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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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Yeah but what?


A flyer dropping through the tunnel probably wouldn't work as B&M's track is bigger & the tunnel was designed to accomodate Arrow track,thaat & the tunnel gimmick of the existing ride is 20 years old already so it's kinda lost it's novelty a long time ago.


I think a woodie through the tunnel could be all sorts of awesome. I'm pretty sure that the clearances for a woodie would be similar to that of an arrow looper.

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The first drop under the lake is Anaconda's best feature. After that, I'm not crazy about its screwed-up transitions and the way it just hobbles through the rest of the course. I've never had a good ride on it personally, but to each his or her own.


That's the perfect description of the ride in my eyes; also it's speed and pacing has after the first two inversions is just atrocious. And Anaconda's flaws just become more and more glaring as time passes and a better caliber of steel coasters have been built at KD.


I have to agree with this 100%. After the loop and the sidewinder, the train seems to be dragging itself through the track. The underwater part was really the only good part of Anaconda.


I wouldn't shed a single tear if it was torn down for something better.

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^ They could tear it down, but keep the tunnel. Build something else through it. That would be pretty cool.


Yeah but what?


A flyer dropping through the tunnel probably wouldn't work as B&M's track is bigger & the tunnel was designed to accomodate Arrow track,thaat & the tunnel gimmick of the existing ride is 20 years old already so it's kinda lost it's novelty a long time ago.


I was thinking a wingwalker running parallel to Rebel Yell and having a turnaround near Drop Zone. The return section would go back around, over the Hurricane Reef section of the water park and then finish around Anaconda's old station. The tunnel isn't really needed so take that out. That would mean KD would have to get rid of some of the older water slides (which I don't have a problem with). Using a satellite image, it seems they could fit something there.

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^ They could tear it down, but keep the tunnel. Build something else through it. That would be pretty cool.


Yeah but what?


A flyer dropping through the tunnel probably wouldn't work as B&M's track is bigger & the tunnel was designed to accomodate Arrow track,thaat & the tunnel gimmick of the existing ride is 20 years old already so it's kinda lost it's novelty a long time ago.


I said earlier, that they could but an Intamin Rocket Coaster in the spot where Anaconda is, Intamin track is probably the same size as Anaconda's track, though, The trains are higher. They could just tear out that tunnel and put a larger one in.

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^ They could tear it down, but keep the tunnel. Build something else through it. That would be pretty cool.


Like an Intamin Rocket Coaster

Well that alien car themed congo.

No no no no. Its a congo that aliens invaded, with a highway that only mini coupes and NASCARs drive on. Oh yea, theres also a big volcano there too.

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Let's bring morgan back from the dead to make Anaconda's revenge!


Wow, if they could do a number on this the way they did Steel Phantom, now that would be friggin sweet!!!!



That would be all kinds of awesome.


I'll third that!

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Once they tear Anaconda down, I say leave the lake alone and just build some type of flat where Anaconda's station and brake-run is and put in a huge fountain like the lake used to have. Something like a S&S Giant Swing or Huss Frisbee? They could "swing" over the lake...


I say this because the Congo is mostly coaster dominated and KD could use another flat or two to round out their selection of rides.


If they did that they could remove the wooden fence surrouding the 305 plaza and it would open up that area more allowing better views of 305 from the park and the park from 305.

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^Yes! I hope something similar to that happens so I can get better camera shots of Intimidator 305! I actually wouldn't mind Anconda being removed because next time I go, I know that my family wont ride it after last times experience (major headbanging, and they didn't like it crawling through the corkscrews). So, now that I have my credit, take it away, and make a great flat or coaster there!

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Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves here?I mean who says that anaconda(as rough as it is) is going anywhere? It does draw a fairly large crowd after all....of course I wouldn't mind seeing another B&M (invert?) making use of the lake,I mean if DP can get away with having three inverts then I'm sure KD can do the same with having two.

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Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves here?I mean who says that anaconda(as rough as it is) is going anywhere? It does draw a fairly large crowd after all....of course I wouldn't mind seeing another B&M (invert?) making use of the lake,I mean if DP can get away with having three inverts then I'm sure KD can do the same with having two.

I think roughly 78% of your posts mention that you want a B&M invert at KD. I really, really hope you aren't holding your breath.

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^ I think it is more than roughly 78%... I would also really love a B&M invert at KD, but I'm not going to mention it weekly.


As far as WindSeeker goes, I wonder if they are going to replace some of the asphalt with brick pavers on the south end of the Grove as it would make it look much better than the "asphalt jungle" is where XLC's tower and turn used to be. KI replaced nearly all of the asphalt in the Coney Mall section when they added their WindSeeker.

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Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves here?I mean who says that anaconda(as rough as it is) is going anywhere? It does draw a fairly large crowd after all....of course I wouldn't mind seeing another B&M (invert?) making use of the lake,I mean if DP can get away with having three inverts then I'm sure KD can do the same with having two.

I think roughly 78% of your posts mention that you want a B&M invert at KD. I really, really hope you aren't holding your breath.


Nope, it's 50% complaining about how SFA is "neglected"

30% complaining about how KD "needs" a B&M invert when they clearly have a good one already

20% everything else

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Carowinds can actually get that HUSS Giant Frisbee so CF could strike a deal to get another for KD (and any other park that needs one).


Trust me, a Zamperla Giant Discovery is what you really want..

The Huss ones are not even worth riding after i did the Zamperla one!

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^I've seen a line extending out of the station and down the catwalk for Anaconda a few times, but that's not the norm (at least in my experience). I don't think I've ever waited more than two trains to ride it.

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