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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Man, I really need to get down there this summer and ride this bad boy! I've never been to KD, and I'm very curious to see how I-305 stacks up for me, especially against my current #1 steel (Millennium Force). I've been drooling over I-305 ever since those awesome pics and videos poured in last summer!! TWISTY!


i305 is the goateed, evil, mirror universe twin of Millennium Force.


i305 is Millennium Force with a bad case of PMS.

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I'm really not sure which I like better. I'm leaning towards MF but that's because I've ridden it only 3 or 4 times so it was considered a special ride, and i305 I've ridden upwards of 30 times and it's not as special each individual time because I've ridden it so much.... It's the same with Maverick and i305, I just can't decide!

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Today is the last day to vote for I-305. We really want to see Kings Dominion WIN this!


Everyone please...post this to your Twitter and your Facebook NOW! I want to see lots of tweets and FB posts:


Last day to vote for Intimidator 305 - Best new coaster of 2010! Everyone, go vote now! http://tinyurl.com/4ayq5z4

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Is there any reason this poll seems so heated? Screamscape, ace, tpr, and others are pushing for one result of the other (pretty much all for the carowinds version, save TPR. Are the results expected to have big returns for the park?

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Robb, All those comments about TPR on the poll only serve to bring more people into this site. I guess you as an enthusist are not allowed to vote for anything once you open a website lest you be called biased and a rigger of web polls. I used to get all up in arms when I read someone write negatively about TPR but then I settled on the fact that the many outweigh the few. Those people who constantly have nothing but hate need to stay away from here to begin with and I for one am glad that the moderators do a good job of seeing that that happens.

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^^Are you telling me to chew I305?


Having not ridden (either) Intimidator yet, I can't place my opinion on either, but I think it is great that both coasters are receiving as much support as they are... Not that an internet poll is the deciding factor when it comes to building new coasters, but having such positive reception surrounding such major investments certainly can't hurt when it comes to other parks considering taking a leap of faith into the larger coaster ballpark.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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Robb, All those comments about TPR on the poll only serve to bring more people into this site. I guess you as an enthusist are not allowed to vote for anything once you open a website lest you be called biased and a rigger of web polls. I used to get all up in arms when I read someone write negatively about TPR but then I settled on the fact that the many outweigh the few. Those people who constantly have nothing but hate need to stay away from here to begin with and I for one am glad that the moderators do a good job of seeing that that happens.

I agree and appreciate with your sentiments, but you have to think about it this way...


Nothing that the TPR Haters have ever said or done has ever affected us in any way at all.


So let them hate. We'll be too busy having fun to care!


--Robb "We have a very good weeding out process..." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Don't blame me, I voted for Sky Rocket.




(For those unfamiliar with dry humor, that's a joke)


I didn't ride 242. 305 was the best new coaster I experienced last year, although Sky Rocket was pretty sweet. That little launcher is a great fit for that park. It could use a little more notoriety.

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We're only 1% behind now! Keep voting!


I can't believe I just read through two whole pages of this rather stupid crap....who cares about a stupid poll? it's not gonna impact either park one way or the other as people will primarily "vote" in favor of whichever ride is closest to them.

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I voted for I-305 even though I never rode any of the other coasters on the list. In seeing the reviews for all of the other coasters on TPR though, I actually can't see anything (except perhaps the smaller Intimidator) as really even coming close to the thrill of I-305.


The other coasters look fun, but I'll probably never get on Battlestar Galactica or Formula Rossa. Sky Rocket also looks very fun, but not in the same league of fun as a giga or hyper.


I plan on going to Carowinds this summer to ride Intimidator, so perhaps I might change my view on my vote then, but I kinda doubt it. I can't really say that I see where the Carolina Intimidator as being much better than Nitro, Behemoth or Apollo's Chariot. Don't get me wrong though...I LOVE all B&M floorless coasters and I'm sure I'll love this one too!


But I-305 is not the same as Millenium Force and I applaud KD & Intamin for taking the risk of building a giga with a different layout - even if there are/were modifications along the way.

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This poll is purely about which coaster website is the coolest.



Replace Big Red with I305.

Replace chew with like/vote for. Big Red would have been a much better name for 305. Carowinds has Thunder Road (moon shining/Nascar) Intimidatator is a perfect fit. Kings Dominion had a triple crown winning horse grow up within spitting distance of where the park is now . I think VA should honer it's own! No disrespect to "Earnhart"(As if that hard right turn that has been a major problem from the beginning wasn't enough,But he died making a hard right turn!!!! ) But Secretariat grew up in our backyard!

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