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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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The water finale of Rhino Rally already gone... I knew it was rumored to be going, but I didn't think it would be THIS soon... and with no warning... I actually rode it last Wednesday (4/28)... Glad I did, for one last "proper" ride on it... Damn... Lets see what becomes of it with this rumored coaster... can't wait... (*and I gladly give up that water finale for the coaster... but I'll still miss it on Rhino Rally...)


From Screamscape:

(5/4/10) Don’t’ say I didn’t warn everyone a few months ago, but it’s official… BGT Guide has confirmed with the park that the water finale of Rhino Rally is now closed for good… as in FOREVER. Meanwhile BGT Nation and BGT Guide have posted new construction updates as the ground clearing continues. Look out for some shots of official

”2011 Attraction” plans carelessly left out on a table somewhere. Oh… if only the photographer had a claw on a long arm…

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^ I know there is no official announcement about removing the water portion but BGT is good at not announcing when they are removing an attraction. (Python, Akbar, etc) And I am pretty sure water portion of RR will be gone forever. RIP. It was a good idea, too bad it had to be Vekoma to come up with it and build it


I am glad to see Kumba is getting some love. I hope that whatever they are doing to it stops or slows down the nasty rust

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Dang it! They had to take it out right before my first trip to the park and from what I've seen the water finale is really cool and with out it, it's just a mediocre safari ride.


Wait, when are you going? I might go this summer

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Dang it! They had to take it out right before my first trip to the park and from what I've seen the water finale is really cool and with out it, it's just a mediocre safari ride.


Wait, when are you going? I might go this summer


I'm going to be in Florida from June 20 - 25 but I'm not sure which day I'm going to Busch Gardens.

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Dang it! They had to take it out right before my first trip to the park and from what I've seen the water finale is really cool and with out it, it's just a mediocre safari ride.


At least you aren't missing out on Kumba. They were repainting it when I visited a few years ago! (And, by the looks of it, they need to get on that again already.)


Anyway, I can't wait to see what this coaster's going to look like. I'm thinking it'll focus much more on speed than anything, so I think a lot of those twists and turns are going to be pretty fast and pretty low.

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Dang it! They had to take it out right before my first trip to the park and from what I've seen the water finale is really cool and with out it, it's just a mediocre safari ride.


Wait, when are you going? I might go this summer


I'm going to be in Florida from June 20 - 25 but I'm not sure which day I'm going to Busch Gardens.


Oh, haha, I'm going the next week!

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Well they just confirmed Katonga is closing, Via passport pulse.


I'm not a big musical kind of guy, but when I watched it with the GF it wasn't that bad. For Busch, it definitely had some production value to it. Any word on a replacement?

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Well they just confirmed Katonga is closing, Via passport pulse.


I'm not a big musical kind of guy, but when I watched it with the GF it wasn't that bad. For Busch, it definitely had some production value to it. Any word on a replacement?


I have heard a rumor that they are replacing Katonga with another ice show. Before Katonga, the Moroccan Palace housed 3 different ice shows. So it is possible.

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They haven't said what will replace it, So I do know that even among the staff I talked to that work the katonga shows, they also think that It will be a ice show, or at least, that's what they heard. They told me it's not a proven thing, but rather then heard talks of a ice show from various people.


But, I'm not sure about it entirely. BGT would have to renovate the site/building to put a ice rink in their. I personally think that it would hold off before any other construction happens with the 2011 project happens. Theirs just too much going on, I think it would be another stage store.

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I'm planning on going to Busch Gardens on Thursday. Is Kumba currently closed for this cleaning? I couldn't find anything on their site.


Hey man! I'll be there Thursday and Friday! Maybe we'll unknowingly pass each other! And it does say on their website that it's closed for cleaning, Der Der Dongt has the link.

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^Did you not see my post about the chemical cleaning they're doing?


I did, but I was under the impression that they were just testing the chemical at this point for cleaning at a later time. I would think they would do cleaning in the middle of the off-season, not in May.

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^Did you not see my post about the chemical cleaning they're doing?


I did, but I was under the impression that they were just testing the chemical at this point for cleaning at a later time. I would think they would do cleaning in the middle of the off-season, not in May.


We don't have an off-season in Florida. They close the rides at different points of the year. But you are right, it is a little late it seems. But with no off season, they have to do it sometime!

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@deathbydinn I doubt you will need a QQ if your going on a week day, the longest line you will see will likely be for rhino rally and thats almost always 45 minuets or more.

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From what I remember having lived in Florida for quite some time May (prior to Memorial Day) is 'Down Season'!


Florida is a vacation megaspot, it doesn't have that much down time, you're almost always going to miss something when you visit.

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