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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Shockwave's 25th anniversary is next season so perhaps it'll get a much needed paintjob with a new color scheme? I wouldn't mind seeing a blue spine/yellow rail combo with blue or yellow supports to liven the ride up.


Or at least just make the thing look like a Shockwave and not a neon mess. Maybe even a nice electric company train-wrap? Haha.


To quote Ed at ECB: "You mean...we could be Six Flags?"

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^ That's it... Let me shut up now...


All I want to see is small internal improvements like removing old asphalt and putting down brick and renovating bathrooms. Nothing big.


If I'm correct, Anaconda's paint wasn't finished before 305 opened just due to they didn't have enough time. I believe they have the paint ready but have to wait until the season over.


And Robb, I've ridden 305 to my hearts content and don't expect anything "big" for a few years.

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So I will probably be hated by a lot of people on here but we all deserve our opinion...


...I went to Kings Dominion on 8/26/10 and rode Intimadator... I did not like it. It was BORING in my opinion. Other then that I really do not have anything else to say about it.

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^Yikes, best not to ride Millennium Force then


That's totally fair, everyone has a right to their opinion. That being said, any reasons why (just so it doesn't flame any local fan discussions lol)? Also, what did you think of the park overall? Any rides that you enjoyed more?


I had a blast there over the July long weekend.

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^Yikes, best not to ride Millennium Force then


That's totally fair, everyone has a right to their opinion. That being said, any reasons why (just so it doesn't flame any local fan discussions lol)? Also, what did you think of the park overall? Any rides that you enjoyed more?


I had a blast there over the July long weekend.



After the first drop it just twists and turns and I find that boring for it having such a huge drop. I wanted more hills and at least one inversion. I did not feel the need for over the shoulder restraints. I understand that may have something to do with safety or what not but I still do not see the point. The quick twist during the ride were quite rough as well. I had more fun on EVERY other coaster at the park. I have more fun on Steel Force at Dorney. Millennium Force looks fun, have not rode it yet. My BF did not like the coaster either and thinks Millennium Force is a way better ride. I will make my opinion once I ride it.


As for the park, I have been several times over the years (I do not live far at all from it). I have NO issues with the park at all, just that ride. The park is taken care of A LOT better now that Cedar Fair owns it in my opinion. The rest of the coasters are a lot of fun. My favorite is Dominator which is followed by Grizzly.

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It's all a matter of one's own taste and personal opinion. That being said, I-305 is going to hit my top ten in the Hawker poll this year (as will Mind Bender at SFOG). I respect the opinions of others who don't think so highly of it, though.


^The restraints actually allow larger patrons to ride (they're more forgiving than the Intamin lapbars and seatbelts). I'm rather fond of Grizzly, too, although many people dislike it.

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So I will probably be hated by a lot of people on here but we all deserve our opinion...


...I went to Kings Dominion on 8/26/10 and rode Intimadator... I did not like it. It was BORING in my opinion. Other then that I really do not have anything else to say about it.


I completely agree and you know that...We both looked at each other and were like "WTF?" To me the ride was a let down. I can see where people might love it though. I mean and yes I have only been on 100 coasters almost (2 away from 100!) but I definately wouldnt rate it high on my list for some reason.


We were going to try the front since we had ridden in the back but it closed down later at night.


The park though was very nice and clean, Dominator was great since I havent been there in about 5 years.

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I'm rather fond of Grizzly, too, although many people dislike it.


My favorite is Dominator which is followed by Grizzly.


I totally agree with both of these. What's with all the hate for Grizzly? It's a little rough and that first turn is the most boring thing ever, but that tunnel is something ELSE.

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^^,^^^,^^^^ Awesome, thanks for the sharing. It's always cool hearing other people's take on these things. I really loved i305 and loved how the layout really fit the racing theme. That being said, not sure where it would go in a ranking. I still also have a soft spot for Millennium. Just amazing how you all have two of these beasts in the US offering two different but great rides.


I loved how Rebel Yell was running really well and I definitely have a soft spot for Grizzly as well. Our 'clone' of Grizzly up here was the first big wooden coaster that I ever rode. I still reserve judgement on Hurler

Edited by rollin_n_coastin
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I loved how Rebel Yell was running really well and I definitely have a soft spot for Grizzly as well. Our 'clone' of Grizzly up here was the first big wooden coaster that I ever rode. I still reserve judgement on Hurler


Let me help...Hurler is crap!


Actually - did KD put a trim at the bottom of the first drop like Carowinds? I still really disliked Hurler at Carowinds, but it was at least ridable without a visit to the first aid tent afterwards.


I have to mention what Bobby posted earlier about the park being maintained well since CF took over. I found the same to be true with Carowinds. People might bash Cedar Fair, but they are doing a Jam Up job with upkeep and additions to the parks.

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Actually - did KD put a trim at the bottom of the first drop like Carowinds? I still really disliked Hurler at Carowinds, but it was at least ridable without a visit to the first aid tent afterwards.


Yes they did. Thank goodness! Chris and I rode in the front seat and it wasn't that bad. Still had to prepare yourself for the turns, but the straight aways were good.

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^ My first experience on Hurler was on the East Coast Tour and the ribs on the left side of my body still haven't recovered. Weren't you and Chris involved in the EPIC photo of about 20 of us under the Hurler sign being in pain??


The trim made it "more" enjoyable, but I'm still not a big fan. At least I can ride it again without the necessity of a medic at the end of the exit ramp.

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^Thanks for the help haha Oh, and are you talking about this pic?


Actually I did notice that it was a bit less painful this time around, that trim has done wonders.


You'll laugh but this is the first time I've noticed it. Who's flipping the birds to the sign back there? lol


Hurler Group Hurt Shot - August 2008

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^ That twould be the one


I can't recall who that was...too many trips, they all blur together


What a fun day that was!! Is it July yet? I'm totally ready for my next TPR adventure.


Strike the July comment - when is West Coast Bash? I'm ready for that!

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I'm rather fond of Grizzly, too, although many people dislike it.


My favorite is Dominator which is followed by Grizzly.


I totally agree with both of these. What's with all the hate for Grizzly? It's a little rough and that first turn is the most boring thing ever, but that tunnel is something ELSE.


I concur,sure the turnaround is slow but it leads into that action packed tunnel which always has me ducking each & every time I ride...& I ride it quite a bit.


Hurler on the other hand has pain written all over it & deserves the bashing it gets....after all "you only get what you give" & unfortunately hurler gives out pain in spades.

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^Yikes, best not to ride Millennium Force then


That's totally fair, everyone has a right to their opinion. That being said, any reasons why (just so it doesn't flame any local fan discussions lol)? Also, what did you think of the park overall? Any rides that you enjoyed more?


I had a blast there over the July long weekend.



After the first drop it just twists and turns and I find that boring for it having such a huge drop. I wanted more hills and at least one inversion. I did not feel the need for over the shoulder restraints. I understand that may have something to do with safety or what not but I still do not see the point. The quick twist during the ride were quite rough as well. I had more fun on EVERY other coaster at the park. I have more fun on Steel Force at Dorney. Millennium Force looks fun, have not rode it yet. My BF did not like the coaster either and thinks Millennium Force is a way better ride. I will make my opinion once I ride it.


As for the park, I have been several times over the years (I do not live far at all from it). I have NO issues with the park at all, just that ride. The park is taken care of A LOT better now that Cedar Fair owns it in my opinion. The rest of the coasters are a lot of fun. My favorite is Dominator which is followed by Grizzly.


Just curious, but how many times did you ride I305? After my first ride I wasn't too impressed with it either. As I rode it more it really grew on my and by the end of the day it was my favorite steel.

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