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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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WTF is wrong with: come to a park, enyoy it and have fun, stand in queue and F...... ride the Roller coaster AS IT IS!!!

Look have many pages you guys have used discussing, a F...... trim!!! they are not there for fun.


And i am so f...... tired of some of you americans complaining about your coasters...

In Denmark we don't even have coaster that reaches 40 meters !!! and the fastes coaster we have runs 56 mph.

You guys should be happy about what you already got, and will have...


And in a way I think it is good with trims on I305, because of the chances to get a grey or black-out in the first turn.

There most be something with these "Drop and turn fast" layouts, because when i rode Piraten the Intamin Mega Lite in Djurs Sommerland, i actually greyed out.


That scares me Like in that sense of "This might actually be a little too much for me" (like Robb said)

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I rode this last week before the trims, will re-ride Sunday on my way back through town, but if I had to guess, even trimming it out as much as it looks they have will still be intense towards the end of the ride as they already had a trim, at least when I rode it, at the top of the second hill, though it was not much of one. I was talking to some ACEr's at the coaster event at SFGAdv and was told they had some serious wheel breakage issues which was why they inserted the trim at the top of the hill, then, when I was there on 5.16.10 one of the trains was making a severe noise going up the lift, they took the train off, sure enough, maintenance went to work on the 4th car's wheel assembly. This was a really intense ride, I have to say, I was a little disappointed as after two rides, I was done, though never blacked out, it was just not worth rattling.

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I have a really quick question. It's looking likely that I'm going to go to KD on Sunday, and I want to make the most of my time there. Since it's been several years since I've been there, and therefore am lacking about half of the parks' credits, what would be the best rides to hit up first? I want to make sure I get rides on Dominator and I305, but I'm not sure of the order in which to do so. Any idea would be appreciated!

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If you get there at 10 you can ride Dominator before 10:30. At 10:30 when the ropes drop do not go straight to Intimidator 305, go to Volcano and get a couple of rides in. Then get to Flight of Fear and Backlot Stunt Coaster. After that have fun because you will not have any trouble after that unless you want another ride on Volcano.

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Ditto with the above two posts, hit up Volcano and Dominator first (by the end of the day Dominator shouldn't be too bad either) then head over to the I305 neck of the woods and hit that and the other two up, then from there, the back of the park where all the woodies are should be empty most of the day, if you have to get a ride on that stand up thing, it should be dead too most of the afternoon and evening, not much of a thriller, a turn, a loop, and back to the station. Fireworks this weekend too I'm told. I'll be there Sunday myself, so hope the people stay away and go to the beach as I want to try I305 with the new trims without waiting an hour. If the line backs up to the entrance, its only about 45 minutes with no hiccups.

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Thanks for all the replies. I'm definetly planning on being there by opening, and I'm ordering my tickets online, so that will save me some time too. I'm hoping the crowds won't be too bad, considerimg it's Memorial Day weekend. But I'll do my best to enjoy it no matter what.

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Wow...just wow. Where's the love for i305? My friend and I were one of about 4 people in the station. And this was mid-day.


(It was a cloudy Sunday, but the other rides has decent queues...)


And that's precisely why I'm REALLY excited to get there next Tuesday when I'm sure that place is going to be absolutely dead.

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It's funny that even though the coaster is huge, it is in a very hard to find secluded area (similar to Drachen Fire) and for people that have never been to KD, they have a hard time finding it. I have seen people stand right by the pizza stand next to Anaconda and wonder how to get to it cause that path looks like it just leads to FOF.

Most people just wander the midway and ride whatever ride they stumble upon which makes the placement for I-232 & Diamondback really good. At KD you have to make it a mission to ride I305 and make the effort to find it. It is crazy that walking through Congo it is very hard to see especially with the trees full.



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