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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

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Kings Dominion officially announced that 8 new rides are coming to Planet Snoopy in 2013 on their facebook page. They had a picture of the Snoopy Rocket elevated monorail ride on it.


Kings Dominion

Like This Page · 16 hours ago


FACEBOOK EXCLUSIVE: Kings Dominion will unveil 8 NEW rides in the Bigger, Better Planet Snoopy next spring.


Here's one of those rides, to be called "Snoopy's Rocket Express". It will be an aerial monorail ride, where four people from your family can enjoy the view high above Planet Snoopy together!



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It's official, Kings Dominion's 2013 opening day is Friday, March 29th, 2013. The 2013 calendar (thru Labor Day) is up on the website... http://www.kingsdominion.com/hours-directions/kings-dominion 108 days to go!


Also, 3 out of the 8 new Planet Snoopy rides have been announced now, including...


Snoopy's Rocket Express



Linus Launcher



Woodstock Whirlybirds


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Great to see these operating calendars popping up around the place - makes trip planning much easier. So looks like the place will be open from 10:30-8 on the day I'm visiting.


It's a Friday (June 7), anyone able to comment on whether this will be enough time to do all the rides (will skip the waterpark), or should we budget for Fast Lane as well? Or are we better off going earlier in the week even though opening hours are shorter?

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It's a Friday (June 7), anyone able to comment on whether this will be enough time to do all the rides (will skip the waterpark), or should we budget for Fast Lane as well? Or are we better off going earlier in the week even though opening hours are shorter?

Most of the schools around there are still in school and have exams that week (including me). You should be fine!

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Also, 3 out of the 8 new Planet Snoopy rides have been announced.


While these have already been announced...

Snoopy's Rocket Express

Linus Launcher

Woodstock Whirlybirds


More have been announced such as...


Lucy's Tugboat

A Balloon Ride

and also a train ride, but this could be Snoopy's Rocket Express.



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Warning: The pictures can be a little depressing for old farts like me. Some of these attractions have been at the park since it opened in 1975. I had to take a couple seconds to recognize the area where the tree swings were and demolition of Yogi's/Treasure cave (in progress) in a couple of the pictures!


I loved Yogi's Cave. Treasure cave... not so much.

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An announcement from the park today. Remember--you must be between the age of six and ten to be a "KidCaster."


Kings Dominion Searching for its First-Ever Planet Snoopy KidCaster!


Be part of the Planet Snoopy construction as the Planet Snoopy KidCaster junior reporter!


WHAT: Can’t wait til the spring of 2013 to experience Kings Dominion’s new Planet Snoopy? Well, Kings Dominion has the perfect opportunity for you. Kings Dominion is looking for its first-ever Planet Snoopy KidCaster reporter!


The Planet Snoopy KidCaster is Kings Dominion’s roving junior reporter. The amusement park is looking for someone between the age of 6 and 10 to watch Planet Snoopy transform into the world’s largest PEANUTSTM-themed children’s area in the world.


The Planet Snoopy KidCaster will get to see all of the Planet Snoopy construction first-hand, before anyone else. The Planet Snoopy KidCaster will tell the world what they think of all the construction as the new rides and attractions are built during the off-season.


The Planet Snoopy KidCaster will be featured on Kings Dominion’s YouTube Channel, Facebook page, Twitter page and more.


WHEN: Kings Dominion’s Planet Snoopy KidCaster will come to the park to report on the construction once a month, starting in January and lasting through April, 2013.


WHERE: Apply ONLINE. Visit http://www.kingsdominion.com and click on the second homepage banner for the KidCaster or visit http://www.kingsdominion.com/biggerbetter-planetsnoopy and click on the KD KidCaster tab on the top of the screen. All applicants must fill out a submission form, which includes a 200-word or less description on why you want to be the Planet Snoopy KidCaster.


Submissions will be accepted through Monday, January 7, 2013. A winner will be selected on Monday, January 14, 2013. No purchase necessary. Full sweepstakes rules can be found at http://www.kingsdominion.com.


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Was hanging out on Youtube - which waste hours and hours - and ran across some cool KD commercials from the 70s.


"if that don't getcha then the Rebel Yell will!"


I guess Dick Van Dyke was a KD spokesperson for some time:


I first went to the park in 1984, then again in 85. Grizzly was still the "hot" new ride! I didn't get back to the park until 2011 and so much fun seemed to be gone. Granted, it was early in the season and everything (including Grizzly) wasn't open. The operations were poor and we had some serious issues with line jumpers. Of course, after being there as a kid, then going back 26 years later - I had really gotten my hopes up. Perhaps just 2 bad days for the park; I do look forward to going back to the park in the future. I'm hoping the new CF leadership will help spread the Cedar Point quality and efficiency of operations to the rest of the parks in the chain.

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Volcano and Flight of Fear seem to have the longest waits at KD while Verbolten is BGW's longest wait. Since you're going on a Saturday it seems, you might as well bite the bullet and get Fastpasses for both parks or hit any of the rides that get long waits early in the day.

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Im going around june 15th. Just wondering if you know what attractions typically have the longest waits at Kd or bgw?


you need to ride Volcano first thing in the morning. it's very low capacity and the wait gets longer and longer throughout the day. Flight of Fear is a good second choice, it can back up as well. i305 line moves pretty fast, so you can hit that at your convenience (early and often is my recommendation )


Shockwave is also an excruciatingly slow line, but unlike Volcano, it is by no means a must-ride.

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Kings Dominion Gives "Hard Hat" Tour of Planet Snoopy Construction


Gene Petriello, Kings Dominions public relations manager, and Wayne Fuqua, rides maintenance manager, showed us how the work is progressing in the park's expanded Planet Snoopy area. Once finished, this expansion will encompass the old Kidsville section, take up nearly 14 acres, and offer 18 attractions that kids and parents can enjoy together. This will make it the largest Planet Snoopy of all the Cedar Fair parks.


Eight of the rides in Planet Snoopy will be brand new:

Snoopy’s Rocket Express: An aerial monorail that gives families a view high above Planet Snoopy.

Flying Ace Balloon Race: Hot air balloons that lift up 15 feet into the air, as you spin around. Each balloon represents a different country throughout the world.

Linus Launcher: This ride will give families a sense that they are flying around together in Planet Snoopy.

Charlie Brown’s Wind Up: Families will hop in and swing around on this baseball-themed ride.

Snoopy’s Junction: It’s all aboard a Snoopy-themed railway, with Woodstock leading the way.

Lucy’s Tugboat: Come on board a rocking tugboat, as guests set sail with the entire family by their side.

Snoopy’s Space Buggies: Defy gravity, as families hop into moon buggies that bounce up and down and rotate in a circle.

Woodstock Whirlybirds: Spin around in the classic teacups, with a new Woodstock-themed twist.


Ten of the rides will be existing attractions, some of which will be rethemed with the Peanuts gang in mind:

Lucy’s Crabbie Cabbie (formerly Boulder Bumpers)

Great Pumpkin Coaster (formerly Taxi Jam)

Woodstock Express (formerly Ghoster Coaster)

Snoopy vs. Red Baron (formerly Red Baron)

PEANUTSTM Turnpike (formerly Junior Turnpike)

PEANUTSTM Road Rally (formerly Road Rally)

Boo Blasters on Boo Hill (This attraction will remain exactly as it is--no retheming.)

Joe Cool’s Driving School

Flying Ace

Snoopy’s Moon Bounce


Many details, such as height requirements, are being worked out as the work continues. The new rides will be arriving at the park between February 13 and March 1, 2013, and Planet Snoopy is scheduled to open with the rest of the park on March 29. This is, of course, subject to change due to unforeseen conditions. The names for the rides could change, too, as the process grinds on.


And before construction, there has to be some destruction. Many of the old Kidsville attractions, such as the Treasure Cave, have been permanently removed. Much of the work being done now involves digging to prepare Planet Snoopy's infrastructure. Let's have a look.


Welcome to Kings Dominion and Planet Snoopy. But please keep in mind . . .


. . . this is a "Hard Hat Area."


Yes, it's so dangerous that Snoopy has been wrapped for his own protection.


Here's the area we'll be covering.


Remember Snoopy's Splash Dance? It's being replaced by an "iconic" Planet Snoopy fountain. There are no plans for a water-play area in Planet Snoopy.


This fence is one remnant of the old Kidsville that will remain.


The Treasure Cave, which was closed all this season, used to be here. This will be the site of the Snoopy's Junction train ride.


No, this isn't "Pigpen's Dumpster of Delight." Woodstock Whirlybirds will be installed here (near Snoopy's Junction).


RIP Treasure Cave.


This will be Lucy's Crabbie Cabbie (kiddie bumper cars).


The old Boulder Bumpers facade has been removed.


"Stupid concrete! I pulverize you good!"


This is for all the fans of piles of dirt, sand, and gravel. You know who you are.


While the old air-conditioned Treasure Cave may be gone, parents and kids can seek relief in what used to be the old "Lost Parents" building. Kids (and, I presume, parents) will even be allowed to take naps inside.


OK, Taxi Jam is being rethemed as Great Pumpkin Coaster. Will you count it as a new credit? I sincerely hope not. ;)


Next to Great Pumpkin Coaster will be the station for Snoopy's Rocket Express. This will be an electric (not cycle) monorail ride. The station will be roughly 10 to 12 feet above the ground.


Hmm--I don't know what the fate of this little dinosaur will be.


Gene Petriello talks to a reporter from Fredericksburg, Va.


Moving on toward Boo Blaster. The park will be adding three new rides here, in addition to retheming some existing rides. They're still working out the details, but three new rides located here should be Flying Ace Balloon Race, Lucy's Tugboat, and perhaps Snoopy's Space Buggies.


"Must move big rock . . ."


See that pile of rubble on the left? It's roughly where Lucy's Tugboat will be located.


The existing Red Baron planes have been removed for refurbishment.


Here it gets a little confusing. Boo Blasters was technically not part of Kidsville, but it will be part of Planet Snoopy--but the ride itself will not be altered.


The two electric car rides here will be renamed Peanuts Turnpike and Peanuts Road Rally, but will be essentially unchanged.


A moment of silence for the old Kidsville sign. They'll be "Snoopying" this one up, too.


Well, that's it for the tour. There will be others as construction progresses.


I leave you with this shot of Kings Dominion's official Planet Snoopy Mobile. Thanks for reading.

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Thanks for the update! Great to see they're planning to have it all done for the start of the season.


Snoopy’s Rocket Express: An aerial monorail that gives families a view high above Planet Snoopy.


This counts as a credit, right?

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