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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I for one would like windseeker's seats to face inward, like insanity at the stratosphere.(a suggestion that would never happen)


Otherwise I am happy with what kings dominion got. The only park that outranks it in terms of 300 ft+ rides is cedar point, and you don't see two 300 ft rides built in such back to back manner often.

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Thinking about going on a Saturday in October.

-Does anyone know if Flight of Fear be open during the daytime hours? I can see on the Haunt map that it is just listed as a Haunted Maze, but can't find anything saying if it's closed all day or just at night.

-How intense is the Haunt? I'm quite the wimp at haunted attractions (I'd be going mainly for coasters)

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Well it looks like Kings Dominion will also have Fright Lane for Halloween Haunt XI...


Add the new FRIGHT LANE ticket option and you'll get a lanyard that allows you to bypass the regular wait lines for every one of our Haunt mazes one time each. The more you buy, the more you save. A very limited number of these tickets are available and start as low as $20.




Kings Dominion is also doing an outdoor Fright Fight on October 7th @ 9 PM in the Showplace...


Barbarian Fight Club presents Fright Fight at Kings Dominion. Live Outdoor MMA Action. Gates open at 7:00pm, Fights begin at 9:00pm. Fright Fight Ticket AND Kings Dominion ticket or Season Pass required.





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Can't wait for this weekend! I'm planning on going to Haunt Saturday night. I would go Friday but the whole vampire thing kind of turned me away...


Anyway, I'm hoping this will be a great year. Hoping to see some improvements in mazes such as Camp Killauee, Asylum, and Slaughterhouse. Has anybody seen any decorations for Cornstalkers and/or Outbreak?

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Can't wait to hear some impressions this weekend. Heading back to Richmond in mid October and trying to decide on doing the Haunt at KD or HOS at BGW. Currently leaning heavily toward KD. My only fear is that quality is sacrificed for quantity...please tell me otherwise!

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Can't wait to hear some impressions this weekend. Heading back to Richmond in mid October and trying to decide on doing the Haunt at KD or HOS at BGW. Currently leaning heavily toward KD. My only fear is that quality is sacrificed for quantity...please tell me otherwise!


Did you attend haunt last year?It was pretty good then so I'm expecting the same level of quality again this year as well.

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Can't wait to hear some impressions this weekend. Heading back to Richmond in mid October and trying to decide on doing the Haunt at KD or HOS at BGW. Currently leaning heavily toward KD. My only fear is that quality is sacrificed for quantity...please tell me otherwise!


Did you attend haunt last year?It was pretty good then so I'm expecting the same level of quality again this year as well.


No this will only be my second trip ever to KD (first was about 2 months ago). My job has sent me to Richmond for some training and this will be my second of several trips this year to the area. I'm by myself for 2 weeks so KD and BGW were welcome breaks in the monotony of hotel life.

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^What exactly makes you not wanna go?

I do want to go, but I can't school, homework, etc.


So what does being 12 have to do with that? Haunt's main audience is high schoolers and teenagers and we have waaaay more homework than you do, but we find the time because, well, it's the Haunt!

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