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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Just got back from the park for the Flying Squirrels Day-thing, rode i305 11 times, 2 in the front row, and it's even more amazing than ever. The first turn's change is very noticeable from the queue, even my non-enthusiast friends noticed it. But I'm afraid to say, I thought the black out was much more intense...


Virtually no lines for any of the rides, even Volcano and Fof which was a one-train wait for the front row. I was on i305's last train of the night, front row, with no one else on the train but my one friend. Truly an awesome day.

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Just got back from the park for the Flying Squirrels Day-thing, rode i305 11 times, 2 in the front row, and it's even more amazing than ever. The first turn's change is very noticeable from the queue, even my non-enthusiast friends noticed it. But I'm afraid to say, I thought the black out was much more intense...


Virtually no lines for any of the rides, even Volcano and Fof which was a one-train wait for the front row. I was on i305's last train of the night, front row, with no one else on the train but my one friend. Truly an awesome day.


Thanks for the update. I like that intense feeling. I'm glad it's back. Was the first downhill much faster without the trims? Did you still get airtime on the 3rd hill? I never had a chance to ride it in it's original form. Sounds like I've got to stop calling it In-Trim-Adator.

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Shockwave was not running Friday, basically the only area of the park open was Congo. But the intense turns with the straps were so much better...if it wasn't a top 10 ride before, i305 definitely is now.


But Rebel Yell and Dominator were both testing, and I bet many of he other rides were and I just didn't notice them.

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^^Shockwave running & if so did the trains get repainted?


I don't think so because if you look closely in the bottom left hand corner of the picture below (CoasterSkinny Facebook Photo) it looks like its still the same colors and that they painted some of the station to go along with the trains. BTW, the new signage looks GREAT compared to before!


Also, here is a picture (CoasterSkinny Facebook Photo) of Intimidator 305's new turn. It looks AWESOME and is supposedly an even better ride now! Can't wait to try it out next weekend! It's devastating I couldn't make it this weekend, haha!



CoasterSkinny Facebook Photo.


CoasterSkinny Facebook Photo.

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Just got home from Kings Dominion. Aside from some unwanted wind and painful hail, it was a great day. Intimidator 305 is better than it was even on April 2, 2010. The trimless first drop is just great and the airtime on the second hill is ungodly good. Plus the trims on the third airtime hill don't slow you as much. Albeit I did start to black out just a little in the first turn, it was nowhere near as sustained as it used to be. So great job on the "new" Intimidator, Kings Dominion.

Shockwave's new paint looks great in person and the new sign is pretty cool. The station also got a refresh and is BRIGHT yellow (along with the queue railings.) Aside from that I can't think of much else that was new or exciting. Lines were actually really short and the operators were on it.

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I was there today too. I305 is just awesome this year. Untrimmed version with the straps is about as good as it gets IMHO. I305 was still a great ride even with the trims but in its current form the airtime on the second hill and the speed on the drop is just incredible. I got several rides in on it today and can't wait to get some more next time!!

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This new video on youtube shows the new layout, which appears to have solved all of last years problems. This is clearly another EPIC Intamin design.


AGREED! But the real question is, will the whimps complain about the ride or will the "black-out" reputation intimidate (no pun intended) them not to ride? If the park doesn't get complaints, I doubt the trims will return!


From those videos, 305 looks kind of strange from the top of the Eiffel Tower, haha... I can't wait to head over to Kings Dominion NEXT WEEKEND to ride it!

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