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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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^Waste of Money??? ...An Intamin a waste of money??? Also, who said anything about a copy???


A mega lite in BGT (piraten style) will be something that they wont like. Intamin is not a waste of money but a copy in BGT is not worth it, at least to them. As far as I know mega lites are copies. Or am I wrong?


Just cause some SEA park has a clone does not mean BGT wants one. They tend to bring something unique every time. Kumba, Montu, Gwazi and SheiKra have all been very unique when they opened. This coaster will not be any different. BGT tries to bring something new to their table and a copy is not what they are looking for. Maybe for Sea World CA and TX but not for BGT. That is what I tried to say

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^Maybe its just me, but I think it is a major assumption to presume that Busch Gardens (or SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment) has any specific preferences in their choice of ride type/development. Sure, you can make generalizations based on some historical patterns, but I wouldn't count anything out until an official press release is put out.


In terms of the idea of clones or copies in the SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment chain, there are many to be had. Plenty of the flat rides in the park are off-the-shelf models with slight theming adjustments to make them fit into the surrounding areas. Their 4-D movies have been shared throughout many of their parks, indicating a cloning procedure here. I guess my best three examples, specifically for Busch Gardens Tampa Bay would be the inclusion of Python, Scorpion and Cheetah Chase in their lineup. All three rides have sister models around the world (the third of these has a huge number of copies) and up until Python's removal, all three were featured prominently in the park's marketing.


I just think it is a little too easy to claim any single park or chain prefers to be individualistic in their design and development of new attractions, but the bottom line is that (in most cases), if a ride doesn't have a complete carbon copy somewhere else, some of its elements have to have been borrowed to make the basis of the new attraction. With that logic, any coaster with a lift hill or launch when compared to another coaster of the same type would be cloning some material from the original or previous model. For better or for worse, the development of new attractions is often contingent on the ground already trodden by those that have come before. The utilization of proven systems allows developers to innovate in new areas without reinventing the wheel by starting from scratch each time.

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A mega lite in BGT (piraten style) will be something that they wont like. Intamin is not a waste of money but a copy in BGT is not worth it, at least to them. As far as I know mega lites are copies. Or am I wrong?


Just because the mega lites that have been built so far are copies doesn't mean that those are the only layouts they will do. I'm sure if "a park" was to come to them and ask for a different layout, they would do it. Remember that 3 of those 4 mega-lites that you speak of were built in China or Japan, which have a strong history of building clones. Not to mention, it was kind of like a new style coaster at the time. ...As you know, Six Flags did the same thing with the Batman coasters and the S:ROS rides at SFA/DL. It's just a little cheaper way of getting a kick-arse coaster from Intamin or B&M.


So if BGT was ever to get a mega lite, I wouldn't automatically assume it would be a clone. ...Kumba, Montu, SheiKra, AC, Alpengeist, and Griffon all prove that.

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^Maybe its just me, but I think it is a major assumption to presume that Busch Gardens (or SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment) has any specific preferences in their choice of ride type/development. Sure, you can make generalizations based on some historical patterns, but I wouldn't count anything out until an official press release is put out.


In terms of the idea of clones or copies in the SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment chain, there are many to be had. Plenty of the flat rides in the park are off-the-shelf models with slight theming adjustments to make them fit into the surrounding areas. Their 4-D movies have been shared throughout many of their parks, indicating a cloning procedure here. I guess my best three examples, specifically for Busch Gardens Tampa Bay would be the inclusion of Python, Scorpion and Cheetah Chase in their lineup. All three rides have sister models around the world (the third of these has a huge number of copies) and up until Python's removal, all three were featured prominently in the park's marketing.


I just think it is a little too easy to claim any single park or chain prefers to be individualistic in their design and development of new attractions, but the bottom line is that (in most cases), if a ride doesn't have a complete carbon copy somewhere else, some of its elements have to have been borrowed to make the basis of the new attraction. With that logic, any coaster with a lift hill or launch when compared to another coaster of the same type would be cloning some material from the original or previous model. For better or for worse, the development of new attractions is often contingent on the ground already trodden by those that have come before. The utilization of proven systems allows developers to innovate in new areas without reinventing the wheel by starting from scratch each time.


Ok maybe BGT would go for a clone when it comes to family coasters or kiddie coasters. I am not talking about SW parks nor am I talking about flats. When it comes to big coaster, ever since Kumba, BGT has been looking to make a coaster with a unique layout they like to throw in some different type of element in there. Cheetah Chase was just a fill in for Timbuktu re-modeling.

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Ok maybe BGT would go for a clone when it comes to family coasters or kiddie coasters. I am not talking about SW parks nor am I talking about flats. When it comes to big coaster, ever since Kumba, BGT has been looking to make a coaster with a unique layout they like to throw in some different type of element in there. Cheetah Chase was just a fill in for Timbuktu re-modeling.


So then why wouldn't BGT go for a Mega-Lite? Take SheiKra for example, Before it came onto the scene, the vertical drop coasters were just basically the one drop, then they made SheiKra with a unique layout. Before Montu, it was basically just batman clones and Nemesis, and they built one bigger and better. So then why wouldn't they take a Mega-Lite and make it a unique layout? I think you're missing the point as to what we're all trying to explain here. No coaster, not matter how duplicated or unheard-of, is out of the question.


Regardless of what they would and wouldn't do, be careful speaking on behalf of the park. Parks change, and they will surprise you. Sometimes the best coasters come from the most unlikely scenarios.

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Hey guys, My name is andrew finn. I've been a long time reader/lurker of TPR, so I decided to make an account. Anyway, Today I went to BGT to check out the construction and check things out. I snooped around and asked some of the employees. I talked a driver from rhino rally, and though he couldn't say anything. He did tell me something "Massive" is coming. Granted, we know for the most part already. haha


Also, Scorpion's top piece is back up, though the ride is still closed.


On a side note, the "text" for wait time program is a complete failure. It could have just been my phone, but the service did not work at all.


enough talk I guess, here's the update. (Hope I posted it in the right area)


I wonder what would be behind this?


Thanks to a really tall dude I asked to peek over the wall (lol), we find this .



Marker photo what everyone has


More goodness, most likely for the train


It would seam that the new sidewalk (where this marker is) is RIGHT next to the train station on the left. I guess the new sidewalk will go over the train tracks, rather then a bridge. It would explain why they are only digging up that section of track. maybe


Train, wait, is that a sign? on the lumber?


I lol'd at this, Why is this sign needed? I don't know


I guess the cheetah they were making wasen't a clue to the ride. They started on a giraffe and a kangaroo.....for the sake of it, maybe it's fast, tall, and packs a punch (lol)


Scorpion with it's top piece back


Random Elephant photo I took,

Edited by Inukaza
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I stopped by the park yesterday to check to see if there was any progress on the 2011 project. I also checked out the new texting app. The scavenger hunt was pretty good, kind of like a mini Amazing Race. The only problem I see with the texting app is that if I wanted to see how long the waits were for the rides, I had to finish the scavenger hunt before starting another app. The scavenger hunt made me excited about trying the Kim Possible Mission at Epcot on a future visit. Onto the photos.


I wonder if this view from the parking lot will change in the future?


During construction, is this the possible future area for the walkway that will transport guests from The Moroccan Palace area to Egypt?


We will have to see if construction walls go up here soon.


Maybe guests will bypass most of Crown Colony and re-enter the park through this gate?


The Moroccan Palace area may have a different look in the future.


Heading towards Crown Colony. The Sky ride and possible new coaster station is on the left.


An area for the possible track transfer between the Sky Ride station and old monorail/new coaster station.


Could one of the rumored launch sections be out of the station?


The old Clydesdale Hamlet with the Sky Ride & old monorail/rumored coaster station in the background.


Sky Ride & old monorail/rumored coaster station.


Entrance to the Sky Ride & old monorail/rumored coaster station.


Thought I would take a few photos of the current Sky Ride entrance and inside the old monorail/rumored coaster station.


Old monorail boarding station.


Old monorail boarding station.


Work on the train tracks between the Monorail/Sky Ride station and the Edge of Africa.


Back to the Moroccan Palace area heading towards Narobi, complete with new construction walls.


Walls in Narobi!


Construction on the railroad.


Narobi train station's tracks are gone!


Looking back to the sky ride station - Crown Colony area from Rhino Rally. Should be interesting to see how this area of the park changes over the next year. Thanks for reading!

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What? It was cloudy all day long, if not raining. I was there from 1:00 to 4:00 and it looked pretty nasty


Today was kind of yucky. But when I went to the park yesterday (Sat.) it was really gorgeous out, a little bit hot though. I agree with you about the ride wait times that were texted. I was only texted maybe about 2 times (an hour between texts) about the ride waits. In that case, I don't think it worked very well. But it is brand new, so I'm guessing that after guests feedback they will hopefully improve.

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Sorry that this is off topic, but how does the quick queue work? I saw that they have an unlimited and one thats only good for a certain number of rides. Is it a separate line you can walk right into, or do you have a certain time you need to go to ride like with Disney's? Thanks.

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^ So would I get any control over where I sit? Or if an empty train comes in would I get to sit wherever, or do they let in everyone and then quick queue people fill up empty seats?


I know on gwazi they have QQue only seats, at least I think. (In the middle). But I do know that in most cases, they won't let you choose your own seats. The whole point of the QQue is to bypass the lines. I think you can only use the pass one time on each ride, so it's not unlimited

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I haven't noticed any designated rows at Busch Gardens Tampa. At SeaWorld, there is a Quick Queue only row.


Typically they seem to move around between all the rows excluding the front and back rows. They will board you typically before the other rows.


They have the single use option and an unlimited option now that is more money.

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I had a dream last night and it looked something like Fusious Baco



Hey guys, My name is andrew finn. I've been a long time reader/lurker of TPR, so I decided to make an account. Anyway, Today I went to BGT to check out the construction and check things out. I snooped around and asked some of the employees. I talked a driver from rhino rally, and though he couldn't say anything. He did tell me something "Massive" is coming. Granted, we know for the most part already. haha


Also, Scorpion's top piece is back up, though the ride is still closed.


On a side note, the "text" for wait time program is a complete failure. It could have just been my phone, but the service did not work at all.


enough talk I guess, here's the update. (Hope I posted it in the right area)

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^ So would I get any control over where I sit? Or if an empty train comes in would I get to sit wherever, or do they let in everyone and then quick queue people fill up empty seats?


there are 2 different qq's. Ultimate and regular. Ultimate you get to ride as much as you want throughout the day. (SheiKra, Montu, Kumba, Gwazi lion/tiger, Rhino, Rapids, Flume, Tidal Wave)

Regular QQ its only once per ride and one more from the list above. I don't think either one guarantees front row, but I think in order to expedite loading process they will put you where they can. But it does not hurt to ask

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Ah. I didnt have much fun going to this park in 2008. They shut down at the hint of thunderstorms, And if the chairlift is clogged there is a long walk between the two halves of the park with not many rides in between. oh and I watched SheiKra get stuck at the top of a lift hill in a thunderstorm at closing time no clue how they got the guests down.

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/\ Sounds like you're a blast to visit parks with!


Tampa will run their coasters in pounding rains, which is more than most parks can say. Any park in the world will shut coasters down when there's lightning near or around the area; if you can't deal with that, then don't go. Busch parks in particular, as far as I'm concerned, are among the most efficiently run parks in the country.


Sounds like you had a bad day, but understand that when you go to a BEC park, you're getting what you pay for. Compare this to a place like Six Flags over Georgia that will run one train on every coaster in the park with over an hour wait, and not open 50% of the rides the ENTIRE day when there's "inclement weather" and not one drop of rain falls, nor is there a hint of a thunderstorm.


Rest assured, those poor riders aren't still stranded.

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