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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Volcano will be shutting down late summer for a total station refurb. Adding 3rd train and dual loading/unloading to speed capacity.

Do we know how late in summer? I will be making my first trip to the park in early July, so hopefull the ride won't be closed by then.

Edited by X2coasterfreak
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Volcano will be shutting down late summer for a total station refurb. Adding 3rd train and dual loading/unloading to speed capacity.

Do we know how late in summer? I will be maing my first trip to the park in early July, so hopefull the ride won't be closed by then.


They didn't really say a date. They hoped it wouldn't affect their coaster tour with KD/BG.

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^ For a source to what he just said... In The Loop Rebooted Podcast - Clint Novak


Very excited about this! Also, rumor has it on Saturday KD "hole punched" your Fast Lane wrist band once you rode Volcano which only allowed you to ride it once using the Fast Lane pass... -according to somebody on the park's Facebook


This should eliminate alot of the incessant bitching!!!

It definitely won't, but this is a HUGE step in the right direction by KD. Kudos to them for taking the necessary steps to improve capacity and guest experience for that ride.

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I think this is a fantastic move on Kings Dominion's part. The wait times for Volcano can grow tediously long, no matter what time of year it is.


True but with fastlane it only got worse & about the dual station I can see one side being used for FL & the other being for normal load....perhaps they could add a 4th train to the ride to also improve capacity as well.


Having said that it won't do much for the ride layout of course & aside from the wait times it's the layout & lack of traditional inversion elements that really let me down with this ride....I'd rather have an SLC instead as at least the layout is more traditional with a lift & drop followed by more traditional inversions rather than just barrel rolls but of course that's just me.

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I think this just shows Cedar Fair is starting to make the overall guest experience better. Another example of this is Fast Lane, for the impatient.


As for time of Volcano's closure if this is true...

Considering they can build a whole giga coaster in 10 months exactly (ground breaking: June 1, 2009. media day: April 1, 2010), I'd say it would be late summer. If they shut it down in August, that will give them about 8 months to tear out the old station and redo the station, queue, and test the ride with 3 trains. I'm really excited about this and really hope it happens. Then I could actually ride Volcano not only at 10:30 in the morning...

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I think this is a fantastic move on Kings Dominion's part. The wait times for Volcano can grow tediously long, no matter what time of year it is.


True but with fastlane it only got worse & about the dual station I can see one side being used for FL & the other being for normal load....perhaps they could add a 4th train to the ride to also improve capacity as well.


Having said that it won't do much for the ride layout of course & aside from the wait times it's the layout & lack of traditional inversion elements that really let me down with this ride....I'd rather have an SLC instead as at least the layout is more traditional with a lift & drop followed by more traditional inversions rather than just barrel rolls but of course that's just me.

You have literally just invalidated everything you've ever said by saying you'd rather have an SLC over Volcano.


And I'm sure part of the redesign of the station will include a more efficient way to integrate the Fast Lane holders into the line.


Edit: And they can't just "add a 4th train" without altering the blocking system. Adding a 3rd train isn't a big deal because they're adding the dual station, but if they wanted to add a 4th, an entire new brake run would be needed (which obviously there's no room for).

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I'm glad that CF is going to take steps to increase Volcano's capacity. It's a unique ride. Hell, I'd be happy if they clean that station--it's mighty dusty in there.

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Is the Drop Tower at King Dimonion really over 300 feet tall? I found the tower to be very weak (in terms of the sudden drop at the top) and not as tall as people claim.


This is just an Intamin Gyro Drop being inferior to Second-Generation offerings. They look neat with all the spinning and such, but that's about it.

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Awesome, can't wait to see the new station happen. I have a ton of friends who prefer Volcano over Intimidator but I hate the lines for it, hopefully this can do something to improve it, and I definitely agree with Chuck- I can't think of a dustier station (and queue).

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^^^ I feel like you get a much better sense of height only facing one direction slowly disappearing beneath you... or atleast that's my opinion. I used to wonder what it would be like spinning just for the feeling, until Windseeker came to the park. Now I'm really glad it doesn't spin so the way up on the 300'+ towers are completely different experiences.

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A more efficient Volcano would be fantastic. I think the shortest amount of time I ever waited for it was on it's opening day, when I was on the third train open to the public. (Although I waited 3 hours for the rope to drop to get to the ride, so... also the longest wait for it?)

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^I think the best luck I ever had with Volcano was managing two rides in about 15 minutes (including one in the front seat) right after opening. But the line was insane by noon.

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