takeover.

2007: Water slides

2008: Dominator (RIP Hypersonic )

2009: Flat rides

2010: Intimidator 305

2011: Minor improvements

2012: Windseeker

2013: Kiddie flat rides

2014: Minor improvements

2015: Water slides

2016: ???

If you tell me that they aren't due for a coaster, you've lost your mind.


What has VF, Dorney, WOF, MIA, and CGA received in that same time

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Let's look at KD since the CF takeover.

2007: Water slides

2008: Dominator (RIP Hypersonic )

2009: Flat rides

2010: Intimidator 305

2011: Minor improvements

2012: Windseeker

2013: Kiddie flat rides

2014: Minor improvements

2015: Water slides

2016: ???

If you tell me that they aren't due for a coaster, you've lost your mind.


What has VF, Dorney, WOF, MIA, and CGA received in that same time

KD receives much more foot traffic than its little siblings. Not saying that they aren't due as well, but it makes sense financially to invest where the highest potential for a large return is.

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Dominator and I305 are 2 of the better recent additions in the chain. I understand that batm.. I mean Dominator is a relocate but its still a awesome ride, and I305 is flat out amazing!!!! I always thought that Dorney pulled in more quest then KD?

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To be fair, KD has the most competition too with BGW and SFA. With Busch Gardens adding Verbolten and Tempesto since 305 and Six Flags adding Apocalypse, Rajin' Cajun, and LarsonLooper83933.5 since 305 it puts KD in the hotspot with locals wanting that newest coaster even if Intimidator 305 is superior to all five of those additions combined.


On the opposite side of the spectrum though, KD definitely has needed everything that has been done since Intimidator 305. I wish the park was in such great shape when the world came to see 305 back in 2010.

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Dominator and I305 are 2 of the better recent additions in the chain. I understand that batm.. I mean Dominator is a relocate but its still a awesome ride, and I305 is flat out amazing!!!! I always thought that Dorney pulled in more quest then KD?

Nah, I read somewhere that KD is #4 behind KBF, CP, and Canada's Wonderland, in that order in terms of annual visitors.

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^ Kings Island is a significant amount above Kings Dominion too.


They consider these their top-performing parks, with KD and Carowinds being about equal with attendance below them.


Canada's Wonderland

Knott's Berry Farm

Cedar Point

Kings Island


Kings Dominion


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