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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I was at the park today and made a stop to see what was going on site of dominator. There was quite a bit of painting going on. Most of the painting from the middle of the first drop to the turnaround after the high speed turn is complete. The loop was being painted today and they are painting it a dark yellow like what's in the logo. The white part is after the loop, and that is what I believe is where they will paint that yellow and it will go orange after the section of track ends. The yellow track started on the ground portion track piece before entering the loop so there is no blending of colors in the track sections. I do like the colors though and they were moving portions of one of the trains around earlier on the track in the back section (turn around into the station) behind the storage. I don't know what they were doing but they had 2 cars being pulled by a big blue machine into the turn from the station. Other than that the path going back behind dominator is about 80 percent complete. They were finishing up the ends of it today. Also the station lights were on earlier, so the coaster has power as clint mentioned.

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Looks like they used some leftover paint from Shockwave's color makeover in 2000. It should look good though, once the fiberglass is put on and it's not all purple.


I'm still wondering about the rails too... if they're not being painted, then the painters are doing a horrible job at painting around them. I can't imagine they would go back and do that after the track... but I've never painted a coaster before so I could be wrong.


Give me a Break! Leftover paint from Shockwave's makeover. Ummm .... Let's see ... oh ... ok ... we have some 8 year old paint leftover from Shockwaves makeover we can use this up and paint the trains the same color! By the way, Shockwave's color is light blue not light purple.


From the looks of the pictures taken by Clint at the CoasterCrew site, I think the trains were sent back to the factory for a complete refurbishment. Looking at the detail pictures of the train undercarriage and cars, I don't think KD had the time, the manpower, and the equipment to do that intensive of a makeover of 3 trains. New seats, new OSTR's, 3 color paint scheme on the cars and undercarriage.


I could see KD getting the trains back from the factory with a "Some assembly required" sign stuck on them. Like the fiberglass car shells which, according to Clint's info, will not be bolted on until the testing is complete.


Please do us a favor and go back to the BGE ladies garden club site and leave the KD smear campain there. The vast majority of people out here in the real world don't care that it is a used coaster from GL that is getting a makeover, nor if the ride site landscape does not match the number of petunia's planted around each coaster footing at BGE.


P.S. Congrats on BGE winning the most beautiful theme park designation for the 18th year!!!!!!

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I was there Saturday till about 3 and they were still working hard on it.


Looking better but still aways to go still only 1 train on the track.


here are some pics




Station looks pretty good


mmmm hurry up please



This pic illustrates how they dug up the parking lot good and the ride sits about 6 ft below the lot


New pathway looks a hell of alot better than the old one


Finishing the pathway also you can see the transition from Orange to Yellow (no Fade in) white is the primer


overview 4-26-08


They finished the new pathway to the other end today, it looks good!

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yea, nice update man... I'm glad the weather was nice on Saturday. I'm afraid if it rains a lot this week (like it's supposed to) that will delay the painting even more, but it should be easy to get video/ pictures once they start testing. Hopefully soon.

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Thank's for the update Jeff, What's with all the difrent colors of track orange, white, and yellow.


The white is just a primer, The Vertical loop is Yellow and the rest will be Orange.

I guesss they want to hype the "Largest Loop" and make it stand out.


I am not sure how they are gonna paint the high Steel now, the cranes are gone and it seems like they only have a few Cherry pickers left.



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This ride is really looking good in it's new home. I never really liked the setting at Geauga Lake, it was built over a swamp with some nasty water underneath it. KD is doing a good job with the site, looks like some nice pavers are going in and the landscaping will dress up the coaster nicely.


This used to be my favorite ride at Geauga Lake. I think everyone at KD will really like it. Great loop and first drop, nice pacing and a fun and interesting layout. I'm glad the coaster found a good home at a nice park.

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Wow. I'm really in love with these colors. They really do (as Jeff said) make the ride stand out - especially that bright yellow being used for the loop. It's amazing how dull the unpainted track looks compared to the new stuff!


And the new path looks great - last year at VolcanoMania it was just black pavement and big fences blocking off the parking lot! Glad to see that you'll be able to get some pics that you couldn't get at GL due to the water as well!

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Wow Dominator is looking great! Too bad for Geauga Lake but at least this ride can live on. Hopefully it will be a little less rough than it was in its last few years at Geauga.



Too bad what happened to Double Loop (moment of silence for Double Loop) I rode Dominator in 2007 and it was surprisingly smooth, much smoother than Scream!, but then again having worked for both a Six Flags and Cedar Fair park I know the differences in maintaing rides. Dominator gets a longer rest as MM still operates on weekends in the off season.

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