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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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To hammer home the point about Griffon's crew vs. Sheikra, here's a video I shot today of Griffon's crew doing a fantastic job getting the train dispatched quickly. This wasn't even their best dispatch time, as they were getting the train out of the station as the one before it was hitting the splashdown on a regular basis. The Devil would be building snowmen in his backyard before that ever happened at Sheikra.


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I think the 2 minutes I waited on Gwazi's brakes beats out a 20 second wait on Sheikra...but still, both should be improved. I didn't find Gwazi Lion to be that much better overall than when I last rode it three years ago either.

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Cheetah Hunt is going to start testing TOMORROW, April 16th!




Sadly I can't make it to the park again until next weekend at the earliest, but I can't wait to see that puppy in action!


Also, the cheetah cub and his new puppy playmate are moving into Jambo Junction in the Nairobi area and guests will able to see them in person.

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^^If I had a 20 second wait on Sheikra's brakes I would be ecstatic. I'll probably be there Sunday...I'll check it out. But I'm not holding my breath that this weekend will be any different from the last 5 or 6 times I've been this year.


^Just made Sunday a definite for me!

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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has sent us a press release regarding the testing of Cheetah Hunt starting tomorrow.


This weekend, Busch Gardens’ Design & Engineering team will officially launch Florida’s first triple-launch coaster for the first time. But, the park warns, guests hoping to catch a glimpse of the testing in progress shouldn’t expect Cheetah Hunt to be up to full speed quite yet.


The process, which kicks off Saturday morning, begins by testing each launch point over and over again at partial power with both empty trains and cars loaded with “water dummies” that simulate the weight of human passengers.


After each launch, the train will be pulled back into position and launched again. Crews will start with the first launch point, which propels the train out of the station house; by weekend’s end, they plan to have moved on to the second launch point. At full power, launch point No. 2 will send trains up the 102-foot Windcatcher Tower. Trains testing at partial power, however, will not make it to the top of the tower.


Early next week, this phase of testing will wrap up with the third launch point – located just past the canyon in the northern end Cheetah Hunt’s footprint. Soon after, trains will start making complete circuits around the track’s 4429-foot run.


But how soon will actual people replace the water dummies? “We will run more than 3,000 cycles of the ride before we put humans on it,” says Mark Rose, Busch Gardens’ Vice President of Design & Engineering. When the time comes, Rose will be one of the first people to ride.

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Wonderful news, I'm getting my Passport for the park renewed, so I'll be able to post regular updates on construction again. (Like I was doing March of last year )



I'm also heading over Sunday, most likely. Hard to imagine how much has changed since I last went last year. New Gwazi Trains, few new shows, Cheetah Hunt testing. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

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OMFG that guy checking seatbelts at 0:35 Looks like it's speeded up!

It really doesn't take long to maker sure a restraint won't open and a seatbelt is buckled


I never thought about how, having three launches, they'd have to power each one up slowly! I remember watching the Discovery documentary on Kingda Ka and seeing how slowly they built that launch up - this'll be fun to watch!

That was a completely different system, though. It needed to be slowly set up because the parts needed to be worn in before they could begin to function normally. As far as LIMs go, that isn't really the case. It's more to make sure that they don't over heat and to get each of the launches timed. Especially since there are 3 launches, it might be pretty difficult to regulate speed in/out of each launch aside from the first one. Especially with changing variables such as weight.

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This wasn't even their best dispatch time, as they were getting the train out of the station as the one before it was hitting the splashdown on a regular basis.


You're right. On busy days they usually have at least one person working each row. This video of yours only shows two checking the restraints.

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I never thought about how, having three launches, they'd have to power each one up slowly! I remember watching the Discovery documentary on Kingda Ka and seeing how slowly they built that launch up - this'll be fun to watch!

That was a completely different system, though. It needed to be slowly set up because the parts needed to be worn in before they could begin to function normally. As far as LIMs go, that isn't really the case. It's more to make sure that they don't over heat and to get each of the launches timed. Especially since there are 3 launches, it might be pretty difficult to regulate speed in/out of each launch aside from the first one. Especially with changing variables such as weight.


I'm aware that they're different systems, I was just relating the fact that both begin testing at lower speeds and building their way up. And that, regardless, it's fun to watch that process take place.

Edited by coasterfreak101
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This wasn't even their best dispatch time, as they were getting the train out of the station as the one before it was hitting the splashdown on a regular basis.


You're right. On busy days they usually have at least one person working each row. This video of yours only shows two checking the restraints.

That's the point, that two people were able to get some heinously good dispatch times. I've seen Sheikra with four people still stack trains for 90 seconds or more on a regular basis.

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Went to the park for a little bit this morning to see how testing was going and also to see the baby cheetah. Took a few pictures and a quick video. The whole area really does look great. I can't wait for this to be finished.










sleepy cheetah



cutest baby EVER!

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Hmmm. I was also there, and also got a video. I guess you beat me too it. I'll upload some additional photos of stuff today!


It would seam they are not going to start launching from the second launch point til later this week, unlike how they said it would start today.




Since the person above already posted most of the photo's I took, I won't bother uploads similar shots.


Just at this moment, I guess some of the concrete couldn't hold. It just splattered to the ground. I guess it wasn't that big of a problem though.


Some Insider shots.


There's not much construction left, so here's some artsy shots.




Some shots that no one really takes. So here they are.


Yes. from this point of view, it looks like so much more needs to be done.

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