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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 776: Rapterra wing coaster announced for 2025!

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Is Dale the guy who gets every train pumped up and every time one comes back yells "HOW WAS THAT RIDE?" He's absolutely fantastic. And I think the rest of the crew knows it - they definitely hold off on the "Gentlemen, start your engines!" and letting the train go until he's done!


^Shockwave just got painted - I doubt it's going anywhere. And I've talked with my boyfriend a lot about a Eurofighter at KD, and while I'd love one, it would have to be able to run enough trains to move people through the line. Something like the Fuji-Q Eurofighter would be a great, unique fit for KD!

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I would say KD has the slowest ride ops of any Cedar Fair park I've been to. Carowinds' ops are horrible in some areas of the park, but in the front of the park (pretty much the only place the manager cares about), they do an awesome job. Dorney's ops were doing a fantastic job last month, and CP's ops blow every other park in the chain out of the water. Haven't experienced KBF enough to know a lot about theirs, but the one time I was there, they did a pretty good job (same with KI the few times I've been there). But KD has consistently been the worst, year in and year out.

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I would say KD has the slowest ride ops of any Cedar Fair park I've been to. Carowinds' ops are horrible in some areas of the park, but in the front of the park (pretty much the only place the manager cares about), they do an awesome job. Dorney's ops were doing a fantastic job last month, and CP's ops blow every other park in the chain out of the water. Haven't experienced KBF enough to know a lot about theirs, but the one time I was there, they did a pretty good job (same with KI the few times I've been there). But KD has consistently been the worst, year in and year out.


CGA's ride ops are pretty good, I never have problems with them and they actually defend the park's rules.

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That being said, Dale (an older gentleman) over at I305 was one of the nicest and most enjoyable ride ops I've seen in a while. Great guy.


I agree! He might not be the fastest, but he sure is the nicest and funniest ride ops I've ever encountered at Kings Dominion! I hope he stays over at Intimidator 305 like he has been this summer... I love when the train pulls in the station and he screams "How was that ride?" with a big smile on his face. Atleast he looks like he really enjoys his job and tries to make conversation and tell jokes to guests whenever possible. Keep up the good work Dale!

He is a great guy. I saw him smiling at 9:30 one night the next morning at around 10:30, he was still smiling.

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... and CP's ops blow every other park in the chain out of the water...


Quoted for truth. I was actually disappointed with CP when they were running only two trains on Magnum during my visit last week ! I don't think I've ever seen it run less than all three trains.

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I would say KD has the slowest ride ops of any Cedar Fair park I've been to. Carowinds' ops are horrible in some areas of the park, but in the front of the park (pretty much the only place the manager cares about), they do an awesome job. Dorney's ops were doing a fantastic job last month, and CP's ops blow every other park in the chain out of the water. Haven't experienced KBF enough to know a lot about theirs, but the one time I was there, they did a pretty good job (same with KI the few times I've been there). But KD has consistently been the worst, year in and year out.


And this has been experience minus Intimidator 305 up until mid summer this year when it has turned into all rides.


I305 used to have ops that would get trains out as quick as possible but sometime in July this year seemed to lose all those employees they've had since the ride opened last year and the new employess have a "I don't care" attitude. And don't say this is an end of season thing because I went in August-October last year and they still were doing their best. I did see Dale for the first time Sunday and he was the only one who tried so this does not include him.


The only ride I can give an exception to the ride ops is Shockwave and that is only because very few people in the world use their brain enough to pay attention that you can move the restraints up and down when you first get on. It is hilarious to watch a 6'3" guy try to fit in the train after someone who is 5'6" just rode.

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^^There shouldn't be any issue getting trains dispatched at a decent pace on Shockwave as the train is on the lift for 3 minutes. LOL


^Is this Dale a younger or older (30+) gentlemen? Reason I ask is because I find that older operators tend to have more of a sense of urgency. Just my observation though.

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^In my five years working in parks, I would say you are absolutely correct. It's really like that in any customer service-related industry. Adults have more of a perspective on life and how to treat people, younger kids just want to collect a paycheck and go home with the least amount of effort possible. It's very, very hard to make 16-20 year olds truly care about providing a positive guest experience.

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To go or not to go? I might go to KD and BGE this weekend, but I've been hesitant because of Lee's remnants hanging around. I've been monitoring the system closely on national weather sites, but it's still tough without a general focus on one region. For anyone that lives in the Doswell/Williamsburg area (or close enough), what are the local weather stations saying about the forecast for this weekend, and how Lee will affect those areas? Will it be gone by then? Honestly, it's 'projected path' on weather.com changes drastically every day, so it's difficult to tell weather the system is going to hit the Richmond area head on, or head over to Indianapolis instead.

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Lee remnants are over Virginia right now. We're being told a good chance of rain today (it has been pouring all day) through Thursday and a little bit of chance on Friday then clear on the weekend. That was what I saw early this morning before going to work on the local news station.

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^ & ^^ That would explain the superior guest service. Now don't get me wrong younger operators can have great efficiency and guest service but I believe it's more common in older operators.


100% agree! While there are excellent operators that are younger, older operators care more about their jobs and making sure everyone has a good time (and they are sticklers for making sure people follow the rules). Just go to Dollywood if you want a prime example of that.


I did notice Dale working on I-305 and would say he's probably in his 60's. He was cheerfully waving at everyone as they left the station each time we rode. Talk about a nice guy that really cares about his job...he rocks!


Then again, I obviously have a soft spot for older, wiser men and that could explain why my partner is 68!

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To go or not to go? I might go to KD and BGE this weekend, but I've been hesitant because of Lee's remnants hanging around. I've been monitoring the system closely on national weather sites, but it's still tough without a general focus on one region. For anyone that lives in the Doswell/Williamsburg area (or close enough), what are the local weather stations saying about the forecast for this weekend, and how Lee will affect those areas? Will it be gone by then? Honestly, it's 'projected path' on weather.com changes drastically every day, so it's difficult to tell weather the system is going to hit the Richmond area head on, or head over to Indianapolis instead.


The general forecast is for rain pretty much all week long.


IIRC KD is now closed for the month until haunt begins in october so you're not gonna be able to get that one in but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong on this.

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^^ I appreciate you trying to help, but I am actually planning on going this weekend, as I originally said. I am aware that it's raining right now, and supposed to rain the next day or three, but if Lee clears out by then, I might be good to go. Also, KD is indeed open this weekend, as is BGE. This trip is spur of the moment for sure, but it's not that spur of the moment! Trust me, I have everything planned out...I wouldn't drive 6 hours to a park that is closed! The only current thing causing me to hesitate is the weather.


And thanks Homeboy for your earlier advice, it is greatly appreciated!

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Are all of you guys taliking about the guy who is oldish who has a great attitude and works at 305? He sometimes puts in his own voice before the "Gentlemen, start your engines!". He says sometimes, "Enjoy you ride!", in a really enthusiastic voice. If you are taliking about him then I know who you are talking about.


Is that the white-haired guy named Dale? I love that guy! He will sometimes come out and ask people questions in line, as they wait for the train to return to the station.


MrSum1"Wishes every Cedar Fair, or even Disney, ride op were this enthusiastic"_55


Also, the Dominator and Flight of Fear ride ops on my last visit were actually doing pretty well, usually not stacking the trains. This was especially great, considering the fact that seats usually went out empty, since there was no one in line to fill them! However, the rest of the park is pretty inefficient. Stacking is usually horrible on all two-train rides. However, a two-train ride is a pretty rare sight at KD!

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I remember Dale when I went to KD in June. He asked the people in line if anyone had a birthday, and if someone did he would make us sing happy birthday!


I may have seen him over by the smoking area near the restrooms by anaconda on saturday,but then again the guy I talked to was on sweeper duty at the time & I didn't happen to see his nametag.Fran was doing a great job over at wave swinger too when compared to the ops on some of the other rides that day.


Anyone notice that ED's lights weren't even on/working saturday night? I guess they're serious about removing it but I havn't seen wether the 2012 map is even posted on the official page yet.

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