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Phantasialand Discussion Thread

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There's still a lot to be done, but at least they've begun painting now.

Lots of new concrete as well, the buildings begin to take shape. Some points are so narrow, I still wonder how this is supposed to work without any legs chopped off.





Jup I was there today and seems that someone else had placed the link to my pictures

Anyway not much has changed but its still something that is great to see every day.

The biggest changes are the main building that has some more paint and some more concrete on diffrent points of the construction site.

The Chinese guys where still working hard to get the theming done.

I think that next weekend there will be more parts under a roof (helix etc).

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Has anyone seen some of these new shots posted to www.onride.de


OMG! Check out this link:



And here's a couple of the pics:





Go check out the rest of the photos here:



DO IT NOW!!!!!!



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Wow! Black Mamba just gets better and better! It's like around every turn there's another 'whoaahh - i'm about to slam into that wall / tunnel / building' moment! I've got to get over to ride it this year when it opens - just imagine what the front seat will be like!


It's funny - I know it has 4 inversions - but those pictures deceptively make it look like it has so many more!

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I dont think people really realize how great this ride is going to be. I mean, imagine being able to walk around almost 70% of the coaster layout and see the ride zooming under your feet while you purchase a t-shirt?!


I think these pictures say it all!




a tight squeeze.

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